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AC Season 13 TNP VS bo8 and the Ghost Army

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 11/12/2022 15:54

In the realm of GOTWIC , on kingdom 320, there lies a ruling alliance of a few, but powerful lords. King Boruta, Lord GodVegeta, Lady Satrina, Lord Spiritwarrio1. These Lords, and Lady, were challenged to a duel at an Alliance Conquest event by an alliance by the name of bo8 residing in Kingdom 129.

This was not the first round of this event that TNP force was facing an enemy kingdom, so everybody was quite familiar with what to do. This was, however, the first round that due to an unfortunate event, the King Boruta will be missing. He is the most powerful Lord in the Kingdom, and in TNP alliance, so as such TNP was already facing a disadvantage.

King Boruta has fallen ill. News of his illness spread faster than a wildfire, with the same ferocity of unquenchable thirst for destruction. How will the Kingdom survive without their King in power and at full strength? How will TNP survive this round of Alliance Conquest without their leader and main warrior?

Despite the circumstances, Lord GodVegeta, Lady Satrina, Lord Spiritwarrio1 and supporting Lords gathered their armies at Alliance Conquest grounds and prepared their troops to march into the battlefield.

With only 30 minutes for mobilization, this is an immense feat of military prowess, to organize and command so many armies. TNP was quietly anticipating enemy marches and armies appearing in the horizon. 

The silence was deafening, you could hear a pin hit the floor. Nothing but the wilderness was making the sounds that night, troops were quietly awaiting their turn to strike. 

20 minutes passed by, yet not a sound, no enemy in sight. This was a very strange and eerie occurrence. How can we be challenged, yet the challenger is nowhere to be seen?

The bells of event were about to sound off, seconds left, yet bo8 Lords and Ladies were still nowhere to be seen!

Trumpets sounded off, it is time! 

TNP Warriors quickly sent their armies to occupy key strategic locations. Lady Karambites, Lord KriLLin, Lady K4rma, Spiritwarrio3 & 4 and of course Lord GodVegeta made quick decisions and mobilized their armies to take over all available checkpoints on the battlefield. Still no enemy in sight.

Silence can be scary, and that sums up the feeling of the troops that night. Looking back over their shoulders they stood confused and worried at the walls of their checkpoints.

“I see something, I see something!!!” yelled out the scout. 

“Look out there, near the walls of Castle Rock!!!”

As TNP warriors turned their heads to look in the direction that the scout pointed too, with a trembling arm, their jaws dropped to the floor. They could not believe their eyes what they saw!

Oh the horrors! The Nightmares that will surely follow this encounter!

They saw Castle Rock completely surrounded by what appeared to be an army of GHOSTS!!!!

“Oh no, I did not sign up for this!!!” shouts could be heard of panics within the army ranks of TNP warriors.

“Screw this, I am out!” yelled out another warrior before promptly turning back and running away from CR. 

“You flee, you die! I will slaughter you myself if I have to! No place for cowards in my ranks!” Yelled out Lord GodVegeta, halting the deserters in their place as if they were Instantly frozen by fear of something even greater than an army of ghosts.

“Remember your training, no matter what the enemy looks like, you  are here to do one thing and one thing only - CRUSH THEM!” Commanded Lady Satrina with passion and fortitude that of a Queen.

“To battle!!!!” screams of war cry could be heard for miles as the warriors of Lady Satrina launched into battle and went right after the gates of Castle Rock.

As they got closer and closer to the “Ghost Army” the fog surrounding them started to clear.

As the fog cleared, so did the silhouettes of the figures. As soon as Lady Satrinas army reached the gates of CR, no Ghost Army could be seen. IT WAS AN ILLUSION! A trick played by bo8 in a futile attempt to have victory without participation. I do not know what kind of magic their Maesters are cooking, but it failed in defeating brave Lady Satrinas troops.

As soon as the coveted mines were available, Lords and Ladies of TNP quickly dispatched their remaining armies to occupy them and secure a victory for TNP.

Not everything is as it seems, and not all victories are easily won. It takes courage and persistence to be victorious, breaking through odds and any challenges that life may throw at you. Today Lords and Ladies of TNP proved themselves worthy of another victory in the Alliance Conquest event. But what will happen tomorrow? That can only be answered by time.
