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HuI vs OVR - Alliance Conquest Training Camp

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 01/25/2023 04:05
Edited by maximus-hoh at 01/26/2023 17:36

As the Alliance Conquest season is about to start again, I am back with a new Alliance Conquest story. 

It's "only" a Alliance Conquest Training Camp for now, but it's definitely a good way to get in the mood.

In this match, HuI, meets OVR.

OVR is an alliance from K369, an already well-grown alliance with strong individual players and comes to this match with a winning streak of 5 victories and 0 losses. Will HuI, with 4 wins and 2 losses, be able to compensate for the strength difference in this match?

HuI is the leading alliance in K362 and consists of a coalesced community of players. The core is Queen VIOLETTA, who guides the fate of the alliance with her prudent ability to lead.

OVR is the leading alliance in K369 and consists of players who can almost single-handedly decide matches in their alliance's weight class. The strong core here is formed by Yydrib, the1trueapple and Wartime around their King EmeraI.

The alliances line up and all involved hope that everyone will follow the call to join the battle. But shortly before the start, a surprise is appearing. HuI was able to unite 40 fighters to join the battle against OVR. OVR, on the other hand, probably with shaking knees, could only gather 19 fighters. Will this be a handicap for them?

The battle begins, all players are staring at the timer, the racers ready to click their fastest possible sequence to win the races to the buildings.





BirdyyB manages to capture the Temple of Mother for OVR before any of HuI's racers. HuI's VIOLETTA, YsERA und Neo G capturing Temple of the Warrior and both outposts.

The next buildings to open were the ports. In the meantime, OVR managed to fight off the Targaryen outpost from HuI. OVR with BirdyyB now occupied the Temple of Mother, with Wartime Targaryen Outpost and Yydrib the Lannister Port , while for HuI, R A I successfully captured the Targaryen Port and YsERA held the Temple of Warriors, who defended bravely against IThatsMe and Foeverlee held the Lannister Outpost.

The next big showdown was coming, with Casterlyrock opening, one of the key buildings in the whole game was able to get captured. All the players were looking at the building, hoping to read one of their players names when the bubble opened again to protect the building for the next 3:30. And then VIOLETTA appeared and HuI knew, they got Casterlyrock!

And the next counter-attack was about to take place. HuI was preparing rallies on the Temple of Mother. OVR and BirdyyB tried to gather all their strength to hold the important building. If the Temple of Mother fell and came into the hands of HuI, the match would become even harder for OVR. But all efforts were in vain and YsERa, the brother of YsERA, fought BirdyyB off the building.

However, OVR did not let this sit and also counter-attacked. As it turns out, it was a very painful one. Aneros launched a rally on Targaryen Port and Wartime on Casterlyrock, both armies taking the respective buildings, the advantage of the larger number of T4 troops now really making itself felt for the first time!

Now after 15 minutes, tables started to turn. OVR got the upper hand. And they managed more and more to bring their strong T4 players into the buildings, which they could then hold and almost all of HuI's attacking attempts were defended. HuI's point lead was shrinking minute by minute. The half hour until the mines opened and HuI could take their last chance to win the match was getting closer and closer.

Then the moment had come, the moment everyone had been waiting for. The next 15 minutes will decide about victory and defeat. Who can conquer the mines, and above all defend and hold them? The mines opened and DSGG was able to capture the Targaryen mine, just as Yydrib was able to capture the Lannister mine. Both teams set about attacking the opposing mine. DSGG managed to defend the mine and after some trys Neo G fought off the Lannister mine from Yydrib. Was this the decisive moment?

What an exciting match, what a battle full of variety. The warm-up for next season's Alliance conquest was truly successful. But in the end HuI's efforts were not rewarded and OVR managed against all odds to win this match despite being outnumbered. The 6th win in a row for a formidable playing Alliance OVR.

Thanks for reading.

See you next time!
