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Arena of Honor Season 2 Round 6 -A new beginning?

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/24/2024 16:15

Its Sunday, 2 weeks have passed and its time for another Arena of Honor battle, this time with a twist. Our leader Leandra De, can't attempt this battle, she received a letter from Sansa that she's needed on Winterfell and had to depart right away so the [N0X] knights had to look for other team for this fight. In their hunt for glory points Shado, LadyKnight and VERGO which has returned from his Essos trip decided to go with another [N0X] team leaded by Eva Tyrell, along the other knights Sansa 29, mansao35, Evita RtW, Xarsh, gizzmopower and V1R1ATO.

The team sat on the table and starting discussing strategies, this time Shado wasnt a commander so he listened to the commanders, in their team they were going with trading posts for a safer score so everyone agreed to that and we waited patiently for the gates to open. The matchmaking took place and at exactly 18:35 on the sun clock we joined and started scouting to see what Old Gods reserved us for this match. [N0X] team was assigned to the Tyrell family this time, while as opponents we had [M1B] for Targaryen, a mix team for House Stark, [COU] for Lannisters, [win] for House Baratheon and [tSB] for House Greyjoy. After a quick scout on the enemy teams we noticed a few strong infantry players which was quite bad news for [N0X] team as both our rally leads were spears.

The match started as always with the opening of strongholds, which [N0X] warriors rushed and occupy them in seconds and then reinforced them and started building trading posts but Shado suddenly noticed a problem, Targaryen's that were located South-West of our base started building infantry camps, so with us building trading posts our House will be always in danger, a call was made to reinforce the house but not every [N0X] knight listened and as we were busy with fighting for altars, a very very bad thing happened, Targaryen's NPC occupied our House and Lilya F seen an opportunity and along with other [M1B] players reinforced our House in an attempt to occupy'it. Shado tried to solo multiple times but was far for being successful while Xarsh setup a rally to take our House back, Xarsh rally was successful but it didn't kick everyone from our House and probably the worst thing it can happen in Arena of Honor, it happen, we lost our House.

Losing the House means that every stronghold becomes vulnerable and for the next 2 minutes until House opened so we can take'it back we had a back and forth exchange of hits with Targaryen warriors as they were trying to take us completely out of the game. [N0X] team tried to keep calm and not give up as we were waiting, some people were a bit disappointed and Shado was too, it was the first time ever in so many rounds when he was homeless. House opened Xarsh setup a rally and we took'it back and then Shado went in with solos and took our strongholds back, we dusted off and started getting back into the actual fight. [N0X] team moved into taking back the altars we lost while fighting for our House and strongholds, and meanwhile while we were too busy to get them back Targaryen's occupied the City of Glory, and with them being quite the strongest team on this fight, their rally leaders being infantry and [N0X] being spears combined with them having all the catapults, not much opposition was put by the other teams and they occupied the City of Glory without too many problems and they kept'it for the rest of the fight.

A big chunk of [N0X] forces were occupied reinforcing the House since if you build trading posts and opponents build troop camps, their NPC attacks will be very strong and [N0X] had to make sure we don't lose our House for the 2nd time this match. While doing so [N0X] also continued the fight for altars, trying to get ours back and occupy as many of other team's as possible to try and get a high score and maybe score some glory points in the process. The strong knight made a lot of solos and blood was spilled on [N0X] side as well as our opponents side, while the other knights reinforced the altars to make sure we keep them for the 2 minutes needed to occupy them. The mining shafts also opened and [N0X] tried to occupy as many of them as possible as they give 2000 flat points but they deplete very fast and we were in dire need of points to keep our current 3rd place, get the 10 glory points and for Shado, LadyKnight and VERGO meaning recovering the glory points we lost in the prior round.

Every one of [N0X] knights did a very good job, and by the end of the fight we almost caught the 2nd place team, but sadly we fell a bit short and the fight ended with [N0X] team on 3rd place which considering how we almost got pushed out from the game by losing our House, it was a very good result. Now that the fight was over, what did [N0X] team learned from it? Well, can't say about the other 7 members as it was our first fight with them but Shado, LadyKnight and VERGO learned that its very very bad thing to lose your House in this fight, as it can push you quickly on the 6th place and basically out of the fight. Overall it was a good fight, with an amazing recovery and we ended up scoring a few glory points that push our glory ranking higher. Hopefully everyone had fun and we'll fight again soon!
