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Please nerf SPL!! SoW Game 2: BDR vs SPL!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/06/2022 18:59
Edited by eldas at 08/06/2022 19:34

Game three of the SoW season pits BDR against the powerhouse Polish alliance SPL. An alliance historically BDR has always had great results against in Alliance Conquest... would the same hold true in SoW, an event we typically approach with a far more relaxed attitude. It was an explosive one as you'll see, and a game I felt I was able to shine - as a small, sneaky player😀. Let's have a look at BDR's third and closest game of the season so far, and all the trouble I was able to cause (for SPL, not BDR of course!).

We started off the game with a simple plan, invade and conquer the left side and keep it secured, then look at pushing towards the right and the Hot Springs. I followed along with the rest of the team and our initial push was good, we were able to steam roll down the left side and secure all the buildings initially, but naturally at the cost of the entirety of the right side... so war stat buffs to BDR, healing speed buffs to SPL.

The initial clash was hot as the SPL forces tried to hit us at the armoury, but it wasn't to do them any good - with sheer weight of numbers we were able to push them back without too much hassle. We were all playing our part and the gameplan was intact, there was no need to go rogue and cause mischief... not immediately anyway.

A few minutes passed with struggles continuing on the left, so I deemed it a great time to go off and play the disruptive role any small player can perform. Embracing my inner ninja I was able to sneak through and steal away an outpost, not only securing points for BDR, but it would also draw SPL forces away to come and match me and give BDR some breathing room.

And that's just what happened, I was able to hold the outpost for several minutes, playing that distracting role that can be so irritating to opposing alliances (and can also disrupt their game plan and voice comms) until it was time to withdraw and assist again with the first major objective drop of the game - the package!

The race for the first package was one of the wildest and most intense back and forth I've seen... both teams managed to pick it up, carry it part of the way, and then lose it to the opposition multiple times. I managed to keep my troops in the fray the whole time, hacking and cutting away at enemy troops to try and secure the drop for BDR...

After almost eight minutes of fighting, BDR were finally (under my troops weary but watchful eyes) able to bring the package home to a secured base to get the points. Points wise we were slightly behind but securing that package was huge and more or less levelled the playing field - points per minute were dead even as well!

The match was messy (a very small part I like to think thanks to moi) and buildings were consistently exchanged and fought over. As soon as the next package spawned everyone was on it, hunting those successful in picking it up and scrambling to grab it themselves... Alongside so many BDR players I pushed to help out and thin the SPL numbers, working to protect any carries able to pick it up, but it was slowly proving increasingly difficult against such heavy, heavy numbers...

My forces were obliterated in the melee, just as so many others in BDR were, and unfortunately SPL were able to sweep it up and take the package back to a secured base. Even with the big loss, game wasn't over yet... just needed to collect ourselves, heal up our armies and get back into it!

Loss of the chest was demoralising, but the game still seemed super close - everyone in the BDR camp was focused and fighting for every scrap of points. It's not often forty minutes into a SoW game you see each side earning the same points per minute! I was still collecting up from the ground at this point... had to fix up some soldiers from the hospital after SPL castles had blasted them!

Three quarters of the way into the match, a point where most games are already decided and teams are winding down, fighting continued between the two huge alliances, with my own humble forces battling away at base 4 with a few other players that wanted to play it out. As you can likely see from the screenshot, we weren't able to achieve much there unfortunately, quickly getting run over by strong players and the weight of numbers, leaving the bottom of the map open for SPL to clean up.

The final package was secured with no contest, securing what looked like a very convincing win score wise for SPL. We were done before the last package dropped, we'd hit 20k and had no realistic chance of hitting 40k - and the call was made not to waste more speeds to attempt it. One call I was very happy to follow after looking at my own dwindling speeds. 😅

A crazy game full of action and fighting almost for the entirety of the match, sadly it didn't go our way but it was still a load of fun to play... I enjoyed running round stealing away objectives and helping securing buildings when calls were made. It's not easy to end up with the highest kills in such a strong alliance like BDR, but I felt I played the map pretty well today (and still listened to most calls in the process😅).

A great game, and for the first forty minutes really felt like it could have gone either way. Here's hoping for a rematch with SPL soon! GG! ~
