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Arena of Honor [S2 R7]- House Stark

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/22/2024 07:32

Arena of Honor [S2 R7] 

House Stark

The Arena of Honor from the beginning had been a very exciting challenge for SCEPAL. During the first season, he had performed quite well, reaching the first places in most of the games and finishing in a good rank. However, in this second season, luck seemed to have turned its back on him.

Despite all her efforts, she was stuck in the knight rank because she was not able to participate in all the games or she was finishing in the last positions and, although it was enough to stay in the competition, she felt that she was not reaching her maximum potential, and the frustration was starting to affect her playing with her self-esteem regarding the game .... and so, she knew that, if she wanted to improve, she would have to change the strategies or something that would give her a change to the bad streak.

It was then that he decided to turn to the alliance and the groups that were being formed for each game. After observing that some of the most experienced players in the alliance were joining, SCEPAL did not hesitate any longer.

If he wanted to regain their trust, now was the time to act. He signed up for the game along with some of the most resonant names in GCM such as: Night Rider, DRogon, Dark Templ, Barista, Baboo, Lord Clu... and, of course, SCEPAL.

As fate would have it, the House they were to represent was House Stark. When he saw the name, a smile came to SCEPAL's face as he had always had good results playing for House Stark.

-Perhaps this time it is also a sign of good fortune - he thought.

-I have always done well with House Stark -  he commented to the group as they prepared for the game.

Everyone nodded as well although Night Rider meanwhile, seemed to be focused on the strategy to follow in the game. He knew that facing the other Houses this time would not be easy.

-We're going to fight them any way we can, but we're going to do things differently this time. I don't want us to waste time with trading posts. We'll set up infantry camps and focus on fortifying as quickly as possible. No reinforcements to the main castle yet - Night Rider ordered as the others nodded.

After the countdown came, the atmosphere in the arena was filled with great tension. Everyone quickly took the first strongholds, reinforcing positions to the maximum. Despite Night Rider's order, some wondered if it was the right decision, but you had to have faith in what he had said. Normally, trades help to gain a quick advantage, but Night Rider was betting on an approach to probable future victory.

The leaderboard kept changing. Casa Stark was off to a good start, but there was no time to relax. The other teams seemed to be well prepared as well, and the battle promised to be fierce.

-We have to take the second strongholds before the other Houses get ahead of us,” said SCEPAL as he looked carefully at the enemy positions.

- We're on it,” said DRogon.  But House Baratheon is also strong, they are pressing us.

The battle for the second strongholds was intense and House Stark managed to take them and reinforce them quickly, but the constant attacks from House Baratheon and House Lannister made it difficult to maintain control.

- Don't lose focus and don't let your guard down - said Night Rider.

 We need to hold those positions until we reach lvl 3. From there, we can attack the City of Glory.

The plan seemed clear so far, nothing out of the ordinary to occupy, reinforce, wait and strike at the right time. Meanwhile, the altars were a point of constant conflict. House Stark had managed to occupy it but had to constantly rely on the other attacks. However, as time progressed, House Stark began to move up the rankings, leading briefly before House Greyjoy struck an unexpected blow that sent it to the top.

House Greyjoy, which had been lagging behind in the last positions, suddenly took the lead with a masterstroke: the capture of the City of Glory, and thus climbed higher and higher until it pulled away from the rest.

-They're already ten thousand points ahead! - exclaimed Barista, incredulous at the speed with which Greyjoy had secured his advantage.

- We're not going to catch them.

-Forget about the center, I think they've already won, now our goal is to secure the second place no matter what it takes - said Night Rider.

With House Greyjoy in an unreachable position, the fight was now centered between House Stark and House Lannister. The battle was fierce, with both sides fighting for every altar, mine and pit. Stark managed to maintain the lead, but the margin was small.

With twenty minutes left in the game, House Stark was beginning to distance itself from House Lannister and consolidate its position in second place.  Then, SCEPAL decided to send its scouts to explore the City of Glory, hoping to find an opportunity to regain control. However, what they found was not at all encouraging.

-All cavalry! -said SCEPAL in frustration when he saw the report.

- If they hadn't been old troops, I could have done something with my spears, but with those T5s, it's impossible!

It is not the time yet -  she thought, somewhat frustrated.

As time went on, House Lannister began to lose ground and Stark took control of the altars and reinforced each occupied position.

With each passing minute, the advantage for House Stark's second place became clearer. 

In a final desperate attempt, Night Rider decided to organize a cavalry rally towards the City of Glory, but Greyjoy's defenses and the reinforcements stationed there were impenetrable.

-It is impossible - said Night Rider finally, seeing that his troops were unable to break through and defeat the defense.

- It doesn't matter, we still won the second place, that's the important thing.

SCEPAL nodded and although they had not achieved absolute victory, this game had been a great opportunity for her who had been stumbling after stumbling. Not only had she participated alongside some of the most experienced players in the alliance, but she had also regained some of the confidence she had lost at the beginning of the season.

-Casa Stark got it right this time! I wasn't wrong - said SCEPAL as he watched the final minutes wind down.

- Maybe the next round will be different.

DRogon patted him on the shoulder.

-Don't doubt it, SCEPAL. Next time maybe he'll let us get first place.

The game ended, and though House Greyjoy took the glory, House Stark had secured a good position and they would not lose points. And for SCEPAL, that battle meant more than just points and a good sign that everything could improve from now on.
