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Alliance Conquest- DracaRYS vs UTB – Round 4

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/31/2024 12:18

Difficult opponent on the horizon?

Here we go again! Another Alliance Conquest (AC) match, which this time, at least on the paper, looks a bit more fun, a bit more exciting, a bit more.. difficult? Our next opponent was meant to be UTB.

Before I continue to give you a bit of information about our enemy, WTF this season has started from the wrong foot, by losing to strong NBe, following which earning 2 easy wins against N2D and LiK, it was about the time to meet someone who will actually try to ‘bite back’ when we are approaching.


We felt excited for the action expected to be seen this evening, and from my side, I was really interested in how will Mirela and her UTB, show up in this game. It is the first time I was playing against them, and it definitely has been adding a bit of spice to the whole competition.

MiReLa, UTB and WTF

MiReLa was known at least to me as Lady UTB, I have meet her back in the days, when UTB was still in A league (AC has B,A and S leagues) that was way before they have qualified to the S league and merged with another clan. She is also one of the Chroniclers so another reason why a lot of people could’ve known her name. I knew immediately as MiReLa will be one of their top performing warriors, trying to lead her brothers and sisters to the glorious victory, yet that day, they have faced some difficult side to take it down, maybe too difficult, but that we are about to see.

As I was checking the UTB roster, most of the strong players were representing spears, so seemed like another fight against spear alliance. Denearys was lord representing most of the warriors within UTB. Having this legendary commander speaks for itself, as they must be strong, question is how strong?

Another strong warrior which we should be looking at from UTB was Thor Storm which astonishing 772 millions of merit points, speaks for itself.

How will they do against our soldiers? Those who always tend to give hard time to any type of enemies? I believe it is fair to ask this question to warriors like IANQ

and Athena D GOD

Those warriors (which we will focus on today) will definitely be trying to stop them, as following this match there were only 2 more, meaning that if we lose this match, we would have win another two, knowing on the back of our heads, we might match difficult enemies such as BaN on our way. It was very important for us to win this game.

I must quote xXRangerXx here, as after this match, I feel he deserved to be mentioned due to his great performance.

Fight night

7PM has approached very fast, and both teams have been gathering on the battlefield, one in the bottom left corner (WTF) and the other was on the opposite side of the map, so top right corner (UTB)

Both teams were gathering meaning more and more warriors were landing on the map. As you might have remembered in the previous games, we were mainly struggling from inability to fill the whole 100 warriors’ roster on the map, and also the rally timings were something we kept practicing, knowing we have new warriors within the team. Starting from the roster, it seems like this game was nowhere near what we would expect, as the number of warriors that shown up to fight for the good name of the alliance, was only 75, meaning 25% of the squad was missing. This was very disappointing, and was putting more pressure on us, so those who attend. Lucky for us, the enemy attendance was even worse, presenting shameful 64. This was quite a boost of morale, as in games against teams on such level, difference of 10+ players is huge.



The clock has been ticking and eventually the first buildings were about to unlock. Racers were meant to fight showcasing their speed, in run for the two Outposts, Mother and Warrior castles. At the same time slow marchers have been sending their regiments of troops, to then either swap if the race has been won, or hijack enemy swap if it was enemy racer that has been faster.

As you can see on above picture, we have managed to secure most of the buildings, losing the race only for Mother. Mother is very unique, due to its ability to reduce cost for healing. This is very useful ability considering t4 and t5 troops are very expensive and in games with teams from top20 of GoTWiC it is written everywhere, that a lot of troops will die (thankfully only in the event!)

It was obvious that we have to take it back, so shortly after we have focused on it, by sending a lot of troops in rallies and solo attacks, to take it from enemy possession.

shortly after re-captured it, which allowed us to heal troops a lot cheaper. The map looked pretty much controlled by us so far, and it seemed like enemy did not have a good start.

Yet that did not mean that they will not try to fight us back, as shortly after we have received hit from UTB rally which leader was named nobrownie. Unfortunately for him, he did infantry rally against our infantry reinforced castle. This meant that he must’ve needed to be a lot stronger than our warrior, to kick us out of Warrior. How did it go? Well not so good for them...


Dungaan Stark known from previous stories about DracaRYS, once again has proven his worth, by smashing enemy soldiers. Worth mentioning that even tho enemy numbers were pretty much equal to ours, it was pure representation of t4, so lower-level soldiers, than half of our army, which was already t5. This could not have worked.  

Casterly Rock and the Ports

While we have been controlling so far whole map, the next building about to open for attacks, was Casterly Rock (CR) which is the building that gives the most stable points within the event. It is then very important to make ‘first capture’ on it, and also keep it for as long as possible.

Enemy was ready at their borders for the timer to end, and their fastest warriors have rushed towards CR, same as ours, yet this time, scooberman has been faster than anyone else, and took CR easily. UTB then reinforced it, yet once again, as soon we have assembled and attacked it, shortly after it was under our possession, QUEENY sit on the throne, as she usually does.

I believe that has made enemy pretty much angry, like bees within the beehive that is being approached by unwanted human being. What happened next you would be wondering? Well, they decided to attack… Ports, the first one they have chosen, was closer to their base, and occupied by Athena D GOD.

This has ended up as usual, with Athena being victorious. Defended it like ‘D GOD’ and even being countered, have not let enemy be victorious.

 Other port was also busy where our always positive Vladda was residing.

The rallies kept coming, and one by one, were kicking more and more warriors from the castle, while others kept coming to refill the missing troops. It was essential to be fast enough to reinforce the castle prior to additional enemy rallies hit, as once enemy takes over the castle, it is under protection for couple of minutes. We did not want it, but well, this time enemy was stronger!

Nabrownie, warrior which previously tried to rally Warrior with his t4 infs, has become the owner of the port. This was not good enough for us, as we like when the map is blue, without any red markings on it.

What was the solution then? Well, QUEENY decided to call for rallies on port! And… as you might have guessed, shortly after the map was once again blue as we like it.

Game has become very slow and while we kept hitting each other personal castles that were no longer under protection, enemy sneaked in to our outpost and killed the guards claiming it theirs.

This was very cheeky from their side and AlbertON was about to learn a lesson, that he should not do it ever again. IANQ was ready to show him his true power, and unleash the monster which he is when enemy is near.

Even IANQ was represented by cavalry, while enemy troops were spearman’s, and looking on it from the ‘data’ perspective enemy should counter us which is based on picture below

Our troops were clearly way too strong for enemy, lead by a female synergy commanders with two legendary representatives of Senelle and Cersei, it has been a bridge which enemy could not have passed.

Hits on each other personal castles.

The last part of the event, before mines open, is the part when we are able to hit each other personal castles. This is the time when everyone are able to add a brick of their own, to the whole wall of success. Each player find their perfect opponent and hit it using speedups to surprise enemy which is not able to quickly enough hide troops.

Erock was one of the WTF players which managed to secure a hit which even Shang Sung would be proud to call fatality. All the enemy troops have fallen.

Shortly after we have all been hitting each other, and enemy has lost all troops, following which UTB MiReL'a kept sending friendly 69 troop marches to those, which nicknames she knew.  But before I finish here is one more hit, that I managed to record.


As much as the expectations were high from my personal view, the game turned out to not be one of those demanding for our team. We have managed to secure victory without any bigger Suprises, which is proven by the result. Big shout out to the xXRangerXx which has been our top player in this match, and it is good to see other players than the usual ones in the likes of QUEENY, or Josehf to taking the opportunity of becoming alliances top warriors. Great work!

Below are the elimination and healing rankings from the game, which express that enemy has been very damaging to our team, yet it has not been shown in terms of occupying the castles during the event.

It was nice to finally cross my spear with UTB and see what are they worth of. Obviously, me speaking about the level of competition and the enemy / our power is purely based on the team effort, as I still represent t4 troops which means I would easily lose in a solo battle against many of the UTB warriors. Beauty of this event is that it unites all the warriors together, and while those strong ones are there to keep the castles, it would never be possible, without little ones like myself reinforcing them. Teamwork is a very unique ability, and it can be seen during my favourite event which is AC, very clearly.
