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all out war final part

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/23/2024 03:50
Edited by martagonzale at 10/23/2024 03:59

As I mentioned in previous chapters, Killer Marta, LSK, and the rest of us were in the Frost faction, along with two other clans: the TgL clan and the G01 clan. We had sealed a pact with the Scarlet faction and the Shadow faction, while our main battles were fought against the Justice faction and the Yellow faction.

With only three days left before the end of the event, the positions seemed completely decided. In first place was the Scarlet faction; in second was the Justice faction, and in third was us, the Frost faction.

With the situation clear, the allied factions helped each other in dominio, and the fights repeated themselves over and over: Scarlet against Yellow and Frost also against Yellow. Meanwhile, the Shadow faction fought in the distance, without intervening too much in our conflicts.

Everything seemed under control, but two days before the end, something unexpected happened. After intense meetings and analysis, our diplomats decided it was time to break the pacts. Keeping them would make the last two days monotonous and boring. So the decision was made: a message was sent to all factions, notifying them that from the server's reset, all pacts would be broken. The message stated: “The Scarlet faction, the Frost faction, and the Shadow faction have decided to end their NAP with all factions upon the server reset at 00:00. Thirty minutes before and after dominion will be safe zones, as well as the hot springs.”

This is where the misunderstandings began. The first was about the hot springs. In this event, neutrality in the hot springs had always been respected, but with the excuse of ending the NAP, some players started killing disconnected accounts in this area. This led to affected accounts seeking revenge when the hot springs reopened, which triggered a chain of reprisals. “A real disaster, what a bad way to end an event that had been flawless until that moment.”

The hot springs were closed for the last time, and fortunately, we left that chapter behind.

With only two days left and the positions already decided, we focused on completing the daily points and finding the occasional fight, but the atmosphere was pretty calm. Talking with the members of my faction, we decided that the best way to end would be by organizing a big fight to use up the remaining troops. In this event, you were given 10 million free troops, and whatever you didn’t use by the end would be wasted. So we made an announcement: anyone who wanted to fight to spend their forces should go to village 1139 on the last day.

The Scarlet faction agreed, and so we sent the following message in the general chat: “On the last day, the Frost faction and the Scarlet faction invite everyone to an all-out battle to spend leftover troops. It will start at 18:00 server time in village 1139, once all faction dominions are over.”

The day and time arrived. Killer Marta and the rest of the faction members prepared with their best gear and summoned their most powerful troops. We knew the battle would be brutal. The Scarlet faction was the first to appear, advancing with infantry and spears. We, in the Frost faction, had a mix of troops of all four types, but that didn’t stop the soldiers from falling like paper. Every clash was devastating, and our forces weakened quickly.

To make matters worse, the Scarlet players, instead of fighting directly, focused on destroying our medical wagons. It was a dirty and desperate strategy because they knew that without them, the battle would be impossible for us to sustain. The Frost faction soon realized that the situation was critical.

Killer Marta tried in vain to reason with them in the global chat: “Leave the medical wagons alone! If you don’t, this will drag on too long,” but no one responded. The battle raged on. With no options left, we had to adapt. The strategy shifted from defense to pure survival.

And just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, the Yellow faction arrived, and the battlefield turned into a complete bloodbath. The screams of soldiers, the sound of clashing metal, and the general chaos took over everything. At that point, there was no strategy left. It was an all-out brawl, and the only goal was to survive a bit longer and strike the nearest enemy before they took you down.

As a spear wielder, I tried to prioritize the cavalry, but in the madness of the battle, I no longer cared who I attacked. I just kept hitting and hitting, healing my troops when I could, praying that my medical wagon wouldn’t be destroyed. But the tide didn’t stop, and little by little, the troops were depleted. I knew I was in my last moments, with my strength almost gone, but I kept fighting until it all finally ended. The troops had run out, and the event had ended.

Once it was over, Killer Marta felt that the hardest part had arrived: saying goodbye to the TgL and G01 clans, with whom she had shared this intense experience. Even though they hadn’t placed in the top spots, that didn’t matter to her. She had enjoyed herself like never before, surrounded by active companions and good people, with whom you could talk, argue, and even disagree without misunderstandings or tension. Players who, like her, just wanted to enjoy the game. So, from here, I can only praise those two clans and express the hope that we’ll meet again in the future.

