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[Illusiоn Battlefield] AOW vs PRD Breakdown

Press Officer
Article Publish : 09/09/2024 01:49


Welcome to another Illusion Battlefield Prime League (IBPL) review. Today, we will be doing an in depth review of the match between AOW and PRD. Coincidentally, this was the same match up as last season, when both of these alliances also matched each other in the first match of the Final 16. To have made it this far, both these alliances have already come a long way. AOW came out as Group 6 Gold alliance, while PRD were from the Group 4 Silver alliance.

In this single elimination bracket, everything is on the line. 4 months of competition has come down to this, and 4 more matches stand between each alliance and winning the season. 


     ➥ Attendance

     ➥ Tower 1

     ➥ Tower 4

     ➥ Central Tower

     ➥ Tower 2

     ➥ Tower 3


For this match, AOW spawned in the top right, and are Yellow, while PRD spawned in the bottom left, and are Red. AOW had a slight advantage in terms of numbers, starting off with 28 players, which was two more than what PRD started off with. They would maintain this lead for the entire match, as they filled up to 30 players while PRD stayed at 28/30 players for most of the match.

Tower 1

Both alliances sent a similar number of players to Tower 1. PRD sent 9 players, while AOW sent one player more than them. This kept either side from capturing the tower in the beginning, as both sides focused on zeroing the enemy players. 

After several minutes of fighting, AOW were able to gain the upper hand, zeroing multiple PRD players without losing any players themselves. With PRD down to 7 players, AOW surrounded the tower, leaving PRD with nothing they could do to prevent AOW from capturing it.

Tower 4

PRD outnumbered AOW here, with 7 players compared to only 5 from AOW. However, AOW players were able to surprise PRD with the support talent, Quick Occupy. PRD were not able to react in time to prevent AOW from capturing the tower, leading to an unexpectedly quick capture for AOW.

Central Tower

AOW outnumbered PRD at central tower too, with 10 players compared to the 6 from PRD. This allowed them to gain the initial momentum, as they were able to defeat multiple PRD players, pushing them further away from the tower before it opened for capture. 

Once the fights at Towers 1 and 4 concluded, many of the players made their way to the centre, leading to a chaotic battle between both alliances. With better positioning around the tower, AOW were able to capture it, but the battle was not over yet. PRD sent wave after wave of reinforcements to the tower, and were able to gain a foothold at the tower, coming close several times to capturing the tower.

Tower 2

With the situation at the other towers looking bleak, PRD had multiple players teleport to Tower 2, the home tower of AOW. They were able to make some initial progress, as they outnumbered the 3 initial AOW defenders at the tower. Despite this, it was just not enough, and AOW were able to recover in time to defend their tower.

Tower 3

In the waning moments of the match, AOW decided to teleport into Tower 3, the home tower of PRD. With the match all but over, PRD did not put up much of a defence, conceding the tower to AOW.


This concludes the exciting match between AOW and PRD in the Round of 16. While PRD fought well, they were unable to comeback from their early setbacks at the Towers 1 and 4, giving AOW a surprisingly one sided defeat. For PRD, their season has now unfortunately come to an end, while AOW will advance to the Quarterfinals. They have a tough match ahead of them as the face off against BUNS, the 2nd runners up from the previous season.

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