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The Riddler's Challenge: A KVK Saga of Ice and Fire

Wars & Stories in Westeros Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 10/01/2023 05:50
Edited by the riddler at 10/01/2023 07:14

We had met as enemies during a kvk many moons ago now. They were a group of friends fighting for victory and they had amused me. They called themselves La Banda. I befriended one in the group, ch1r1sh, and stayed in contact. Things were becoming monotonous on my current server K299.

I began to feel the winds pulling me to adventure. I sent a raven to ch1r1sh to see about traveling to La Banda's kingdom to fight side by side with them for the upcoming kvk. It was to be a no-death kvk, so there was no risk for me. Ch1r1sh: I will discuss it with King Vangark and let you know. After several spins around the sun, she wrote me back. Ch1r1sh: Riddler, my dear friend, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I have discussed you coming to fight with us for kvk, and the King has agreed. He eagerly awaits your arrival and has not forgotten what a formidable opponent you were all those kvk’s ago. Can’t wait for your arrival, drinks are on me. I began to make the needed preparations for the long journey ahead. Gathering supplies, getting the scrolls, and sending my bannerman forth to find some good real estate in the new kingdom kept me busy. 

The bannermen arrive first. xXPainXx and PhatomNinija 

Having scouted out a prime piece of property in Kings Landing, it was now time for me to make the jump. Arriving in a new place is never easy. There are new customs and laws to adapt to. Ch1r1sh was excited for the chance to fight together and I will admit I too found the idea intriguing. There were still a couple of weeks before the next kvk, so I gathered the needed supplies. War is costly. King Vangark had also summoned me to discuss possible strategies for the upcoming match. Time goes by fast and before I knew it, KVK was upon us. Vangark requested that I stay hidden until given the word. It was apparent the King liked to have some surprises in store for the enemy having planned for any potential issues that may arise. The early reports coming in from the battlefield were troublesome. Ch1r1sh and a few others had practically been wiped out by a legendary player Masao[Intel was giving by one of Akastuki Member Waku (Maso has T5's with Strong stats)

  • . Manso Kick some LxB players and takes the lead from k276 

It was frustrating to wait while the others were fighting, but as a guest, I went along with the plan. worried about people's eyes on the riddler as they expect to be the last hope would I prefilled their hopes, there is no hope, to hope is equivalent to giving up and it's the biggest deception of all. It did not take long for the King to call me into his war tent. Vangark: Riddler, it is time. I need you to go to these coordinates immediately. We will all reinforce you from a distance. Once we are all in, you will try and lure Masao into attacking you. I could see where the King was going with his plan. I had to ask: Riddler: What if we fail? Vangark: The normal tricks have not worked with Masao, if we do not try something new, we will fail. It is risky. With significant risk, however, comes great reward. Considering his words thoughtfully, I took my leave and headed to the coordinates. It didn’t take long for everyone to arrive with their strongest dragons in tow[One of my farovite skill Reoute]. All that was left was to land the big fish. Funny story “As I mentioned in one of my videos don’t send your lord of the city “Ch1r1sh laughed when she saw my pre-sets of formations of attack ,,,, Fake attack Really, She said,

Time for action 

I send slow marching and then recall 

Warrening was on the screen so I recalled the Troops quickly. What I see is Manso are guests in my city but in chains. Start jumping like babies to avoid further attacks. The Riddler stays until his lord revival time lasts 10 seconds then he sets him free, then I go to sleep 

Once again TheRiddler showed his signature True 

I then retreated to Winterfell on the enemy server to reinforce my teammate Bzh and collect some gold, in a match so close every little bit helps. With only an hour left to KVK, an opponent from the enemy server made their way to Winterfell and started clearing the nodes. I quickly withdrew my troops from the gold mines leading the enemy back to my unbubbled castle, and he took the bait. He didn’t scout me to try and gauge my specialty, the enemy foolishly launched an attack within seconds. However, I was a much stronger warrior and managed to capture the enemy's lord. The enemy was shocked at the loss of their lord and flew into a violent rage, repeatedly attacking me despite losing battle after battle. While he was busy attacking me, Vangark launched two quick attacks to wipe out his troops and secure the victory.

The alliance celebrated their victory, but there was a thoughtfulness behind the cheer. The tales of the closest kvk La Banda had ever fought, will be sung by bards all over Westeros. I enjoyed the time spent with this group and look forward to what the next kvk will hold.

Hope Enjoy Story of the Riddler in K276

