Let’s be honest, I could write a whole story about KVK, even a no death KVK, but it will be the same story you have read a hundred times lol. Amid our most recent No Death Welcome 2025 KVK I had a stunning realization on the meaning of it all and the lessons we learn along the way. Maybe I am getting sentimental in my old age lol.

During this KVK we matched with server home of DAC and a tight little group of HHH players on 247.

HHH is a very strong alliance so we tried to be someone strategic with the Shenanigans….First step, divide and conquer… Well not really conquer but you get the point lol. This phase consisted of a two-pronged approach…AthEna, Killshot and a few others would try and get points in castles on our kingdom. Vegeta and I would start holding castles on theirs for points and to spawn those dang Alpacas lol.

When we finally got the walking fluffballs to spawn Vegeta and I began to kill them… I noticed we gained fervor when attacking them. While not a huge deal in a no death kvk, it could interfere with the strategy. As if being summoned by the old gods, HHH woke up.

Now we needed to be mindful, sure it is a no death kvk but if we have zero troops it will get hard to make points without spamming out a new army of pixel people, decimating the resources….HHH had found the hive on our server. They began putting rallies on various people. They would not launch those rallies and we suspected much of it was to try and get them in fervor… Did they have a sapphire? Were they trying to ensure they would be able to hit us with at least a couple rallies? We did not know. Ironically enough, Vegeta and I both had fervor from killing the Alpacas lol. I hopped over to our server and landed away from our makeshift hive, ready to sneak in if HHH was to launch…

HHH may have taken our caution as us being defeated. They stopped putting on and taking off the rallies and went and took our Kings Landing. They had a nice little group with a variety of specialties. Something that could counter any one of us.

It was getting late here in the states, after killing the alpacas necessary (60) I needed to get some rest. AthEna and Killshot stayed up and kept us in the match while Vegeta and I recharged our batteries lol. They are the real MVP’s.

By the time I woke up, AthEna and Killshot were asleep. HHH was still awake lol. I needed to be smart we were losing but still within reach. The real danger was we were in danger of losing out on the KL buffs and privileges as HHH had held it for way more hours than we had. There was barely enough time if we got it back right now, to keep it. HHH was in a similar predicament. We had held their KL way longer than anyone on their server. Both servers would be better off if we worked together and allowed the other to keep their Kingdom buffs, especially during AC season. I sent a raven to JaritSoraB2 proposing an exchange to which they agreed. Both sides retreated to their respective corners of Westeros and we waited for our friends to wake up and join us while holding the castles. Vegeta was writing back and forth with JaritSoraB2 and proposed some friendly fights. They agreed enthusiastically, probably as bored as we were from sitting in castles. Lol

Vegeta wanted to rally JaritSoraB2 so we all rushed in to reinforce him for the rally….

OMG JaritSoraB2 was strong….

I rallied JaritSoraB2, thinking despite them having the defense advantage of way more troops, due to my counter this should be a win right? RIGHT? Well, the answer to that friend is NOPE not even a little lol.😂

For me, they wanted to rally me with their cav account…. Of course they would lol. Once again everyone rushed to reinforce me. When being rallied, it is important to have at least 8 dragons in helping you out. So many sent 1 troop and a dragon…

I did better than I had thought. It was nice to see the improvements I had made bare fruit. My defense was way better than my offence. The shenanigans continued as everyone was having fun rallying or being rallied. Checking both the offense and the defense is crucial in the Science of it all lol

It was late for HHH so eventually, they needed to head off and get some rest…We thanked them for the fun and being such great people. Since we were still within reach we opted to go back and fill our castles.
DAC had woken up and saw my lil skeeter, at almost double her size, she appeared to be easy prey for someone maybe wanting to get some kills. Appearances can be deceiving and she maybe small, but she is not weak…

I squealed at the report seeing my little one tanking hits and taking lords…

After hours in the castle, we were bored. We knew it had to happen if we wanted these diamonds. By the time we got our castle back, we needed to hold it until the end no interruptions to keep those kingdom buffs. Another member of DAC had come to our server, trying to take shots at the castles we held. They were not a huge threat to us per se but were becoming quite the pest. I myself held a couple castles with throwaway lines. They weren’t strong, just there to get more troops in. The DAC player had their moment in the sun when they hit our Kings Landing. Countering the holder and sending our troops home.

OMG OMG OMG, I don’t think they knew how much that hit hurt us. Not in troops cause no death KVK, but in time in the castle. We all rushed back in and prayed we could still make it. The odds were stacked against us. Sure, we would win KVK, but we would lose the buffs. I noticed no one on the enemy server bothered to fill their Kings Landing after HHH went to sleep. It looks like they would lose theirs as well. Messiah ended his reign of terror and all was quiet again.

We won at the end as far as diamond day goes.

We did lose the Kingdom buffs but it was close...

The friendly fights were the best part of the event. I know I know it is supposed to be war. I can’t help but enjoy meeting people all over Westeros. The community in this game is the best part of the game. While sometimes I am disappointed crossing paths with someone who (to me) takes the game too seriously, most of the time I am meeting amazing people all over the planet. I like fighting, don’t get me wrong. I want to test myself against my peers and those stronger than I. It shows me where I need to improve or what I have done well. The colorful personalities behind some of these amazing accounts are worth getting to know too. Those friendships we form are more valuable and last longer than any Level 5 Diamond mine ever would.