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Top Earth Immortals in Infinity Kingdom!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/13/2024 22:45

Hello, adventurers! It's Mael back again, and today we're diving into the world of Earth Immortals in Infinity Kingdom.

Earth is by far one of the most popular elements among players in Infinity Kingdom. Renowned for its versatility, the Earth element excels in dealing substantial damage, providing robust defense, and ensuring team sustainability. Traditionally, Earth teams have always been very tanky, with their immortals being particularly difficult to kill. In this article, we will rank the top Earth immortals and provide insights into why they stand out, offering detailed rationales behind each ranking. Discover why Earth reigns supreme and how these immortals can lead your team to victory.

  • High and Rapid Damage: Substantial damage quickly, enhancing their offensive capabilities alongside their defensive strengths.
  • Robust Defensive Abilities: They excel in shielding and healing, crucial for team survival.
  • Stability and Consistency: Earth teams offer reliability and resilience in combat.
  • Versatility in Team Composition: They can adapt well to different strategies and complement other elements.
  • Effective Against Various Elements: Despite vulnerabilities, Earth performs well against a wide range of elements, including Holy and Chaos.

Mael's Tier-Ranking of Earth Immortals.

Balanced and steadfast, Earth stands resolute in every facet of Infinity Kingdom, embodying sustainability, power, and stability. As the natural counter to Water and capable of holding its own against all elements, Earth's strategic importance cannot be overstated. While it may face challenges against Lightning, its resilience makes it an indispensable force on the battlefield. With numerous players choosing Earth as their primary element, it's imperative to consider this when forming your team. Join me as we delve into my tier-ranking of the finest Earth Immortals.


Alexander The Great: In every Infinity Kingdom discussion, one name resonates universally: Alexander. He is a must-have for any Earth Team, rivaling his historical namesake, Alexander the Great. As an Earth Cavalry Attack Immortal, he deals devastating auto-attacks, boosted by a 50% damage increase from his passive ability. His ultimate skill boosts damage and attack speed by 50% while granting immunity to control. With his artifact, Homer’s Epic, this ability becomes passive, maintaining a 35% damage and attack speed boost along with control immunity. He excels in all battles but lacks natural access to backline targets. To unleash his full potential, you need his legendary artifact, "Homer's Epic." Without it, deploying Alexander is like fighting with a rubber sword. Secure Homer's Epic to witness Alexander's epic victories and dominate the battlefield.

Charles: an Earth Defense Shieldman Immortal, is like having a French fortress on your team in Infinity Kingdom. His job? Shielding everyone from harm, just like a knight protecting a castle. He's a handy addition to any lineup, saving troops in battles and raids. But, there's a catch – he's a bit slow to recharge. So, you've got to plan carefully when using him. And, being French myself, I can't help but feel a special connection to him. I mean, who wouldn't love having a little piece of French history fighting alongside us? It's like having a mini Charlemagne in the game, minus the whole conquering half of Europe thing! Plus, he's a must-have in any Earth team, being a formidable protector of his allies. With skills like Guard, he can shield Alex and ensure he wreaks havoc on the enemy team. And, personally, I'm a big fan of skills like Weakness Protection and No Escape on him.

Very Good:

Zenobia: an Earth Bowmen Support Immortal, specializes in healing and providing support to allies. Her ultimate ability replenishes the HP of the two troops with the lowest numbers and grants them a buff, allowing them to recover HP with each successful Normal Attack for six seconds. Zenobia is a formidable immortal, serving as a crucial element in the renowned Earth/Wind Hybrid march and in Earth March formations overall. I value her exclusive artifact as very important as Empress' Favor will also increase healed targets' attack speed by 25%.

Yi Sun-Shin: (more details about this YSS here) Yi Sun-Shin, an Earth immortal leading cavalry units, introduces a novel approach to the tank role. Yi Sun-Shin shields allied units, reducing damage by 30% for 6 seconds. This skill is pivotal in protecting team members, allowing them to sustain longer in battles and maximize their offensive potential. His artifact enhances healing received by all allied immortals during Yi Sun-Shin's skill activation, synergizing effectively with Earth team skills like Vitality Touch, Purification, Shelter, and Berserk, and supporting healing immortals such as Zenobia or Theodora. Yi Sun-Shin's strategic utility lies not only in his defensive prowess but also in his ability to amplify team survivability and synergy, making him a valuable asset in Earth team compositions.


Now that we've covered the must-have and highly effective immortals for Earth teams, let's discuss Cleopatra, whom I've rated as Decent.

Cleopatra: Cleopatra is a highly accessible immortal and a popular choice in the early game. Her skill, Entangling Snakes, works exceptionally well with Earth teams by significantly reducing magical damage, which cannot be dodged. This reduction is crucial when facing enemy teams with high magical damage. Her damage output is also solid, especially when paired with Zenobia as the second backliner. As a free-to-play option, Cleopatra is obtainable without spending any money, making her a powerful addition to any Earth team. Her abilities also offer a viable alternative to Khan in Lightning teams. I've ranked her as Decent due to her high accessibility and potential, making her an attractive choice for free-to-play players. She could also be considered Situational for her effectiveness against Mages and magical damage. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below.


Pakal: Pakal is a situational Earth Immortal best used with a very high attack speed, which may make him seem appealing at first glance. However, I strongly advise against using him in PvP. While you might see many players using him in Open Arena, he's close to being classified as "do not use." Charles and Yi Sun-Shin are far superior options without a doubt. Pakal's skill, Glory of Palenque, bestows protection upon all allies for 9 seconds. During this time, for every 10 attacks made by allies, a shield is granted to the ally with the greatest losses, absorbing damage at a rate of 300% for 6 seconds.

In conclusion, Pakal is situational for Open Arena depending on team setups, but I do not recommend using him. This is my opinion.

Arash: I've ranked Arash as situational. Arash is an excellent Immortal for eliminating gnome bosses and defeating the Titantula, which can significantly impact your overall development. By gaining more Dragon Crystals, you can strengthen your team, and the Enchant Stones from Titantula will enhance your Immortal's equipment.

In PvE, Arash excels in killing bosses and gnomes. When it comes to PvP, Arash performs well, though perhaps not as well as Elizabeth or Himiko Earth hybrids. However, he is a solid substitute for free-to-play players.

Do Not Use:

Mehmed II: a spearmen damage dealer in Infinity Kingdom, has a powerful ultimate ability but suffers from low energy regeneration, limiting its frequent use. Mehmed II's ultimate ability has two key features.

It removes all debuffs, making him effective against debuff-heavy teams and DoT damage, dispelling significant debuffs like YSG’s defense transfer, Genghis Khan and Emperor Qin’s wounds debuffs, Baldwin IV’s magic damage debuff, and Bathony’s damage over time.

Additionally, it recasts with 30% increased damage if dodged, bypassing dodge rate and accuracy requirements, which allows for a pure damage build. However, his low energy regeneration limits his overall effectiveness.

Despite these strengths, Mehmed II is outclassed by Alexander the Great in Earth marches. Charles or Yi Sun-Shin paired with Alexander or Hannibal Barca are preferable, resulting in Mehmed II being ranked as "do not use."

Leonidas: an Earth Defense Spearman Immortal, is ranked as "do not use." While he is free to play and widely accessible, he doesn't compare well to other front-row Earth Immortals. His ultimate skill inflicts damage and reduces the damage he suffers, but as a defense Immortal with low physical attack, his damage output is minimal.

His exclusive artifact, which reduces opponents' energy by 150 when his ultimate skill deals damage, is essential for maximizing his effectiveness. This artifact gives Leonidas a distinct role and purpose. However, his damage reduction, though good on paper, cannot compete with Yi Sun-Shin or Charles in terms of defense. Even with the ability to reduce energy regeneration, this is not enough to elevate his tier ranking. If you have no better options, he can serve as a support for Alexander the Great, but Leonidas remains a niche Immortal and isn't part of the current meta.

Earth Immortals in Infinity Kingdom offer a diverse range of abilities, making them a versatile and formidable choice for any player. From the must-have powerhouses like Alexander the Great and Charles, to the situational yet valuable Arash, each Earth Immortal has unique strengths that can be leveraged in different strategies and team compositions. While some, like Mehmed II and Leonidas, may not fit into the current meta, understanding their capabilities and limitations can still provide tactical advantages in specific scenarios.

Choosing the right combination of Earth Immortals is crucial for maximizing your team's effectiveness and achieving victory on the battlefield. Whether you're aiming to build a tanky, resilient team or one that deals rapid, high damage, Earth Immortals have something to offer. Remember to equip them with their exclusive artifacts to unlock their full potential and tailor your strategy to your team's strengths and your opponents' weaknesses.

Thank you for joining me in this deep dive into Earth Immortals. If you found this article helpful and are interested in further exploring Earth Team strategies tailored to every budget, I'd love to delve deeper into optimizing your Earth team composition. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more on this topic!

Thank you for reading this far!

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel. Reach out on DC if you have any questions : mael_ik

Stay epic,

download Infinity Kingdom now and script your legend.

By Mael, Press Officer for Infinity Kingdom

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