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[Review] Server Sleuth: Summary and Analysis of Servers 231 Through 235 in Infinity Kingdom

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/21/2024 16:00


What’s up, folks? Welcome to my edition of Server Sleuths where I’m going to take a look at each server, five servers at a time, to give you all the details from their rankings and Legion of Frostborne(LoF) efforts to their world chat and activeness. Players are always looking for new servers to jump to and scout for LoF so I hope to provide some information on servers so you don’t have to make accounts for those you’re not interested in. Space Portals are an expensive investment so this can serve as a guide for you to determine which server may best suit your playstyle. I will also be updating the server rankings on the Infinity Kingdom Discord Community as we go along. In this article, we’ll take a look at servers 231 through 235.


💠Table of Contents

  • Server 231
  • Server 232
  • Server 233
  • Server 234
  • Server 235
  • Summary


💠Server 231

Server 231 is a massive powerhouse. The young one-color server is led by 华夏, a Ruslan alliance containing 149 members with a total of 341 million power. While the alliance is open to all, it houses many Chinese-speaking members. The top five players range from 692k to 719k with all of the top three using Holy Chaos marches. There are 4 players above 700k, 13 players above 600k, and 25 members above 500k. While their total activity level doesn’t rival many of the older super-servers, 231 is still a force to be reckoned with. Only Server 38 has the kind of firepower they have. The server dominated the first three LoF seasons and none of their opponents were difficult for them. Their winning streak will come to an end in the current season though where 231 will be losing to Server 38. LoF has been so easy for 231, they don’t usually spend much time winning the event. Expect only about four hours of play from their top players during the LoF season. 231 also fields an IBL team. The alliance isn’t doing well at the moment with a 2-2 record in 103rd place, but they can easily win a couple of matches to make the top 64 by the end of the point stage. Interestingly, there isn’t a migration limit set on the server even though 华夏 completes COR every rotation. It just goes to show how little they’re afraid of rogues migrating in. The server is ideal for players who are seeking LoF wins in a relatively small-sized server.

💠Server 232

Server 232 is a red-colored server that is home to WOLVES(WOLF). WOLF has 99 members with a total of 78 million power. The top five players range from 352k to 467k with the top three using Earth, Water, and Water marches, respectively. There are only three players above 400k and while we cannot judge young servers and new players by their powers, we can usually determine their level of activity by their success and participation in events. WOLF only had one city in three LoF seasons. However, they will end with their Zone 1 in the ongoing season with a bracket full of dead servers. The server has never crowned a king, but fortunately, there isn’t a migration limit imposed. Unfortunately, there probably won’t be any prospects looking to spend Space Portals to join such a small and new server.

💠Server 233

Server 233 is the second active server so far this week. The server was once a two-color server not long ago but the Ruslan faction has merged into Vitas. The server houses the Vitas alliance Tree of Wisdom(ToW). It has 150 players with a total of nearly 300 million power. The top five range from 474k to 577k. Two of the top three are fielding Earth Loki teams and the other is using an Earth team featuring Himiko. Two players are above 500k and 42 are above 400k. I would classify them as a small to medium-sized server with some power at the top. The server has had great success in LoF, winning three out of three seasons. Every season, they controlled all three Citadels and Ymir which means they dominated their competition. 233 has some success in IBL as well. In Season 5, they currently sit at rank 66 with a 3-2 record, but I have no doubt they will make playoffs by the time they finish all their matches. In Season 4, ToW ended in 43rd place and their sister alliance Watch It Burn ended 29th. The migration limit is currently set at two million power and ToW completes every COR rotation. If you want to join a small server with competitive LoF and IBL teams, 233 is worth considering.

💠Server 234

Server 234 is a one-color server. The Ydvia alliance Conquerors Expansion has 25 players with a total of 17 million power. The top five players are all under 400k power and only one eclipsed 300k. They range from 234k to 318k with the top three using Water, Wind, and Fire teams, respectively. Unsurprisingly, 234 has never made an impact in LoF. They do not have enough players to siege cities and the server is going to continue the trend as it enters Conquest Season. The migration limit is set at three million power and the server hasn’t crowned a king in over half a year. The number of active players still playing on the server can be counted on one hand. There isn’t much going for it and the server will likely be a merge candidate in the future.

💠Server 235

Lastly, like many of its neighboring servers, Server 235 is yet another dead server. The blue-colored server is led by DEVILS LINE(DVS). The alliance has 87 members with a total of 43 million power. The top five players have between 279k and 466k power with only one player above 400k. The top three use Fire, Earth, and Fire marches, respectively. DVS has participated in LoF every season for the last three seasons, retaining at least a few cities each time. The server won’t win any seasons anytime soon, but it’s better than servers that haven’t received any cities at the end. Unlike most of the servers in this batch, DVS has no issues completing COR. Although they don’t complete every rotation, their last king was crowned less than a month ago. The migration limit is set at three million power. Despite being a relatively weak server, they are fairly active and their chats have occasional messages.


Of the five servers here, I would only seriously consider Servers 231 and 233 as potential destinations. They both have great success in LoF and moderate success in IBL. The other three servers, 232, 234, and 235 are just too inactive to justify spending 70 Space Portals on. Not to mention, a couple of them have migration limits. 


What other facts about servers would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!



Version 2.6.9

💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website





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