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After more than successful start of the new season of Alliance Conquest, SFu was aiming for the new heights. A victory over tSB meant new goals and new achievements. Top 50 spot in total alliance rankings is something we all strived for. Was it possible? Surely yes, but the team effort has to be flawless with little to no mistakes. However, third round was already looking like a true challenge since the opponents of SFu for this round were German Jokers aka GjS. Very strong and powerful alliance with many bow players. How great! Lux was thinking as her favorite combats were always bow vs bow ones. Now she gets to test the starts she has been working on for a couple of months. Of course she did encounter many infantry, cav and spear players but going PvP with fellow bow players has always been the best. As she is still missing one female commander’s fully awakening, she had no choice but to take her bow setup.
As the match preparations were on going, the leadership has once again relied on the same strategy that worked so well in the last two matches. Rally leaders and rally fillers for each troop type, including the runners and the city holders. Unfortunately bow players were not allowed to run for any of the buildings but for the outposts. Lux was little bit disappointed by that but it was fine. The alliance does not have enough bow players to reinforce the buildings anyways.
Ding ding! It was game time.. The match has started and from the very beginning the GJs has 93 players in versus 81 of SFu.
Our runners did a great job and managed to get 3 our of 4 buildings including Temple of Mother and The Tower of The Warrior. The reinforcements for the matching troop types were sent quickly and efficiently but we knew that the storm was coming. Lux has brough 500k troops of both cav and spear so she was also able to send her troops and help her teammates. The map was blue, everything was looking good. However within 5 minutes around 15 rallies were launched at the Mother. Despite very was reinforcements the Mother fell under GJs control. Now it was equal.. two castle for SFu and two for GJs. Right after Lux checked the map she noticed the ‘defense assist” button and around 10 rallies heading towards Tower of the warrior. As SFu was reinforcing tower of warrior, no one paid closer attention to the rallies going for the outposts so within 2 minutes the map has turned red. Oh no! We need to reorganize, they have many bow players.. were just some of the words coming from the alliance leadership.
Let’s go for the Castely Rock and let’s keep it! Send all the power there and lets go! Once again our runners were faster as they reached and captured Castely Rock first! All spear reinforcements were sent quick and swiftly but once again we knew GJs won’t let Castely Rock go just like that. More than 20 rallies were launched from the enemy and yet SFu managed to prevail. We can do it! Just hold the defenses! However since GJs have quite a few very strong individual players, they have mixed solo attacks with the rallies and finally managed to capture Castely Rock. Now the map once again was completely red! The point gap at the moment was still very low so the ending was very uncertain.
As the bubbles dropped, real war has begun. The strongest enemy players were attacking everyone and not only the strongest SFu players like before. Lux was waiting for this moment as she was looking at the enemy castle map, carefully looking for the bow players. Luckily this time she has no issues. Very quickly she launched 4 solo attacks which all ended in victory. Oh wow my Theon is still 2 stars and yet it’s working well! She was thinking. As she was pulling her troops back she did not use the speed ups, the enemy launched himself and attacked her. Enemy has very powerful female synergy setup that included Cersei and T5 troops. Lux did lose this PvP however she managed to kill over 800k enemy troops. Not bad, not bad at all.. Bows are after all, greatest defensive troop.
As the war was blazing the ports opened in the meantime. SFu King Rale and Lady Anibas were yet again quicker than the enemy. The point gap at the moment was still not to high so there was still the hope, especially since the ports bring many points per minute. However, as per usual, the enemy was restless. Combining solo attacks with multiple rallies, the enemy regained their port firstly. Then the second round came and GJs were in charge of both ports. In the meantime SFu managed to get the outposts and strongholds back but the point gap now started to increase even more. At this moment everyone was waiting for the mines to open while the map was changing colors like the traffic light, from red to blue and vice versa. Lux kept on hitting individual players which got get to top 30 elimination points ranking. Ahh I wish there were always so many bow players she said as she sent her cav and spear troops away.
The time for the mines has come and once again the first ones to reach both mines were.. of course SFu runners! The mines were crucial, and everyone knew that. GJs wouldn’t let the mines go away just like that. The players in the mines were both infantry players so the enemy geared up even more as they launched multiple cav rallies within few seconds, not allowing SFu to reinforce in time. First one mine and then the other one. SFu has now lost both mines, Multiple SFu players have organized the rallies too but as the bow players of GJs were holding the mines it was almost impossible to pass through them.
At this moment it was clear that the defeat is imminent, however SFu agreed we would do our best to reach 60000 point mark for the better awards so the counter attacks have started. Knowing that the bow players are in the mines, the rallies continued firstly to ports and then to Castely Rock. Since GJs already reached the mark of 80 000 points they did not reinforce all of the buildings knowing they have already reached the max awards.
With 3 minutes left until the end SFu did manage to reach 0k points making this match very interesting. Before the match has ended both alliances congratulated each other on the fair match and wished each other luck in the next rounds. Lux was making jokes with the rest of the team as she was that the reason GJs won was the dominance of the bow players. As the rest of the team were fairly satisfied with the match, we knew that we still have a long way to go. Our runners were really good but the reinforcements had to be more smooth and definitely faster.
With two wins and one loss, SFu still remains in the race for the Top 50 spot but can we really make it this season? Stay tuned to see, what will SFu manage to do in Round 4. As we still do not know the enemy the hopes are high.
Lux has been thinking about potential enemies but her mind always comes back to tSB..wouldn’t be the first time to have the same opponent twicke in the same round of the event.
Until we meet again,
Yours truly,
Lux Crownguard