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Spotlight on Immortal : King Arthur

Article Publish : 06/21/2024 01:53
Edited by moratia at 06/21/2024 03:57

Hi everyone, I’m PO PandaMoratia. In today’s article, we will talk about The Immortal King Arthur. We will review the immortal skill and exclusive artifact, and we will also study which immortal and skill pairings can be done. Finally, I will go over my thoughts regarding this immortal and where I believe he fits in the current meta.

Concept : 

King Arthur is a Wind Defense Cavalry Immortal. His mechanic is to reduce all the damage he receives by 35% and has a 60% chance of reflecting 50% of the damage back to the attacker for 6 seconds.

Exclusive Artifact : 

I value it highly. The exclusive artifact increases the damage reflection to 70% (instead of 50%). Sadly, it doesn’t increase the chance to reflect the damage, which is a significant issue with this immortal. For the stats, I would aim to get a Physical Defense % as the main attribute and Growth as the special attribute.

Skills : 

This Immortal has a Defense Immortal trait, and all the standard support skills work very effectively with him, especially because he does not have any support ability in his kit.

Siren Gaze: This skill truly shines with only a few Immortals. By taunting more immortals to hit him, you trigger more damage reflection.

Life Link: Increases damage reflection.

Guard/Assist: Redirects damage into yourself, allowing you to reflect more damage.

Iron Will: Ensures that you don’t take too much damage if you get controlled while your ultimate skill isn’t active.

Absolute Defense: Further increases the health balance aspect of his mechanic.

Shelter: Also increases the health balance aspect of his mechanic.

Best friends : 

There are no synergies with King Arthur as he prefers to work alone and doesn't contribute much to the team. This does make him somewhat versatile since he can operate independently and is often used to counter his archrival, Alexander.

A piece of History : 

King Arthur according to legends, was a king of Britain. He is a mist between Legend and History and most historians who study the period do not consider him a historical figure. The legendary Arthur developed as a figure of international interest largely through the popularity of Geoffrey of Monmouth's fanciful and imaginative 12th-century Historia Regum Britanniae where he was depicted the ruler who defeated the Saxon and established a vast Empire.

While most of the elements of the Arthurian story appear in Geoffrey's Historia, it’s only The 12th-century that a French writer Chrétien de Troyes added Lancelot and the quest for the Holy Grail. The themes, events and characters of the Arthurian legend vary widely from text to text, and there is no one canonical version. The legend still lives on to this day not only in literature but also in adaptations for theatre, film, television, comics and other media.

Conclusion : 

I'm still trying to figure out King Arthur's role in the game. He doesn't deal enough damage to be a secondary carry, and he lacks enabling/disabling mechanics in his natural kit. There's no content that makes him necessary either. I wouldn't advise anyone to build him; just max out his stars for the Harbor when you no longer need your purple stones. Hopefully, in the future, the immortal will get a rework or a specific game mode will give him more importance. I definitely hope so.

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Press Officer [S56]PandaMoratia, currently an officer of the Ydvia Alliance [ANA]rchy. Press Officers are players with the role of journalist in the game. We are not developers, members of the support team, or GTArcade/YooZoo employees.

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