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Commenting on Infinity Kingdom Patch 2.7.0!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/21/2024 21:45
Edited by m a ë l at 06/22/2024 01:13

Mael here today to comment on the latest official release and patch notes for version 2.7.0 in Infinity Kingdom. The Legion of Frostborne is set to undergo significant changes, emphasizing teamwork and strategic alliances in the Frozen Realm. Let's recap what's upcoming and evaluate these additions—are they a great enhancement or not? Join me as we explore the updates and my thoughts on each!

New Legion of Frostborne - Beta Version

Here are the new features and optimizations in the updated Legion of Frostborne. We'll now comment on each to assess their impact and significance on the battlefield.

Opening Requirements

The new Legion of Frostborne, set to open during the Conquest Season, requires Alliances ranked at level 4 or higher and Lords at level 15 or higher to participate. This ensures that seasoned players are the primary contenders in this challenging battlefield.

Mael's opinion: I believe it's a great decision to limit the beta trial of the new Legion of Frostborne to the Conquest Season, where experienced players with greater resources, dynamic strategies, and active members can assess the relevance of the upcoming additions. This approach serves the whole community without constraining new players from Seasons 1, 2, or 3, allowing them to grow while seasoned players test the beta version. Changing the habits and gameplay for more recent and newer players would risk confusion and disorientation, making the Conquest Season an ideal testing ground for such significant updates.

Matching System

Server Matching

The Conquest Season will match opponents based on factors like Lord Power, historical battle performance, and activity. This ensures fair competition across varying strength levels, enhancing the challenge and excitement of each battle round.

Mael's opinion: This maintains stability without making significant changes to the existing system. Fair matchmaking based on performance and activity levels ensures a balanced and engaging gameplay experience.

Faction Assignment

Alliance Leaders can choose factions 48 hours before battle. Top eight alliances by power are automatically assigned factions; others are chosen by leaders. All lords align with their alliance's faction choice.

Choices lock 24 hours before battle; lords adopt their alliance's faction mark. Unchosen alliances receive automatic assignments.

Exceptions: Late-qualifying alliances adopt leader-chosen factions. New lords adopt their alliance's mark upon joining.

Once the faction assignement is opened, server migration will be restricted until the round concludes.

Mael's opinion: The new faction system looks promising. It adds structure to teamwork and fairness to alliance assignments, accommodating all players, including latecomers. I'm eager to hear feedback and try it out myself.

Federation System

In the new Legion of Frostborne update, alliances can now form Federations, replacing friendly alliances with a more powerful diplomatic structure. Let's recap and comment.

Forming a Federation allows alliance leaders to unite up to four alliances by spending Gems, with the forming alliance leader becoming the Federation Leader, who can transfer leadership as needed. Alliances within a Federation must belong to the same faction.

Under Federation Rules, federated alliances can collectively attack cities, checkpoints, and Thermal Towers, as well as participate in garrison activities, rallies, and coordinated offensives against other Federations. Members of the same Federation cannot attack each other or their Thermal Towers.

Federated checkpoints can connect, sharing city benefits and specialties. During city sieges, all Federation members earn initial occupation rewards. If multiple Federations attack a city or checkpoint, ownership goes to the alliance that defeats the final garrison troop. Rewards for city occupation are based on damage contribution, and continuous occupation points go to the owning alliance.

Mael's opinion: The new Federation system in Legion of Frostborne enhances alliance cooperation and strategy. It introduces structured diplomacy and shared benefits, providing alliances with more effective ways to collaborate on the battlefield. I think testing this system is worthwhile as it introduces exciting new dynamics and challenges for alliances to conquer together. The more structured diplomatic approach is a welcome change, addressing the granularity that was lacking in the previous friendly alliance system.

Weather System

A new weather system introduces varying weather conditions (normal, abnormal, and special) across provinces in the Frozen Realm. These conditions impact battles differently and can be checked and forecasted in advance through the weather panel.

Mael's opinion: The introduction of a weather system, similar to the Harbor Feature in the previous update, adds depth to gameplay. I believe it's a great addition that formalizes environmental factor. I look forward to seeing how it materializes and impacts gameplay. I personally think it adds an exciting element of unpredictability that keeps gameplay fresh and engaging.

Cities and Checkpoints

In the update, SvS cities now award City's First Occupation Points based on the damage alliances inflict, while continuous points go to the controlling alliance. Additionally, faction-specific Ice Wall checkpoints in each faction's area can only be occupied by alliances of that faction.

Mael's opinion: I think these updates aim to make gameplay more strategic by rewarding effective teamwork and territorial control. The new city occupation points encourage alliances to coordinate attacks strategically, while faction-specific checkpoints promote faction loyalty and careful planning. Overall, these additions promise to increase competition and strategy, which I'm eager to see in action.

Alliance Tactics

Alliance Tactics in Patch 2.7.0 introduce strategic options for battlefield support and resource management. Alliance members can convert gathered resources into Tactical Points to activate both Basic and Special Tactics.

Basic Tactics encompass military, expansion, and defense strategies, each serving distinct battlefield functions. Their versatility allows alliances to diversify their approach to engagements.

Special Tactics offer heightened effects and can significantly alter battle outcomes. Their limited availability and high Tactical Point cost necessitate strategic decision-making and resource management.

Mael's opinion: Alliance Tactics remain pivotal for gameplay, although there doesn't seem to be much change from the previous version. The importance of these tactics in shaping battlefield strategies is clear. However, it's not explicitly stated whether new tactics will be implemented. I'm particularly interested in seeing how Tactical Points, derived from gathered resources, will be distributed—whether at the alliance level only or also within federations. This distinction will likely impact strategic planning significantly. I look forward to evaluating these changes after June 27th.

New Events

Patch 2.7.0 introduce time-limited events tied to the Legion of Frostborne's progression. These events offer rewards like resource supplies and special buffs, aimed at helping Lords adapt to the battlefield dynamics. Detailed event descriptions will be provided prior to each event launch.

Mael's opinion: The introduction of time-limited events in Patch 2.7.0 is promising, although details are currently sparse. I hope these events will cater to players of all levels rather than favoring experienced or stronger players, ensuring fairness across the board. It's a bit uncertain at this point, but we'll have to wait and see how they unfold in practice.

Victory Conditions and Rewards

Patch 2.7.0 in the Legion of Frostborne introduces a new victory system where success is measured by the Personal Legion's Mark, Alliance Reputation, and Faction Reputation.

The Personal Legion's Mark reflects individual contributions such as resource gathering and battles.

Alliance Reputation combines all members' marks and points from city and checkpoint occupations to gauge overall alliance performance.

Faction Reputation sums up Alliance Reputation across factions, determining faction-wide success.

Victory Rewards include exclusive draws from "Divine's Prophecy" for the top faction, "Divine's Will" for the second, and random Holy or Shadow Immortals for others after 20 draws.

Mael's opinion: This update doesn't introduce a new rewards system but rather refines the existing one, emphasizing personal and alliance contributions with the addition of Faction Reputation. I'm curious about how Federation Reputation will fit into this framework, as details are currently sparse. The accessibility to Holy and Shadow Immortals appears to have improved, but I wonder if it will affect the availability of other immortals previously accessible through SVS. Additionally, I'm interested in whether there will be changes to the gem costs associated with opening chests. These details will be crucial in determining how impactful these updates will be for players.

Optimizations and Balance Adjustments

Patch V2.7.0 not only introduces exciting new features but also fine-tunes existing gameplay mechanics through optimizations and balance adjustments. These updates ensure that battles in Infinity Kingdom remain dynamic and strategic.

The battle duration has been increased from 90 seconds to 150 seconds.

Mael's opinion: Extending the battle duration allows for more strategic decision-making and deeper gameplay dynamics. It enhances the intensity and engagement of battles, making skills that rely on timers even more tactical and requiring careful planning.

Players can now summon and obtain Darius I in the Hall of Immortals during the Conquest Season.

Mael's opinion: It's always great to enhance accessibility for immortals, particularly benefiting free-to-play players.

After an Event ends, all event-related items will automatically disappear.

Mael's opinion: Clearing out those leftover event items from our inventories prevents them from becoming the clutter we all secretly love to hate. It's not a massive change, but every bit of tidiness counts!

Tower of Knowledge Skills Adjustment:

  • Assist
  • Before: Assists a back-row allied troop every 10s by redirecting damage and reducing your own damage taken.
  • After: Increased frequency (every 6s) with a chance-based assist, lowering damage taken further.

Mael's opinion: I'm not a huge fan of this adjustment to the Assist skill in the Tower of Knowledge, especially considering it's a free-to-play skill. Overall, while the increased frequency is beneficial, the chance-based activation impacts its value. It adds unpredictability that could potentially impact its reliability, affecting a wide range of players who rely on its consistent performance. It's a NO from me.

  • Drastic Action
  • Before: Chance to deal damage and reduce healing to enemies with low HP.
  • After: Enhanced healing reduction to all enemies every 6s, paired with targeted damage.

Mael's opinion: The updates to the Drastic Action skill in Infinity Kingdom changes its role from targeting low HP enemies to applying healing reduction to all enemies every 6 seconds, alongside targeted damage. This broadens its utility for widespread healing reduction but shifts away from its original purpose. It's a change that may affect strategic decisions in battles.

Immortal Skills Adjustment:

  • Increased Wukong's energy regeneration speed from 72 points/s to 80 points/s.
  • Boosted damage output for Wukong’s Ultimate Skill [Battle Authority].

Mael's opinion: These changes to Immortal Wukong in Infinity Kingdom, particularly boosting his energy regeneration and Ultimate Skill damage, don't sit well with me. I believe it's more important to enhance free-to-play immortals rather than further empowering already expensive Chaos Immortals like Wukong.

To wrap up, version 2.7.0 of Infinity Kingdom introduces both promising upgrades and questionable tweaks. Features like the Federation system and refined victory conditions look promising for strategy and teamwork. However, changes to skills like Assist and focus on expensive immortals raise concerns, especially for free-to-play players.

I'm curious to see how these updates play out and their impact on gameplay. The adjustments to battle duration and Darius accessibility are positives, aiming to improve the overall experience. We'll have to wait and see how well these changes are received by the community and how they affect the game moving forward.

It's crucial for players to share their thoughts and feedback so that the community can evolve in the right direction together. Your comments and remarks are valuable in shaping the future updates and ensuring they cater to the diverse player base of Infinity Kingdom. Let's continue to discuss and improve the game experience for everyone involved!

Thank you for reading this far!

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Stay epic,

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m a ë l

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