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After N0X's first match against RRH, where they had been defeated without much competition, in their Saturday match they were now going to face off against MBL. As soon as Hotep saw the matchup at reset, he was looking forward to the match. He knew quite a few players from MBL thanks to an AoW they had played together, and he wanted to show his friends on the other side how much he had grown and what he was capable of now.
So when the match was about to start, Hotep was 120% ready to do whatever would be necessary to not only win the match, but to help decide it.
First was racing. The racers were tasked with securing the enemy outpost for a swap, and that's what Hotep would do.
After that, it was time for him to look around. While MBL had taken mother and warrior, N0X had taken both strongholds. Hotep also spotted the holder of mother. GrogU. A good friend of his and a good racer, but not a strong account.
It seemed like MBL had messed up their slow marchers, and so Hotep started soloing as soon as the bubble dropped.
After the first hit, Hotep had to change targets, though as rallied were called on warriors, where ChristanOr had been swapped in. Christian was by far not their the strongest account, but it was inf, and as N0X was spear heavy, MBL seemed to have decided to run a lot of inf accounts for building occupation.
Even with a lot of inf vs inf rallies, N0X was able to take the castle. Horep himself got a clear win against the superior lineup from Christian.
The ports opened, and N0X would get both, although Hotep did not take part in it. Quickly MBL would react though, and as the slow marcher on the enemy port had the wrong preset, they had no issue kicking him.
Now the solos from their side started as well. With Bearface an account with maxed cav lineup and HostofDoom and Vorian inf account, they had no issues soloing almost everything, so Hotep and the rest of N0X had to constantly resend.
The now-new holder of the enemy port was inf again, of course, and so Hotep went for another solo. He had to prove something, didn’t he?
With samson being one of the weaker inf leads, Hotep had no issue soloing him. After 2 solos and telling his mates, one of the N0X inf leads would take the port.
Eventually the solos from MBL's side paid off as well, though, as they had soloed out warrior. It was inf again, but this time Hotep hit into a brick wall.
Another inf account, LAH, had occupied mother and as Hotep assumed that account to be even stronger, he did not dare soling it.
It would not take long for him to find another solo target. N0X holder of Lannister Outpost had been kicked out, but MBL's account in there was more fodder for Hotep’s solos.
After 3 solos, he let someone else take the building, but again, he had been the only one that could work down the building as one of the few cav leads in N0X.
N0X wanted to rally out ChristianOr yet again, this time in the port instead of the port (MBL had done a solo wave on that before), but MBL decided to pop the alliance bubble, so that would have to wait for a minute before another rally wave kicked Christian yet again.
Then the mines opened, and N0X got both of them. MBL’s only chance at a decent score was a quick rally wave, and while waiting for that, Hotep decided to do a bleeding rally on Christian, who had found themselves back in the same Outpost they had been kicked out of just minutes earlier.
Still having some rally speeds from earlier speed rallies, the battle now started
After mines were almost done and Hotep taking the port, the match was basically over in terms of battles. Belore would get kicked out of the Outpost after 50 minutes due to lack of reinforcements, and so started soloing, figuring out that LAH was in fact soloable for him.
Hotep was now happy. He had won his first race of the season and had played a big role in taking 3, maybe 4 buildings thanks to his solos and later bleeding rallies.
After the match, Hotep went on MBL’s discord and said GG, only for GrogU to arrive and call him a bully:
So mean! But he was not wrong, wasn’t he? Hotep had enjoyed the pain and suffering from MBLs inf leads he had been able to solo out. While other MBL players stepped in to voice their opinions, Hotep could just think about a joke. A joke that might be needed to be corrected here: “1 in 10 people [on MBL’s discord] are fine with bullying.”
Only time would tell if Hotep could repeat his solo bullying formula in the next AC matches…
GOT WIC Chronicler HotepRa