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City of Judgement vs Forgotten Land | The Mysteries behind Dragon Urrax.

Wars & Stories in Westeros All-out War
Article Publish : 10/23/2024 00:05

The final two days of All-Out War is upon us and the City of Judgement find themselves in a peculiar position. Led by the formidable Jason168, they look to finally deal with the Forgotten Land, which has been plaguing them with mysterious attacks leading to the loss of manpower. Jason168’s mission is to crush the Forgotten Land, a place steeped in mystery, where legends of a powerful dragon have kept the City of Judgement on edge for far too long.

Jason168 is not one for superstition and wanted to destroy the fear that had been plaguing the City of Judgement, “we will send our most elite armies to deal with this threat, once and for all.” Jason168 was prepared to face not just the dragon, but the full weight of the Forgotten Land's secrets, “if this so-called Dragon exists, I will be the one to end him,” Jason168 knew the outcome of the war and the fate of the City of Judgement hangs in the balance.

One of the elite commanders of the City of Judgement, Apix K did believe in the Dragon, “I have seen what he can do,” Apix K remembers that fateful day, when he and his scouting party ventured too far into the Forgotten Land and that event forever changed him. Apix K never mentions what truly happened that day but had always sworn to avenge his fallen brother and sisters.

Although Apix K’s story was shared throughout the City of Judgement, most of the people were sceptical and put his story down to the trauma of losing his scouting party. The few that did believe him were forever put in a perpetual fear and this had weakened the morale of the City of Judgement, which is why Jason168 had no choice but to meet whatever lurked in the Forgotten Land, to save his people from themselves. 

As the army of the City of Judgement made their final preparations, Jason168 prepared a speech, “warriors of Judgement are you ready to walk into the gates of hell with me? I know what you're thinking, you’ve heard the whispers, you’ve lost friends, brothers and sisters to the beasts that infest the Forgotten Land. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the legend of the dragon that watches us from above, some of you have even seen it with your own eyes." Jason168 looked into the sad eyes of Apix K, “I promise you when this day come to its end, we will finally be rid of whatever resides in the Forgotten Land.” Jason 168 raised his sword in the air and repeated, “so are you ready to walk into the gates of hell with me?” This time there was no hesitation, the army of the City of Judgement erupted into a loud roar of “YES.” 

The army had finally made its way into the Forgotten Land, always weary of what could be around the corner,” we were hit around here but I don’t see him anywhere,” Apix K had unfinished business and wanted to rid himself of the guilt that he hung on to for so long. “Over there,” one of the elite forces shouted as they were met with the eyes of the Agile Guard, who patrolled these lands. A battle erupted, the Agile Guard struck quickly and with precision but the City of Judgement forces were disciplined, shields held at the ready and the fighting had begun. Apix K moved like a force of nature, driven by vengeance and furious anger, he cut down five Agile Guard single handedly, every time his steel met their flesh, he saw flashbacks of his scouting party. Suddenly the sound of steel clashing had ended, the Agile Guard that remained retreated into the forests of the Forgotten Land, “we won’t be chasing them, we have other business to attend to,” Jason168 kept his eye on the prize and would not be baited into a trap as he and his army moved deeper into the Forgotten Land. 

The City of Judgement army came to a vast clearing within the forest and at the end of the opening they saw him, the Dragon Warlock. He was tall, draped in a tattered black robe that blew in the wind, his skin as pale as the clouds. “Some say he was placed here as a boy and raised by the beasts of the Forgotten Land,” one of the elite forces whispered to his friend to his side. “Well, it looks like we face a great evil and we have yet to purify most of the Forgotten Land, this Warlocks death will show the rest what is to come.” Jason 168 was about to send the orders to charge as the Dragon Warlock spoke, “I see you, come meet your end, there is no redemption here only death,” Apix K could sense something familiar from the Dragon Warlock but it was different in a way that he could not explain. Abruptly the Dragon Warlock lunged forward aiming into the direction of Apix K but he managed to dodge the attack at the last second. Jason168 himself charged forward as he met the Dragon Warlock in close combat, landing some blows, “is this all you have?” The Dragon Warlock would not be so easily brought down. 

Apix K knew the longer this battle went on, the more of his comrades would fall, he had to make a decisive move, he moved with purpose towards the Dragon Warlock and as the Warlock raised his right arm to struck his noble leader, Apix K swiped at a jewel that was hidden within the Dragon Warlocks cloak, “how did you know?” The Dragon Warlock cried, deep howls of pain as his eyes rolled back into his head and his lifeless body curled onto the ground. The Dragon Warlock was defeated but there was no time to question his mysterious end, “forward men, we have much more to deal with, we can thank Apix K later,” Jason168 was perplexed, his blows had no effect on the Dragon Warlock but there was no time to waste, the real battle was yet to come.  

Jason168’s army once again entered a deep forested area, following Apix Ks guidance, who seemed to know the way. “I can feel him again, he’s close by, “Apix K then proceeded to lead the army to a waterfall next to a cave and there stood another man, pale skin like the Dragon Warlock. “The man that stands before you is the Dragon Priest, his death will lead us to what we seek,” before Jason168 could ask how Apix K knew such things, the Dragon Priest screeched with laughter, “my death will only bring your demise.” Apix charged forward, his blade covered in black blood as he struck toward the Dragon Priest. The Dragon Priests magic flowed around them but Apix K moved like a man possessed, dodging the priest’s attacks as though guided by something more divine. Jason168 followed closely behind, leading the charge of his elite forces, their weapons cutting through the tattered robes of the Dragon Priest but once again their attacks had no effect on him.

“Why doesn’t my blade cut through him, perhaps we need to find another jewel, like the other,” Jason168 looked towards Apix K for guidance, “his mace.” Jason168 looked closely at the Dragon Priests weapon and there it was on the hilt of his mace, a shiny blue jewel encased with a protective casing. The Dragon Priest sent out a shockwave that instantly paralyzed some of the elite forces, “help us, we can’t move,” a young warrior cried within the army. Jason168 knew what had to be done, he jumped into the air and with the force of pure holy fury, he cut the jewel in half. A small tear ran down the face of the Dragon Priest as he lay on the ground, “do what needs to be done, free us all,” Apix K stood before the Dragon Priest, “you can rest now brother, “as he took his bloody blade and destroyed the other half of the jewel. The Dragon Priest lay lifeless on the ground, just a smile on his face, “this way, I know where he is, lets finish this,” Apix K wanted to end his and the City of Judgements nightmare.

Jason168 helped up some of the now mobile warriors who were affected by the shockwave, “you’re going to be ok kid, “as he scanned for Apix K, who seemed to be in a trance, walking towards some sort of tower in the far distance, “hurry men, dust yourselves off, your city needs you,” Jason168 rushed to catch Apix K, he wanted to know what was going on. As Jason168 caught up to Apix K, he saw him point to something in the distance, a large wing could be seen over the horizon, enormous, black as night and undeniable, “now do you believe me?” It was time to face Dragon Urrax.

“How do we defeat such a beast, he’s massive,” Jason168 seemed terrified at such a daunting task, “only one of us will make it out alive today, you see that tower, it holds the answers to what you seek,” Apix Ks eyes were now fixed to Dragon Urrax. Jason168 seemed confused but he ordered his men to charge the enemy as he ran around the battle and towards the tower. “Dragon Knight come to me, “Dragon Urrax spoke in a deep bellowed voice, Apix K seemed to wallow in pain but held his nerve as he charged the Dragon Urrax, hoping to by time for Jason168 to complete his mission. 

Jason168 approached the tower’s entrance, a massive stone door with the same protective case that had protected the Dragon Priests mace. He quickly swung at the case with all his might and shattered the case into pieces as the door opened, “I have no choice, I have to be fast, the longer I wait, the more of my comrades die,” he rushed into the chamber and there it was, an orb in the middle of the room. Meanwhile Dragon Urrax breathed in, as his belly filled up with air, getting ready to lay waste to the army, “I’ve seen this before, run for cover,” Apix K cried in vain, as half the army was turned to ash in an instant. Apix Ks face went pale, as he saw half the army wiped away and the remaining fleeing for cover, “come home Dragon Knight, “Dragon Urrax once again bellowed. Apix K felt a pain in his chest, as he reached for it, he found a blue jewel resting in his pocket. He immediately froze, as his eyes rolled back into his head shutting his eyelids, when he opened his eyelids again, they had changed to pure black. “I am here to serve you Master Urrax,” Apix K was no longer, the Dragon Knight had been born.

The Dragon Knight turned away from Dragon Urrax and started hunting down any of the remaining elite forces, “this is your destiny, join Master Urrax or die,” some of the elite forces were now fighting their once trusted friend, now foe. The Dragon Knight wasted no time in cutting down three of the elite forces, “why are you doing this Apix K?” One of the elite forces begging for his life cried out, “I only do what Master Urrax commands,” the Dragon Knight plunged his sword deep into the young boy’s chest, as he laughed with delight. 

Jason168 could hear the rumbling of Dragon flight, Dragon Urrax had arrived at the tower, “join me as your friend has, I can show you true power.” Jason168 was hopelessly trying to break the orb with his sword but to no avail, he took the orb in his arms and rushed outside to meet Dragon Urrax. The clouds had turned to black, as darkness spread throughout the Forgotten Land, “do your worst, Dragon Urrax,” Jason168 said defiantly. “A pity indeed, “as Dragon Urrax once again breathed in, his belly full once again and let out his fury, Jason168 pulled out the orb at the last moment as the flames engulfed and smashed the orb to pieces. As the smoke settled around the burnt tower, Jason168 emerged out of the ashes, badly burnt but manageable. He stood on top of Dragon Urrax’s lifeless head, “a pity indeed,” as he rushed towards his friends, looking for survivors. The skies cleared of cloud, the sun could be seen again, as the Forgotten Land, showed its true beauty, “anyone alive, hello, anyone there?”

Jason168 rushed over a hill and there he saw the lifeless body of Apix K and the remains of what seemed to be the elite forces. “I’m sorry old friend, I couldn’t save you but you saved us all brother,” Jason168 the sole survivor of the Forgotten Land escapades, would share his story far and wide, many people would be sceptical, putting it down to the trauma of losing his entire force but he knew the truth, he knew the hero that showed him the way to liberating the Forgotten Land from the nightmare of Dragon Urrax. 
