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Ashun's AoW: The result of the countless battles

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/12/2024 18:58

After intense battles inside the All out War, Ashun and N3O as well as their allies in BDR, had found themselves in a difficult situation. They had encountered a dangerous enemy, that was ready to get in their way and not let anything slide past them. WxC, KAC, WTF and HOH had allied themselves with a greater goal in mind, total control of the map.

The only obstacles they had, were the mighty warriors from the Western side. However, as battles raged on, only a few cities remained for them, leading Ashun and his alliance into a difficult situation where they had to defend every building to the best of their abilities. He was skeptical at first, looking towards the incoming attacks with huge doubt in his mind, despite knowing that everyone had incredible strength in their own right.

In their previous battles, BDR had lost a pathway on the map, being blocked by WxC who managed to get in the way with the help of WTF. Ashun had no chance to participate in that battle, where he was deployed towards the bottom of the map. ''Next time I will not miss out again.'' were his first thoughts after the battle that complicated the fate of the event.

As time passed quickly by, the hours to the next fights dwindled, heading towards the inevitable fights. At first it was BDR attacking WxC's municipal center, aiming towards regaining all that was cut off by them in order to regain the access ways of their faction, otherwise, they'd be completely isolating N3O and BDR from the rest of the other participating alliances. Ashun wanted this fight to end up in a victory, the event had barely started, it would be unfortunate to have everything end here this early.

He wondered what the strategy was going to be, as he knew WxC and WTF were going to participate into the fight together, but there was no much time for him to learn of the strategy, as everything seemed put together fast, in order to take the opponents by surprise. He hurried himself to follow the army that departed for the fight.

The road was filled with questions, but one thing was certain: "I have to fight with everything on the line inside Elfynox's rally." were Ashun's thoughts who knew that his fight was going to be made easier as long as he was inside the rally.

After a while of pondering and getting answers in regards to the plan, the first fight had begun, all alliances started clashing inside the center, with everyone from both sides having a more than terrifying battle. The battle was going to consist of multiple waves of attacks, just like any defense and attack within the event, as it will last 1 hour no matter what. The first wave was already something that seemed endless for everyone, as it lasted an unusual amount of time. So long in fact, that there was barely any time left.

Ashun was nothing but mesmerized at the fight that unfolded, it felt like the level truly was something out of this world, and they managed to keep everything so close. His efforts inside the rallies were going to start now, as Elfynox was waiting for a good opportunity to attack. He first went after the medics of the enemy team, followed by rally leaders, the first one being Elia Martell, a council member of WxC and a fighter who had many feats over the years.

Sadly for Ashun, people took notice of the rally attacking Elia and they joined her side in order to prevent any further losses for the WxC army. They all grouped up against the army led by Elfynox, bringing them to their demise and the eventual victory of the WxC forces.

With the first objective lost, it was time for N3O to defend against of the incoming attack just a few hours later.

The leadership of N3O in B3nni, the strategist and incredibly strong fighter, had made a plan to deal with the incoming attack. In the first defense they were going to all sit inside the Center, both N3O and BDR. That meant the battle will be one of an incredible scale, with all factions clashing inside the walls of the spacious city.

This plan was something that Ashun anticipated, but he was wary of the mistakes that this could bring. He knew that if too many armies were going to be in one place, accidents were nothing but a guaranteed point waiting to happen. He, however, could not bring himself to say it to the strategist, as he was certain that the experience everyone possessed, was more than enough to avoid such mistakes. Ashun was unfamiliar with the skill that everyone had in this event, whilst B3nni had led it multiple times successfully.

This difference in experience had led to what was to come, a fight of a scale that no one had seen before. All of the strongest and mightiest warriors had met each other, ready to fight inside the for now filled with life Municipal center. The life it was filled with was soon going to disappear, making it look grim and terrifying at the sight of the outcome.

The fight had started strongly and continued just in that way, making it a heavy task to hold but they all fought valiantly, with the sound of swords clashing echoing within the whole city. The first wave of attacks was successfully defended against WxC and WTF.

With the first wave being defended, this meant only one thing: The enemy will try to adapt to the way that the N3O forces fought. They soon had done so, which led to an assault that no one had seen coming. WTF, WxC and HOH all burst through the gates at the same time.

Everyone was overwhelmed leading to an immediate demise, something that was not anticipated just mere moments ago. Ashun was left in shock, as was everyone else. Seeing the difference between the factions like that, had led to a drastic decision, immediately after this fight: ''We will not fight for the control of the map anymore, just to have fun around and gather eliminations.'' was the council's announcement, leading to the end for Ashun's All out War campaign, which seemed too abrupt for him and unsatisfying, but he was going to take that feeling into the next campaign, where he wants to do better, he is going to do better than this.
