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[PLAYER GUIDE] How To Level Up To Castle lvl. 17

[PLAYER GUIDE] How To Level Up To Castle lvl. 17

Guides for Newbies
Article Publish : 09/11/2020 19:37
Edited by handoftheking at 09/11/2020 19:38

Thank Player Djo in K2 for contributing his game guide to us!

•    Introduction

Hello, I present you in this guide the fastest and easiest way to build your castle level 17 as a free to play player. It takes between 5 and 10 days depending on your playing time and the respect of the guide.

•    A few tips

During this rush, it should be known that all accelerations and diamonds were used in the buildings. The only research I did was building mastery. I also crafted the champion necklace in green quality during the creation of this guide, by picking up components from resource points and buying alliance materials boxes. In terms of talent, I got the building bonuses as a priority. I advise you do the same as me if your only objective is to get as fast as possible the castle level 17. I also recommend you do not create too muchT1 and T2 troops, just the minimum you need to gather a little, start your rebel group and unlock your outside buildings. Last advice, if you get lost in the game at any time, just follow the main quest!

Detailed guide

•    Castle 1 to 5

You are now free of your actions and castle level 3, I invite you to change kingdoms if you want to join your friends! Once the castle is level 5 it is too late. At this level, there are no requirements to build your castle to level 5.

•    Pass castle 6

To build your castle level 6, you will need to build your warehouse level 5. You also unlock the Weirwood, follow the tutorial that will explain how it works. You also unlock the maester's tower, which is one of the most important buildings in the game, it allows you to do a lot of research divided into 8 branches. Once your warehouse is level 5, you can launch your castle level 6.

•    Pass castle 7

To pass to your castle level 7, you will have to build your wall to level 6 & your mint as well. You will have understood it, so you unlock the wall! The first line of defense of your castle, allows you to slow down or even repel your enemies. To unlock the Mint you have to complete the"Chapter 2" of your Story quest. It also allows you to join or create an alliance, which I advise you to do because the alliance helps and coins will be very useful to help you grow faster! The problems begin because to build yourwall level 6, you need the mine level 6! The same goes for the mint, whichrequires a farm level 6. I advise you to start with the farm, the mine, the mint and then the wall. You can now pass your castle level 7

•    Pass castle 8

To build your Castle level 8, you will have to build the Master’s Tower as well as the Wall level 7. No prerequisites for the Maester's Tower and still the Mine for the Wall. So I advise you to make the Tower first, the Mine and then the Wall last. You can now pass your Castle to level 8.

•    Pass castle 9

To build your Castle level 9, you will have to build your Barrack and your Wall level 8. For the Barrack, the Quarry is necessary.

So I advise you to start with the Quarry, then the Mine, the Barrack and finish with the Wall.

You can now pass your Castle to level 9.

•    Pass castle 10

At this level, you unlock your Embassy which is used by your allies to send troops to reinforce your Castle when you're attacked, as well as your Bannerman Hall, which allows you to launch more powerful attacks with the help of the other members of your alliance. To build your Castle level 10, you will need to build your Hospital and your Wall level 9. Here it is the Lumberyard that is needed for your hospital. I advise you here to start with yourLumberyard, your Mine, your Hospital and then finish with your Wall. Last but not least, it is possible and advisable to complete your Chapter 6 of the Story quest, in order to unlock the “Active rewards” chests which are important.

•    Pass castle 11

You also unlock the Market, which allows you to send resources to your allies. To build your Castle level 11, you will have to build your Rookery and your Wall to level 10. The Quarry is necessary to upgrade the Rookery. I advise you to make the Quarry, the Mine, the Rookery and finish by the Wall. You can now pass your Castle to level 11.

•    Pass castle 12

At this level, you unlock the Training Ground, which allows you to fight against other lords in order to climb up the rankings that give diamond every 3 hours and a weekly award depending on your rank. To build your Castle level 12, you will need to build your Warehouse and your Wall to level 11 first. I advise you to do the Mine, the Warehouse and then the Wall. You can then pass to your Castle level 12.

•    Pass Castle 13

To build your Castle level 13, you will need to build your Mint and your Wall to level 12. I advise you to do the Mine, the Farmland, the Mint and finish with the Wall. You can pass your Castle level 13.

•    PassCastle 14

To build your Castle level 14, you will need to build your Maester’s Tower and your Wall level 13. I advise you the following order, the Maester’s Tower, the Mine and then the Wall. Having climbed your  Maester’s Tower level 13, I give you a little reminder about the research for the buildings mastery which saves you a lot of time during this guide. You can pass your Castle level 14.

•    Pass Castle 15

Here you will unlock one of the most important buildings of the game: the Merchant ship! It allows you to make exchanges, increase your level in order to offer you more interesting rewards. To pass your Castle level 15, you have to upgrade the Market and the Wall to level 14. Nothing complicated here, start with the Market, then the Mine and finish with the Wall.

•    PassCastle 16

To pass your Castle level 16, you will have to build your Hospital and your Wall level 15. I advise you to first build the Lumberyard, the Mine, the Hospital and finish with the Wall. You can now pass your Castle level 16 and reach the end of the guide!

•    Pass castle 17

It’s the last level to do before the end of this guide, which will allow you to unlock your Tier 3 troops, a level at which you will stay for a long time to upgrade your buildings since in this guide the only goal was to build the Castle to level 17 as quickly as possible. It is therefore logical that many of your buildings are behind schedule as well as your research. But that's not a problem, the penultimate piece of advice I would give you before I explain how to build your Castle level 17 is that at some elite events, you can try to get the 2 medals from Tyrion, who is a very powerful commander! (You can start trying to have it at castle lvl 10). But let's go back to the base of the guide, to pass your Castle 17, you will have to build your Rookery, your Barracks and your level 16 Wall. You will, therefore, have to build yourQuarry, your Rookery, your Barracks first and finish with the Wall.

You can launch your Castle level 17!


•    Executive Summary

In short, you will have understood it, you must always upgrade your wall and other buildings, make the resource buildings first for the generation of resources. Remember to forward your search for building speed, think of making troops to send them to look for resources for your buildings as well as for the collar of the champion's set that will give you additional building speed. Feel free to use your alliance coins to buy chests to get your necklace faster. It took me about 7 days to build my castle level 17 without using real money.

●  Outside buildings

Here is how it is advisable to organize your outdoor buildings:

1 Farmland (you can't keep up with the grain cost of your army and you have no penalty to be at 0 grain). the rest is balanced between Lumberyard, Quarry and Mine. In the long term, I advise you to have only one Army tent (to launch a maximum of 10,000 units at a time with the Barracks). A maximum of 5 Mints (100% troop training speed and 10% total attack). 4 to 10 Hospitals (11 with the inner one, which gives you a wounded capacity of 440,000 soldiers if you have 11 Hospitals as well as 55% of total life). It is also important to know that you can change your ratio of Hospitals and Mints according to your playing style.

*P.S.: This was first published on 2019-05-14.

Main city.png


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3 months ago

why can't i get past take back waterspring

