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[Vote] Final Whistle for Mr.Smith - Detective Game


[Vote] Final Whistle for Mr.Smith - Detective Game

Votes Who is killer?
Article Publish : 03/21/2025 15:00
Edited by jryt at 03/19/2025 16:57

⚽ Coaches, win a match, lose your life, this shouldn't be like that🏈

📕Story Background

On a Sunday evening, Mr. Smith was found murdered in his house.

Witnesses told the sheriff they heard three gunshots at precisely 5:06 PM and saw a figure resembling a middle-aged man fleeing the scene. After thorough investigation, sheriffs identified three suspects, all of them are sports coaches. Coach A and Coach C coached soccer, while Coach B coached rugby.

Interestingly, all three coaches' teams had matches that afternoon, each starting promptly at 3:00 PM:

  • Coach A's soccer team was playing for the "France Cup" at a stadium just 10 minutes from Mr. Smith’s home.
  • Coach B's rugby team was involved in a friendly match at a field an hour’s travel from the crime scene.
  • Coach C's soccer team was competing in a championship game at a stadium 20 minutes away from Mr. Smith’s residence.

Witnesses confirmed that each coach remained on the sidelines, actively managing their teams, and none of the matches were interrupted.

At the station, the three coaches answered the sheriff’s questions. When asked about the outcomes of their matches, they replied as follows:

  • Coach A said, “Our game ended in a 1-1 tie, so we had to play an extra half-hour of overtime and decide the winner by penalties. Thankfully, we won.”
  • Coach B sighed, “We lost our match, 6 to 15.”
  • Coach C smiled broadly, “We won 3-1, claiming the championship!”

The sheriff paused thoughtfully, then turned coldly toward one of the coaches and said,

“Please stay behind, we need to talk some more.”

Following further interrogation, it was confirmed: the detained coach was indeed guilty of murdering Mr. Smith.

Can you identify the guilty coach?

(This story is absolutely fictional. Any inconsistencies with common sense work for the plot)

🔍Known Clues

  1. Each sports match has their own rules and times.
  2. Time management is a key to success.

🕵️‍Questions and Discussions for YOU

  1. WHO is the guilty coach? HOW can you tell?
  2. Do you watch sports matches? Share the match and memories you enjoyed the most with us. (Open-ended)

🎉Participation Rewards

The FIRST user to successfully deduce the identity of the "culprit" and their motive in the comment, will receive a reward of 2,000 GT points! Other participants will earn 200-500 GT points based on the completeness of their submissions. 💰

📅Submission Deadline

March 28, 2025

Reminder: This is the submission deadline if you want to claim the reward with your vote, but after this date the vote will still remain open for a period of time, so please feel free to participate at any time if you want to test your skills, detectives!

----- Previous answer (Sonata of Deception) -------

Lady B is the real bride.

In America, wedding rings are traditionally worn on the left hand, while in Denmark, it's customary to wear them on the right hand. David asked the women to play the piano not only to observe their piano skills but also to clearly see how they wore their wedding rings and to check for other subtle details.

When observing closely, he noted:

  • Lady A wore her ring on her left hand, following American tradition.
  • Lady C wasn't wearing a ring at all, and the long nail she has doesn't seem to fit her profession.
  • Only Lady B woman wore her wedding ring correctly on the right hand, following Danish custom, and had no suspicious details.

Therefore, David concluded Lady B was the real bride.

Link to the post: [Vote] Sonata of Deception - Detective Game – Gtarcade Discussion Forum Official Forum

We will be rewarding 200 GT points to all players who voted correctly, and additional points to some outstanding responses.

Congratulations and enjoy your juicy GT points reward!!!

🎁 Additional Reward Rule

We greatly appreciate everyone's willingness and time to participate in our new community discussion event, the Detective Game.

While there is only one "correct" answer we've prepared, we will reward anyone who comes up with a genuine deduction process and actively engages in this event with a random amount of EXTRA GT Points based on the quality of their answer.

We will carefully review and select the best comments, so don't worry detectives, join in and earn your points!

Note: We have now reclassified the Detective Game back under the Votes category to enhance event navigation and streamline the reward claim process using the VOTE function. (Please note that this change is not permanent and may be subject to future adjustments)

WHO is the guilty coach?

WHO is the guilty coach? Vote and share your thoughts with us!!!

Single choice

Maximum 3 choices, A total of 2124 people voted
Voting will end on Sep 5, 2025 16:00:00.


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