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Sir ST in KvK versus YGI

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/25/2024 13:32

In the month of July, K130 and Sir ST, found themselves facing yet another KvK, an event which was repeating itself every first week of the month. This event was something that Sir ST thrilled fighting in, as it would make him experience great fights and brought about new adversaries and offered a way for him and SKR to fight together side by side.

KvK in this month was one where he would receive more merit than usual, the Old God's bonus on the event gave him more than what he would normally get. This was a big motivator for him, aspiring to achieve the prince rank, but of course it had some drawbacks as well. He had lost a few great fighters of SKR before the event came around, making him rethink his strategy, and hoping there would be targets he could fend off alone. Before he would rally his opponents together with the fighters of SKR, protecting each other from any dangers that could have come their way, but now, he was going to take onto the opposing force all alone.

The risks of fighting alone were great, especially in this type of KvK, as more fighters will come out of hiding for the opportunity of receiving more merit. Sir ST knew he could lose the fight and KvK at any moment due to this, he had to act quickly and decisive without any hesitation. That was the key to the divide between win and loss, not only for his troops but the event as a whole, he did not want to lose it.

As he was getting his gear ready for the fights to come, he noticed a message from Bower, the previous duke of SKR and a good friend, "I think it would be best for everyone in SKR to sit back this time in KvK as we prepare ourselves for Alliance Conquest, its near after all. You're free to act on your own if you wish to, of course, I have faith in you, but don't take too many risks.". The worries of Bower but also his trust have reached deep within ST's feelings, motivating him to give it his all in fighting without risks. The plan he made for himself was simple: ''If everyone is avoiding fights, then I shall wait for the enemy to capture grand castles and attack them quickly inside them.''.

This plan did not seem to have any flaws in his mind, as even if the enemy was to blockade him, he could empty his castle of troops without any worries. Having this reassurance of staying safe even in a bad looking situation, made it so that he has a bit of relief heading into the fight.

As the event was starting, the opponents were revealed. They were YGI of K204, an alliance with whom Sir ST shared ties in the past. They were the alliance where one of his dearest friends fought in, Ibrandul, but he had recently departed from SKR. Sir ST knew the strength that they possessed, it was not something he could combat all alone if he wished to, so his plan was going to start to fruition just as it was made.

Ibrandul had shared some information in the past about what to expect when such an occurrence happens, he told Sir ST how experienced YGI was at fighting, which was a surprise for Sir ST back in the day, where SKR was not prolific at dueling against someone else, as they wanted to preserve all of the resources necessary for their own growth.

Now that Sir ST knew who the opposition was, he was going to head into the battle. Firstly, he hid himself through the many bubbled castles around Westeros, where he would be very hard to see and identify by the opponent, firmly waiting on them to capture the castles. After a few hours of waiting, the most awaited moment was right before his eyes, the enemy captured all of the castles, it was time for Sir ST to be on the move.

He teleported into K204 and started scouting each and every castle. Some of them were not filled at all, some others had just a few troops left to guard them, whilst others, especially King's Landing, had a big number of troops protecting the castle, or rather, as Sir ST saw it, waiting to be attacked.

Sir ST knew his attacks would not bring about victory after Bower's message, but victory of the KvK was not his goal, he only wanted to achieve a better merit, to spread his fame across the land and show the world that he still can compete. With this in mind, he quickly teleported to each and every castle, solo attacking everything that he could, winning his points for the KvK rewards, but also the merit.

Only two fights managed to take place for him, both of which were interesting to him. The first was to test his strength against an opponent with a great setup in order to see where he stood. Both of them had spearmen as their troops of choice, but after a valiant fight where many troops lost their lives giving it their all, making the King's Landings walls and corridors bloody and filled with the remaints of war, Sir ST's spearmen came out on top.

The second battle was solely focused on rewards and merit, the enemy had forgotten to strengthen their army, leaving it weak but rich in numbers, just the perfect target for someone like Sir ST, who without a moment of hesitation, struck the enemy down and then went into hiding as quickly as possible.

The plan was successful for him, despite losing the KvK as per Bower's desires and SKR's choice, Sir ST had come out with an amazing amount of merit from just two fights that he had managed to partake in. These fights would serve as the fuel for him to battle even more in the future events, which were going to come very fast, only one question lingered in Sir ST's mind, who will he have the honor of fighting next?
