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The End of the Night King's InvasionK335

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/23/2024 00:29
Edited by martagonzale at 09/23/2024 00:39

The Final Battle.

As I told in the previous story, the kingdom was immersed in a war of nothing more and nothing less than life against death. Armies of white walkers led by a general had surpassed the wall's defenses to the north and were heading toward Winterfell.

Killer Marta had retired to rest and sleep, handing over to other lords of the kingdom.

However, he could not sleep much that night. When morning came, he prepared to meet with all the lords of the kingdom to inform him about how the night had developed. The news was devastating: the White Walkers were advancing without ceasing, and their army was diminishing with each passing hour. They needed more soldiers.

Killer Marta asked why more troops were not joining the war and the response of the other kingdom lords was disturbing. They were afraid of a lord called LarryKurde, that lord was a ruthless hunter of merits, these hunters go visit kingdoms to cause chaos and death.

Hearing those words, Killer Marta decided to change her plans. Although she initially planned to join the battle with her companions, she opted for something bolder. She got on the fastest horse she had and rode towards LarryKurde's position.

After two hours of riding, she arrived at the gates of LarryKurde's castle. She asked for an audience with said lord. Surprisingly, some soldiers opened the door and, kindly, informed her that their lord had granted her an audience immediately.

KillerMarta and LarryKurde, after two hours of talking about the situation in which the kingdom was, reached an agreement. LarryKurde would join the battle, leaving aside his hunt until the danger looming over the kingdom was annihilated. Killer Marta got on her horse and set off again to Winterfell to give the good news.

Upon arriving, she notified all the lords of the agreement reached, she saw how more lords and troops arrived to stop the white walkers.

Once the hunter problem was solved, Killer Marta and the other lords planned a strategy. The White Walkers were not attacking all fronts at the same time, which forced the lords to divide into different groups. Killer Marta, along with his soldiers and his clan, went to defend Strong Terror, where the situation was very bad.

Meanwhile, other lords were stationed in Winterfell, preparing for the arrival of the White Walkers, and those who were free headed towards the Land of the Last Home.

Killer Marta hurried to reach Strong Terror. When she arrived there, the landscape was devastating; wherever she looked, there were only dead people and the air smelled of rot. However, when the soldiers defending Strong Terror saw Killer Marta's troops arrive, their morale immediately rose. She arrived rested and eager to kill every walker she found.

And so it was that Killer Marta began to strike blow after blow, with an iron will that had one goal: the white walkers would not conquer Strong Terror. In turn, in Winterfell and Last Home, the battles were bloody and the white walkers did not stop dying and resurrecting again.

Hours and more hours passed, but Killer Marta and her allies were managing to achieve their goal: which was nothing more than to stop the advance of the white walkers and survive. But suddenly, as if by magic, the armies of the white walkers changed course, they headed towards Winterfell. Immediately after, news came from all the posts that all the enemy armies were gathering on Winterfell, it seemed that the final battle was about to begin.

Killer Marta hurried and headed towards Winterfell with her troops. If the messages were true, surely the king of the night would be approaching. After a few hours of travel, she arrived at the outskirts of Winterfell, and just before arriving, SURPRISE she found herself face to face with millions and millions of white walkers. In the center of them was the Night King. The battle had begun.

Without wasting time, she sent messengers to all the lords, asking them that everyone, down to the last man, had to attend this battle. The survival of the kingdom was in their hands.

As a spear warrior, each blow she dealt to the Night King annihilated his cavalry. Soon, other warrior lords joined her: Copyright, Goliath, Aoh, and Lucid, all ready to face the threat. But of course, when the Night King's infantry came into play, she was the one who was at a disadvantage. But LarryKurde came to her aid, like any good cavalryman, he took care of the enemy infantry. To complete the circle, Skyrocket, a feared infantry lord, also appeared, along with his partner Elza. The two of them together made the troops of the Night King fall like butter.

So blow after blow in two hours and a bit, Killer Marta and her faithful friends finished off the Night King.

After finishing off such a great threat, the kingdom began to reconquer the lost ground. The White Walkers in very small groups were slowly annihilated. They no longer resurrected and Killer Marta felt very proud of the entire kingdom. The work was simply spectacular.
