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Ultimate Conquest Season 18 Match 1 WxC vs MBL

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 04/13/2024 19:50

Ultimate Conquest Season 18 Match 1 WxC vs MBL

After MBL made it very closely into Ultimate Conquest by two points, Pinky had to smile over the irony of the Old Gods, since ChrisitanOr, PinkyOr and Pinky joined WxC and WxC’s first match would be against MBL. Of course there was no doubt who would win this game, still Pinky was feeling not well in fighting against his own alliance this was mixed with the curiosity if MBL would be able to win a few races and maybe even take a building from WxC, he was skeptical but curious. 

First buildings did open and WxC got three Tominy got the Temple of the Mother, VN Uthe the Targaryen Outpost and without anyone racing the Lannister Outpost with Altisio’s slowmarch, MBL on the other side got the Tower of the Warrior with Nightclaw. One out of three not bad for MBL Pinky was thinking to himself. WxC swapped the Temple of the Mother and took the Tower of the Warrior from MBL next. 

Pinky was watching the Ports and was surprised that the Ports went one for both alliances WxC got the Targaryen Port with mini yagami who also was in MBL was the one winning the race vs MBL, for MBL La Voiture N won the Lannister Port, also because no one of WxC even tried to go for it. Pinky was a bit concerned second round of buildings and again a building no one of WxC was trying to grab it vs MBL it did not matter but next round NFI might be a bit more serious as an enemy and after that vs BDR every race would matter so there WxC would need to be better. 

The next move did surprise Pinky alot MBL opened rallies on the Targaryen Outpost hold by VN Uthe, the result did surprise Pinky even more MBL won a few rallies and VN Uthe did disband the building so Fleepo Peppo got it “Of course had to be the annoying turtle that will now talk about how strong he is all the time” Pinky was thinking to himself. 

The Casterly Rock race was again won by VN Uthe for WxC and cleanly swapped, so no angle here for MBL to target him again. For Pinky the interesting part would follow once the protection of the Castles of the Lords on both sides would fall, Pinky used the time now to make sure his wall was properly defended since he was sure once his Castle would open, hell would break loose. 

And MBL would not disappoint Pinky on this, the second his Castle was open to attack his scouts on the walls were calling the alarm since a lot of armies were incoming. 

Holbeak was one of the first hitting his Castle and Pinky was clearly surprised he did win this, Holbaek did counter him and had a few more Soldiers than Pinky on his side, Pinky had more Base Attack and way higher defensive Stats combined with some Spear anti counter apparently this was enough to score a win in this fight. 

Right after Jussiedude was hitting and Pinky was curious about the result, he was not a big Bow believer and did try a few times already to convert Jussiedude to follow the power of Cavalry too. 

Even though Jussidude had full T5 and almost 50% more troops he still lost clear, again Pinky had a better base attack and better defensive stats, but here you can also add to the list of winning factors that Jussidude had no counterbonus and Bow’s defensive base stats are very low. 

“Your Narfness we are almost out of troops, and there are coming alot more attacks” Pinkys Lord Commander was screaming to him over the constant sounds of battle “Recall our troops from reinforcing our buildings!” Pinky did scream his order back. 

Bearface was crushing into one of Pinky’s returning marches, the fight was quick and very bloody for Pinky. 

For Pinky it was no stats on nothing vs Bearface very strong Cavalry, what could have been an Interesting report if both sides would have had alike numbers of Cavalry was just a slaughtering of Pinky thanks to the troop types. 

“Well that was fun! Clean the walls guys!” Pinky did command his Castle ready to call it a day when his master came running “Your Narfness, Lord Boric did send a raven requesting us to heal our army.” he reported Pinky was confused and curious “Well then heal, its cheap for a match of UC anyways” he commanded. 

What now followed was Boric and some other MBL Lords were constantly attacking Pinky just to give him eliminations to make sure he would end up high in the ranking. 

“Your Narfness, Ctbabarian just sent an order for WxC to disband buildings so MBL gets some points!” Pinky's maester did report to him again “OH! Very nice, send a thank you back please.” Pinky told his master looking forward to MBL’s most successful game in points in their Ultimate Conquest history, well at least he did assume since he did not see MBL beat KUM in the game after this one. 

Thanks to WxC for giving the points to MBL, even though it was a very one sided match power and expectations wise, for me it was one of the coolest Alliance or Ultimate Conquest games, when do you play against your current alliance beat them badly and still everyone has fun because they just take to possibility to kill me as their game goal. 
