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Patch Note 2.7.3

Press Officer
Article Publish : 09/08/2024 03:50

Hey everyone, I'm PO PandaMoratia. In today's article, we are going to discuss Patch Note 2.7.2. I haven't read it yet, so I'll be writing this article as I discover it, allowing me to share my immediate reaction with you. It look like the main thing will be a Mysterium rework !

New Features

Mysterium is fully reworked, with New random events, Mysterium Shop, and challenge level selection features that will transform the Mysterium into the kind of “tower” content we often find in games of this genre.

Ok not much to go on with these, it’s just a natural conversion of the event, i do like the fact that reward will be in a shop now and not as random as it used to be.

Tower like style : 

The mysterium has 4 floors. After completing your first challenge in the Mysterium, you'll be able to freely choose your challenge level after each reset. Upon clearing the chosen level, you will receive all rewards from that level and all preceding levels at once. So no more grinding all 4 levels which took forever and was really boring.

Mysterium work in cycle which reset (assuming a cycle will still be 48 hours since nothing is said about any changes in that department).

So pretty much you will have to reach your highest floor in hard mode first and then you just can fully run it and try to progress to grab all the rewards including the previous floor. If you make a mistake in allocating your team as an example and losing key Immortal in the process, no panic, you can reset and try again.

This should significantly reduce the time consumption of Mysterium which was way too much, and allow us to choose our reward through the shop and not having a whole bunch of random stuff. I really like it a lot, I think Mysterium rework was long overdue and I know many players had stopped doing it because it was just way too annoying and time consuming.

The Blessings of Triss event is now replaced by the Well of Wisdom event

There are a few unknown things here that I hope will be in favor of the player, the status of the coin stacked and the shop after the change happen as an example. Aside from it the new version seems better, a pity system included to grant an epic reward after 30 draws (which we don’t really know what that means since they listed Legendary Rewards and Rare Rewards but no Epic Rewards…Epic Ability Stone Selection Chest perhaps ?).

The fact that artifact are now only Holy and Shadow, the event kinda cross with the Spark of Galaxy events, which leave us wondering how we will get exclusive artifact for some Immortal that aren’t in the Elemental Artifact Selection Chest such as Darius, Yi Sun-shin ect… Perhaps they will be added to the shop, that would be good news.

Optimizations for New Legion of Frostborne

The notification for free attempt is a really good addition, I'm sure plenty of players didn’t even know we had free attempt due to the lack of it.

They limit the “play from behind the wall safety” gameplay, you can no longer interact outside with the exterior from your faction’s safe zone. I think it is a good addition since the gate can no longer be taken. The first thermal needed to be in the safe zone of your faction will make towering into z2 and further a bit more complicated since we won’t be able to use alt alliance’s thermal anymore to bridge directly there.

More ways to get immortal fragments is always a good thing, I'm glad to see them added to the shop especially since they were removed from the chest.

I’m not sure what these Special Bundles are to be honest, I guess we’ll see once the patch is live.

Good that we don’t have to claim the reward from emails anymore, QoL are always welcome.

Balance Adjustment

Artemisia’s adjustments don't change a whole lot to be honest, she is still capable of maintaining a 100% chill effect if you have a Surge artifact, which is her main role. It will come into effect a bit sooner in the fight, that may help a little to get Margaret and Merlin in sync.

Wind Dragon’s balance is honestly pretty much neglectable at this point, there are way too few users of this dragon due to the difficulty to max it to have any relevance in the meta.


Mysterium revamped is a big deal, I love it, it was really necessary and they got to it at last. 

We’ll have to see exactly what the Well of Wisdom truly looks like once live, but on paper it looks way more player friendly than the Blessing of Triss.

I believe the New Legion of Frostborne format adjustments are relatively on point aside from the fact they still stay on their line believing players will play as alliance rather than server. And this simply will not happen. I wish they would throw all alliances from a server in the same faction directly, that would lower the burden of organisation for a big server’s officer and won’t change what is happening anyway since players already found the work around to make it happen.

Balance and QoL are always welcomed even though I don't really think they will have any impact whatsoever on the meta, which is a bit sad.

Overall I still think it’s a good patch, what do you think about it ? Let me know in the comment.

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Press Officer [S56]PandaMoratia, currently an officer of the Ydvia Alliance [ANA]rchy. Press Officers are players with the role of journalist in the game. We are not developers, members of the support team, or GTArcade/YooZoo employees.

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