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Exhibition of the excellent ChildrenSaint artworks !

Article Publish : 06/10/2021 10:27


We have received so many stunning artworks from our talented Saints in the #ChildrenSaint drawing contest.

We would like to thank our dear Saints for the great support, and more importantly, the creativity. We have decided to collect 10 selected excellent artworks to post on the official website, if any artist doesn't wanna display their artwork, please contact us.

More creative events will be held in the future for our Saints to show their talent. Stay tuned!

Let's take a look at these beautiful arts and their artists' name list!

Isabelle Newell

Albert Mendoza

Gabriela Autista

Pandora Reyes

Bruno Camarini Jr

Raul A. Rodriguez

Manuel Zacarias

Silvina Arce

Lacrimosa Nyappy

Andrea Cortese


If plagiarism or cheating is found, the picture will be removed from the official website and the reward won by the player will be recovered from the account.

Don't be discouraged if you haven't been selected. Your works are also great. And more creative events will be held in the future for our Saints to show their talent. Stay tuned!

Click the link and enjoy the talented artworks on the official website.
