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The exiled princess

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/25/2024 01:31

In an ancient and forgotten kingdom stood KingWolfBlak, commander and 2nd prince of kingdom k148. While exploring the borders of his kingdom, he heard rumors of an exiled princess, her name was JeiL. Her stepmother, the usurper known as Frozen Angel, had taken the throne of k407 after the king's death.

She took refuge in a village in her kingdom, very close to where he was patrolling, intrigued by her story, KingWolfBlak decides to go look for her, there he finds Princess JeiL and is captivated by her beauty, JeiL tells him about her tragic story and how, since then, she has had to live in hiding to escape his tyranny.

KingWolfBlak was moved by her bravery in wanting to take back his father's kingdom, so he decides to help her, together they begin to develop a plan.

KingWolfBlak calls his vassals and hires a free company, "the golden company", JeiL also has loyal vassals who share his cause, so he calls them, both manage to gather a large army and make their advance to k407.

Kingwolfblak and Jeil landed in k407, many great houses joined them, while others were loyal to the usurper, they conquered those castles and obtained victory after victory, getting closer to KL, KingWolfBlak sends his 2nd in command BlackL1on to finish defeating the rebel cities while he and JeiL continue their direct path to KL.

Blackl1on prepared for his march. With a small but effective army of loyal soldiers, he headed towards Storm's End, the last major city still loyal to the usurper.

He organised a night assault, relying on surprise as a key factor. His troops, divided into small groups, scaled the walls while the city slept.

The assault was brutal and swift. The forces of Storm's End, caught by surprise, were unable to properly organize to respond. Blackl1on, personally leading his troops, breached the defenses, allowing the rest of his army to enter the city. As the battle raged on in the streets of Storm's End, Blackl1on used his tactical cunning to direct his men. Fighting raged at every turn, with both sides displaying great valor. However, the exhaustion and demoralization of the defenders, combined with the ferocity of Blackl1on's soldiers, began to tip the balance in his favor. After hours of intense fighting, they managed to take control of Storm's End.

in king's landing. Upon reaching the castle gates, KingWolfBlak and Jeil know they must act quickly and cunningly. While the troops surround the castle, Jeil along with KingWolfBlak use a very narrow secret path that led inside the red fortress, once inside KingWolfBlak looks for the usurper to end the war, upon reaching her room, he meets the usurper's guardian, whom they called 'The Mountain' who had an imposing height and enormous strength, who protected the usurper.

At the climax of the battle, KingWolfBlak faces The Mountain in a personal duel where the fate of the kingdom would be decided, KingWolfBlak decides to use a spear as it would give him a certain advantage against the Mountain, The fight is intense with spear and sword clashing, KingWolfBlak knew that if the Mountain shortened the distance it would be the end, so he tried by all means to dodge the Mountain's blow, while stabbing him with the spear, in one of those clashes the spear breaks, and when The Mountain believed himself the winner and confident about to give the final blow, KingWolfBlak lunges with his short sword, in a surprise attack giving him the final stab, in the throat of the Mountain, he falls to his knees grabbing his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding that was impossible to do, KingWolfBlak turning to see the place where the usurper was, sees that she has fled through another secret passage in the castle.

Outside that room, the united soldiers of KingWolfBLak and Jeil managed to conquer the city and shouted with joy and jubilation for the victory.

Shortly after, with all the great houses subdued, Jeil is crowned as the rightful queen of her kingdom. With the help of KingWolfBlak, they begin to restore the kingdom, the great lords bow down and swear loyalty to the new queen.

In the midst of the celebration, as the people of k407 cheered, Kingwolfblak took Jeil's hand and, before his people, declared his love for her.

“Together we have faced the worst. Together we have won. And together we will rule this kingdom,” he said, as the crowd erupted in applause.
