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BlackL1on brings together the houses in the Arena of Honor tournament

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/19/2024 00:04

A week has passed since the siege of King's Landing, led by Rioter and LoveBunnies. Queen PincesRaj has called the high captains of the Seven Kingdoms and their allies to a council. The threat of the Night King and his army of the dead looms over the Wall, and war seems inevitable.

Representatives of the Seven Kingdoms have gathered to debate who will send troops north to join the White Wolf in defending against this evil. In an attempt to measure the strengths and skills of the armies, BlackL1òn has proposed a war tournament. This event, known as the Arena of Honor, will test the physical prowess and strategic ability of the troops. Although his reputation and skills are already more than proven, BlackL1òn will also participate in the tournament.

• House Baratheon: Led by Robert Baratheon, known as "The M". He takes the tournament very seriously, as he believes that protecting the North is essential to maintaining peace in the Seven Kingdoms. “The M” is a high-ranking general and close friend of the White Wolf, Sampls of Winterfell.

• House Lannister: Their leader, BackFiere, is BlackL1on's older brother and lord of Casterly Rock. He has decided to support his younger brother in the tournament, giving his best to ensure victory.

• House Targaryen: Represented by CARSTEN, the second in command of the Gold Cloaks under SamRcok's service. CARSTEN will be in charge of carrying the Targaryen banner in this challenge.

· Casa Greyjoy: A pesar de las reticencias de Balon Greyjoy, ha enviado a su hijo y heredero, Theon Greyjoy, también conocido como "El MataPerros", a participar en el torneo. Aunque Balon prefiere no involucrarse en la batalla del norte, su hijo está dispuesto ayudar a su viejo amigo SAMPLS

The next morning, the tournament begins. The houses position themselves on the battlefield, ready to face off for control of various strategic areas. Although the swords used in the battle are not sharpened, there is a risk that some soldiers will lose their lives, as often happens in clashes of this magnitude.

From the start of the battle, each house sends its troops to the trading posts, which will allow them to score points throughout the competition. BlackL1òn, always a strategist, rushes to capture one of these points with his troops and sits there, calmly observing the development of the movements of the other houses.

Once he has secured control of the trading point, the fortresses are opened. BlackL1òn sends a squad to capture one of these fortresses, from where he will plan and execute his decisive attacks against the other houses.

As the tournament progresses and the troops of the houses fight for control of the strategic points, tensions begin to rise. BlackL1òn, having taken one of the strongholds, finds himself in a position of advantage.

On the other hand, BlackL1òn begins to see the movements of his brother, BackFiere, of House Lannister. Although at first he was determined to support him, he begins to perceive that BackFiere is willing to attack him, to ensure a victory, even putting his own troops at risk.

The tournament, transforms into a pitched battle. As the combatants fight for control of strategic points, the atmosphere becomes increasingly tense. BlackL1òn, having secured one of the most important strongholds, watches from his position with satisfaction, but with that tense calm typical of the prelude of what is coming.

Meanwhile, Theon Greyjoy, the impulsive heir of the Greyjoys, decides to attack Ser Loras Tyrell without warning, unleashing chaos in the middle of the tournament. The soldiers, who should be competing honorably, begin to fight with a ferocity that reflects the true tensions between the houses

Carsten, the representative of the Targaryens, observes the chaos with increasing and without thinking twice makes several attacks on the Baratheon house, but they are firmly repelled by "The M

The atmosphere heats up and all the houses hit each other in an effort to dominate the battlefield.

BlackL1òn decides to launch a surprise attack. He gives orders to his troops. The soldiers advance quickly. And he attacks the warrior's tower, gaining a new position

The Tyrell troops are immersed in the task of reinforcing their position, without suspecting the imminent threat, BlackL1òn gives the signal to attack. BlackL1òn's forces storm the Tyrell camp, breaking through their defenses. The attack is brutal; the Tyrell soldiers are taken by surprise and annihilated.

Ser Loras Tyrell, the brave leader of his house, quickly attempts to rally his troops. However, the unexpected aggression and intensity of the assault begins to undermine his ability to maintain control. Despite his heroic efforts to repel the Black Lion's attacks, he is again and again outmatched, with BlackL1on taking several positions and destroying several armies.

The pressure becomes unbearable for Ser Loras. Losses of soldiers and increasing disorder force Loras to make a difficult decision: order a retreat. As the Tyrell troops regroup and retreat back to their base, the battlefield is marked by the sense of defeat and BlackL1on takes control, forcing the Tyrrells to hide in their base.

House Baratheon's troops secure crucial strategic points and take full control of the battlefield, taking the City of Glory, Dragonpit and several mines, Robert Baratheon secures victory for House Baratheon.

Robert Baratheon, with a smile of satisfaction and pride, celebrates the victory with his army. House Baratheon has proven to be the most prepared and, consolidating his position as the main leader for the war that is coming BackFiere despite the discrepancies he has had with his sister, he stands firm and announces himself as a formidable and well-prepared leader who obtains the second position, surpassing the Lion. His troops have proven to be well prepared for the war that is coming in the north.

House Targaryen, and its leader, Goldcloak Carsten, have also proven to be formidable generals under pressure and take third place. SamRock looks at him with satisfaction knowing that his second in command has not let him down, and that House Targaryen still has one of the most powerful armies in Westeros.

Theon Greyjoy, known as "The Dogkiller", has led House Greyjoy to fourth place in the tournament. Theon's various attacks against House Targaryen have failed to consolidate a definitive advantage. The losses suffered during the attack and the difficulty in maintaining a solid position throughout the tournament negatively affect House Greyjoy. But despite them, fourth place shows that The Kraken has a fairly fit army despite the comfortable life they lead on the Iron Islands.

Theon Greyjoy and his house accept fourth place with a mixture of pride and disappointment. Finally, House Tyrell faced a series of relentless attacks from BlackL1òn. This strategic assault had a clear purpose: to test House Tyrell's combat capability and assess whether they were prepared to face the threat of the Night King. BlackL1òn, aware that House Tyrell does not have an outstanding reputation on the battlefield, decided to subject his troops to rigorous tests.

House Tyrell finished last in the tournament due to their inability to withstand continuous attacks. This revealed significant weaknesses in their army and their ability to respond in combat.

BlackL1òn decided not to include House Tyrell in the march on Winterfell. This decision was based on the need to ensure that all allies were in the best possible shape to face the impending threat.

With the conclusion of the tourney, the houses have set the final composition of the armies that will march north to face the looming threat of the Night King.

House Baratheon has proven to be a formidable leader during the tournament, and his house has won first place. Robert has selected the best warriors and strategists for this crucial mission. House Baratheon will lead the vanguard of the offensive against the Night King,

BackFiere, with House Lannister, has prepared a robust and well-trained army. will contribute a significant force to the north, focused on war tactics and logistical resources. Lannister troops will be responsible for securing the flanks

Carsten and House Targaryen, will contribute a specialized contingent of golden cloaks to the north, forming the elite royal guard that will protect the generals and captains of the different houses on the battlefield.

Theon Greyjoy, has secured a fierce fighting force. House Greyjoy will bring their maritime skills and guerrilla tactics to the North, and will take charge of the rearguard of the armies, specializing in quick attacks and rearguard protection in combat.

The armies have been established and the roles defined, the leaders of the houses prepare for the final campaign. Preparations include coordinating resources, establishing supply routes and planning joint strategies to face the Night King and his army of the dead.

The preparation of the supply routes becomes an essential task to ensure the success of the campaign against the Night King. Logistics and supply will be crucial to keep the troops well equipped and operational on the battlefield.

It is time to begin sending the wagons with supplies towards the North. However, the threat of wild clans and sects that roam will be a problem that the armies must overcome before reaching Winterfell.
