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The FINAL: Will I make top 50?! | AoH final round | Events with EXc

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/07/2024 07:51

It was the last match of the testing season of Arena of Honor. LordofHunger had always tried to be competitive in this event. It quickly became one of his favorite events and what better way to prove that than to get a top rank?

But for a top rank you have to perform well, always. And Hunger had gotten second a few times too much. If he wanted to have a chance at the top 50 globally, he had to get a win this time.

After the last few matches, a core German group had established itself for his AoH matches at 12:00 and so it was this time as well. As Dae and Wolfie were missing, they got help through the lobby feature, building a full squat. They may not have the strongest accounts, but every one of the veterans had shown their dedication for the group in the past and the new ones were eager to prove themselves.

As Hunger was a bit late, there was not much planning in advance and they just jumped in. As soon as they were in, Hunger quickly spotted one player out, NarrowPink, the current name of theBlue account.

Some of the original WEE players were still old friends and Hunger was excited to see himself fighting Blue

Except theBlue he also found a few players his spear probably should not hit.

An upside on the map was that it seemed like there were no strong cav players, bad for Hunger, but good for NO REAL, the strongest player in the group and the best candidate to hold center.

As they still saw no reason to change it, as soon as the Strongholds were taken, Hunger and his friends went for Trade Posts and would focus trade over the course of the battle, together with the center if possible.

For Hunger’s ranking’s sake, they could have gone with camps and an all or nothing approach, but as the rank only mattered for him, Hunger decided to put the safe second and good rewards for everyone over a higher chance of him being in the top 50.

And when the first altars were taken, an opportunity presented itself to Hunger. TheBlue was in a maiden altar set up with spear. It was time to test how good Hunger had become. He did not expect to win, but he wanted to see how it would go.

As expected, a win was unrealistic, but the result was not too bad considering the army size and commanders Blue had, even though at least Baelish did not do much.

Blue had won, for now.

After 27 minutes of battle, 3 minutes before the center opened and after 15 minutes of soloing and getting soloed on maiden altars, Hungers group had secured the second place with a decent lead. Only the Targaryen were better and it was because of the watchtowers. 

When the center opened, NO REAL captured City of Glory first. With no strong cav in sight, he was the obvious choice

NO REAL successfully tanked one rally with his inf hybrid. The first opponent was SHIMSHON from NBe. With Daeron and Jon he was for sure strong. But with the troop size and Margaery doing her magic, he was unsuccessful.

And although all factions increased the pressure with solos and rallies, it really seemed like there was no cav lead. Some died to counter as there were spears. Others just lacked the numbers to set up full rallies

So in the end, NO REAL was able to take the center. With their newly found lead, they now had to worry less about trade and instead could do their best at holding center at all cost.

It took 15 minutes, 15 minutes after NO REAL was in the center for the first time, for the first cav rally to show up. But it still was not successful. Although the lead was not weak, it lacked base and even though the full female made Margaery useless, it still was not enough. Anti-counter from NO REAL and better stats and more troops won at the end

Apparently someone finally had rang a bell somewhere. Out of nowhere, another cav player showed up, this one with a much stronger lineup. There were only so many hits NO REAL could tank from players like this.

Paris Shroom also tried his luck, but he also failed. Kevin instead of Patelo could have made all the difference here. Or just more troops, both would have been fine, but it seems the big players on the map lacked fillers to sustain themselves.

The last 15 minutes for Hungers Scarlet faction just consisted of tanking and then one after another recalling to be back in full, always keeping at least 9/10 and for big hits 10/10 players inside. 

It was expensive for everyone in Hungers group, but they could not let anyone else hold the center even for a second. There was no guarantee NO REAL could kick a player like Paris Shroom out and there was no cav player in the group to bridge the gap with counters.

Two minutes before the end, NO REAL finally disbanded. With the enemy unable to take it in 2 minutes, it was safe for him to finally have some fun himself.

In the end, it was a victory of the collective. There were stronger accounts on the map then NO REAL, but with good filling and commitment of everyone, no one was able to kick us out the entire match. Having 8 account in the top 12 in eliminations proved that.

The WEE group just got second place, showing again that although Hunger was weaker then blue, the group together could solve issues an individual could not.

Sadly even a victory was not enough to get LordofHunger into the top 50, but with rank 53 he for sure did not need to be too sad

He spent the next few days enjoying the new frame. The testing season was done and it could be counted as a success. Soon after, he would find out that the next season would start soon. It was time to get back to the grind soon…

GOT WIC Chronicler HotepRa
