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Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/25/2024 00:11

Hello, I am KingWolfBlak, The total war season is now over, and I will make a brief summary of how I passed the event, my faction was the excelso faction, we began building and quickly taking the cities, we had no problems with the factions close to ours, until we collided with the tempest faction that had a very strong and powerful commander.

This commander was called x717x, who commanded a large infantry legion of the enemy Tempest faction, stopping our advance. The general commander KingWolfBlak ordered again and again to attack the city of potions that was under the control of the Tempest faction, but in each attack x717x managed to defend it.

Faced with this critical situation, where the soldiers had very low morale, Commander KingWolfBlak decides to look for allies to be able to take the city and defeat x717x, he finds the Shadow faction, together with them they devise a plan and decide to ambush x717x, on a new moon night the army of Kingwolfblak tries to hide in the fog and darkness, when the army realizes the presence of intruders it is too late, they begin the siege, the battle was fierce and bloody, where KingWolfBlak's troops attacked from the front and the troops of the Shadow faction from the rear, managing to destroy the gate to the city, Kingwolfblak with a cry that sounded like a roar orders his army to enter, with him leading the attack.

In the midst of the din of battle, KingWolfBlak found himself face to face with the enemy commander x717x, both stared at each other intently while in the background the clashes of steel and the sounds of agonies of allies and enemies could be heard, until Commander KingWolfBlak began the onslaught, x717x was stronger, but Kingwolfblak was faster and more agile, using that agility to anticipate the enemy's movements, for hours only the metallic sound of clashing swords could be heard, both with their armor already bruised and with deep wounds, x717x confident in his strength tries to give a decisive and mortal blow to KingWolfBlak but he managed to deflect the sword and gave him a devastating cut managing to pierce his enemy's armor, Commander x717x falls to his knees raising his gaze where both commanders cross glances for a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, until x717x faded away and ended Falling into his own pool of blood, with the enemy commander dead, KingWolfBlak raises his sword in victory, news of his leader's fall spreading like wildfire across the battlefield.

The soldiers of x717x, seeing the death of their commander, began to flee in disarray. The morale of his army collapsed, and in an instant, chaos took hold.

Without wasting any time, KingWolfBlak ordered his troops to pursue the fleeing soldiers. “Don’t let them escape,” he shouted, his voice echoing over the din of battle. Victory meant not only taking the city and killing x717x, but ensuring that the remnants of the enemy army would not regroup or resist, as that would prolong the war.

Lieutenant Maverick, along with Excelso's troops, motivated by triumph and the hot blood of victory, set out after the deserters, crossing the fields in search of the soldiers who once had a leader.

Soon they found a large group of deserters, these were taking refuge in a nearby village, with no time to lose Maverick ordered an attack, and after some skirmishes they managed to take control of the city and give a definitive victory to the Excelso faction.

Following the fall of x717x, the Tempest faction crumbled, leaving in its wake a power vacuum that KingWolfBlak was determined to fill. Victory at Tempest had elevated his status, and now it was time to consolidate his rule in Westeros. Now, with all the cities under his control, he set about establishing a new order. Through justice and collaboration, he worked to rebuild the war-ravaged lands. Cities that were once strongholds of the Tempest faction became beacons of hope, united under the banner of Exalted. KingWolfBlak, now a recognized leader, began planning for a future where peace and prosperity were the pillars of his reign.
