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Megaboz was a strange boy showing an exceptional talent for Magic, Maester Helmsby had predicted a great future for him. It appeared to have been taken away when his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Winterfell, started an uprising with the intent of overthrowing the royal family and declaring themselves sovereign rulers of Kingdom 241.
The uprising was put down by Queen Ivy’s parents King Hanfelot and Queen Kessy. They were fair and just people and instead of executing the insurgents, banished them.
They settled in Voluntis and plotted a return. Megaboz was being raised in an atmosphere of hate and revenge. His parents, seeing his magic potential, sent him to study with the Warlocks in the House of the Undying in Qarth.
After many years his parents had been killed whilst crossing the Narrow sea in an immense storm. He had advanced at a great rate and was now a Master of Dark Magic serving the Lord of Darkness, the Great Other (God of Ice and Death). He returned to Kingdom 241 and found a cave near Winterfell to live in. From there he orchestrated an invasion of Dragons, Raised the Night King, who turned him into a Lich and found and relocated to a lost realm.
King Hanfelot and Queen Kessy were dead and Their Daughter Queen Ivy now ruled the kingdom. Megaboz was completely focussed on destroying her and Kingdom 241.
Ivy was a pleasant and lively person, who inspired her people with Fairness, Honesty, Integrity and Justice.
She was holding Court with her main advisors;
Grand Maester Helmsby, Knight Commander Letterman, Abendwolf the leader of her personal guard and her adopted daughters the princesses Olga and Arya (Arry). Helmsby was speaking “Your Majesty there are rumours that a large body of Wildlings who were displaced during the Night King crisis, may be about to start a war with us. This is from unsubstantiated intelligence reports from traders visiting their camp. We should look into this quickly”.
It was decided that Letterman, Olga and Arry would visit the camp and start discussions with the Wildling Leaders.
Next morning they rode to the camp with some of Letterman’s hand picked elite troops. On arrival they were led to the chieftain’s tent.
They were greeted warmly by the chief Anluan, who had fought gallantly beside Letterman against the Night King, also present was his head Shaman.
Letterman started “Good morning Anluan, how are you? Can we ask what are your plans for you and your people?”, Anluan answered “We have not decided yet and need more time to recover from the Night King adventure, we may ask you if we can stay and farm this land or we may return to our ancestral lands North of the wall”. Princess Arya was watching him closely and thought she detected deception, she asked. “My lord, if you truly want to stay here it would probably be best if you accompanied us back to Kings Landing for discussions with Queen Ivy”. Anluan responded “Your highness, that may be a bit too soon for us, give us some time to discuss in council” It was obvious that something wasn’t right. Letterman said “Thanks for your hospitality Anluan, your Highnesses we should leave and start our journey home”.
As they left they looked around the fortified camp - warriors were training fanatically, their weapons and armour looked in very good condition. A blacksmith was hard at work at the forge repairing and making new weapons. A giant (Hrungnir) was very close to the gate and Letterman wondered if it had been a mistake to come here.
Giants were fearsome opponents in battle and Hrungnir stared at them as if sizing up his next meal.
They left and made their way back to Winterfell. On the way Arya said ”I feel that the Lord of Light is trying to tell me that something is wrong”, Letterman answered “Yes they are looking rested and well prepared, we will leave some scouts here to watch and report. Please journey to the council and recommend a status of high alert. I will go to Winterfell to prepare, and ask you to convey to your mother that troops need to be sent to fortify and reinforce our position there”.
2 days later Letterman was supervising the last of the upgrade work. Since the Night King invasion defences had been strengthened and special defences added. Oil Barrels were stacked in the towers at the gates. Permanent spike traps were located in position to make it difficult to move in a straight line and towers with wildfire grenades strategically placed along the walls.
Reinforcements had arrived, led by Abendwolf (of the Queen’s Personal Guard) including the Princesses and Grand Maester Helmsby (also an accomplished spearman). They were just settling in when a scout arrived, his horse breathing heavily and covered in sweat.
Letterman met him at the gate. “My Lord, terrible news the Wildlings are marching to attack us, their shamen held a blood sacrifice ceremony and they all seemed to go into a trance. They are now all advancing quickly and howling for blood. They will be here in an hour”. Letterman wasted no time and called for messages to be sent to all nearby farmers and miners so they could seek refuge in the castle. Then a message to the queen to march reinforcements to Winterfell”.
Elsewhere Megaboz has taken the form of a Shaman and enchanted all the wildlings so that they would do his bidding. Anluan was now firmly in the grip of a magical frenzy command. “My Valiant Clansmen we have suffered too long at the hands of Queen Ivy and her commanders, today we destroy Letterman and then we take the Kingdom from the Queen”, said Megaboz speaking through Anluan.
The city was in sight - without regard to safety or caution a first wave surged forward
They assaulted the main gate but were repulsed by the defences, arrows and wildfire. Megaboz howled at the hoard, “Kill them all let none be left alive” and a second wave started forward. The same thing happened. After 8 more attacks, ammunition was nearly used up for both archers and towers alike.
Lord King, leader of the Queen’s own Royal Archer Brigade, was encouraging his men. “Don’t hurry, pick your targets and don’t waste arrows, at some stage we will run out if these attacks continue. We will then take our poleaxes to the enemy.”.
They all cheered him and continued firing. The Wildlings were suffering fearsome casualties but the evil Magaboz kept pushing them forward. The 12th wave was different and centered on the main gate. Noble Hrungnir the giant was charging forward, a ferocious look of hate and blood lust on his face. Lord King shouted “Bring the giant down if it is the only thing we do”. Hrungnir was bleeding from dozens of wounds inflicted by arrows, he rushed at the gate and with a huge roar of triumph broke them down. Lord King was the strongest archer and had the most powerful bow. He was only 20 yards from Hrungnir when he launched his last arrow, a bodkin, designed to penetrate armour and kill.
The bow had been drawn back beyond his ear and the string hummed after his release. The arrow flew true and hit the giant in the nose, punching up through the nasal cartilage and into his brain. He fell dead.
The damage was done, thousands of Wildlings surged forward to be met by Abendwolf’s Shield wall. Their flanks anchored by high walls they received the charge and were pushed back two paces but then held. Short stabbing swords were sliding out between the shields and killing the Wieldings.
Helmsby led a battalion of spearmen, who were thrusting their weapons over the shield wall, turned the area in front of Abendwolf into a mass of bloody human flesh. The dead and dying were piled 9 feet high. Abendwolf ordered his men to fall back 10 paces.
The defenders had been thinned by the assaults but were in good order. 7 more waves were launched one after the other. Abendwolf’s men had lost more than 60% casualties and although exhausted still grimly and stubbornly held on.
Abendwolf spoke to his men “Today we have suffered great sorrow, many of you have lost family and friends, we stand and hold this gap for them, all the other people we have lost and the living. I am so proud to fight with you to the end, now get ready I can hear them coming again! (Abendwolf had personally lost 2 brothers)”.
Suddenly an incandescent bolt of pure white light flashed across the sky, Princess Arya was in full avatar mode for the Lord of Light. The bolt hit Megaboz full on, broke his concentration and dispelled his mass mind control spell. The Wildlings just stopped, horrified by the piles of dead and dying around them, many just collapsed to the ground exhausted.
Letterman saw his chance and jumped onto his friend Pyrothraxis the Ancient Dragon, who immediately took to the air and headed for Megaboz. Arry was casting protection spells on them as they rapidly approached Megaboz who with the help of the Lord of Darkness had summoned the evil dragon Alexsrasza. The eons old enemy of R’hllor, Lord of Light was the Great Other (God of Ice and Death) - Lord of Darkness and he was helping his servant Megaboz.
They crashed into each other Fiery Breath meeting and countering Icy Breath.
sounds of a slashing sword, tearing talons and teeth, dragon breath and magic spells filled the un-naturally still air. Powerful magic shields were reducing damage to a minimum….could either side win?
Pyrothraxis caught Alexsrasza’s right wing and pulled, Letterman severed the wing at the joint and it fell away. They tumbled to the earth to continue fighting. Pyrothraxis smashed a talon into Alexsrasza’s head turning it, Letterman leaped in and severed his neck. The dragon fell silent and just disappeared leaving Megaboz alone.
Olga had joined Arry and they simultaneously cast bolts of light at Megaboz tearing at the shield of darkness surrounding him. It started to fail, Pyrothraxis added his fiery breath to the assault, an opening appeared and Letterman thrust his sword into the Lich. Megaboz exploded and he too dis-appeared.
The Battle was won and the tidy up began. Olga and Arry were holding hands, their eyes blazing a brilliant white. A wall of light spread out from their position, healing and resurrecting the fallen. The walls magically repaired themselves and it seemed as if nothing had happened.
Anluan and Hrungnir approached Arry and Olga, your highnesses, how can we thank you for what you have done for us all. The Free Folk (Wildlings) pledge fealty to your mother and this kingdom, if ever you need us we will come and aid you. Arry smiled at him, “My Lord we accept and hope this will forge an unbreakable bond between our 2 peoples”. A ring with a brilliant white stone appeared in her hand “take this as a sign that you are favoured by the Lord of light”.
Anluan placed the ring on his middle finger and smiled “Thank you your majesties, we will have to leave now, we are returning beyond the wall to our own lands”.
Hrungnir knelt in front of Arry and Olga and said in a deep, cultured and educated voice “You have saved my people, you are now known as Olga and Arry GiantFriend. Wherever you are we will always be connected.”, Olga produced another ring, the same, but much Larger and presented it to Hrungnir. He regarded it with wonder and placed it on his finger. “Thankyou and goodbye for now, we will meet again.”, he said.
With that after many goodbyes and pledges of friendship the Free Folk marched North to Castle Black and through the tunnel into their own lands.
People were left amazed by what had happened and gave thanks to the Lord of Light. The Kingdom returned to normal.
This story is based on the Alliance Trial Wildling Siege , my thanks as always to the Game of Thrones Winter is Coming and Chronicler Teams, to DwW and all those who inspire creativity and the use of imagination.