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Monthly Exclusive Gitfpack for SSAKOZ On Shelf!

Article Publish : 08/17/2023 14:59

🌟Monthly Exclusive Gitfpack for SSAKOZ On Shelf🌟

Dear Saints, we’ve prepared some special limited-time gift packs for you In August.

🎁You can redeem 1 Corona Blast Free pack for FREE every day during the event. On top of that, we're prepared a lot of limited-time gift packs are on sale!! Maximum 50% off! Don't miss out!

⏰Event Period: August 17 - August 23

How to join:

🔗Gtarcade APP: Click Gtarcade Shop to purchase the discount pack. Click Giftpack Center to redeem a free pack.

Shop Website:

🎁During the period, send the screenshots of your purchase or redeem to the comment section, we will select 10 users to give 2,000 bonus points in return.
