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Complete Adversity |AoH round 10|

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 04/28/2024 08:26

Since they had been participating in the Arena of Honor, it was the first time they could choose their ten companions; before, it was at least about forming a group of five members, and then it was a matter of luck if the other members were part of another similar group or if they arrived individually, there was the possibility that they were inactive. This last part had affected at least three previous battles for the group made up of the members of K276. Vangark along with his own decided to look for the rest of the companions who could attend at the same time as them, so they decided to leave the group visible to complete the rest of the members. The requirement was that they could speak the same language for better communication and to react better to attacks and defenses. For a moment, they thought they would have to open up to the possibility of receiving other players, but finally, they got the number of ten people, some of them already known, others new faces.

When they deployed, they observed that they were House Tyrell, located south of the map between the houses Targaryen and Lannister. They quickly analyzed their rivals and found that those belonging to House Greyjoy were known to the king of K276, so he knew, Sigrid was stronger than him, and his main line was infantry, so he could do little against them. They quickly tried to organize themselves, and the bet was to get the second place, perhaps they could fight for Glory City, but faced with a number of attacks, they could still lose, and if this happened, they needed to have a number of buildings to their credit to not be relegated to the bottom of the rank.

With that, they began the capture of the fortresses, and everything had to become Trading Posts, but one of the members apparently did not understand and built an Offensive Camp. To make matters worse, others began to abandon the buildings without them reaching the maximum level.

Shin with Vangark realized this and called for them to return to reinforce the trading posts again. Undoubtedly, this meant a huge delay, and immediately, this setback was transferred to their place in the rank.

Despite this, in the capture of the altar, they did their best to capture them one by one, but as if their neighbors had agreed, they began to attack them simultaneously. Vangark endured the blows when he had his dragon and lord in it, in the others, he simply lost, the same with his companions, Lannister and Targaryen did not stop hitting them, and they counterattacked.

"We won't hold out for long," Shin indicated.

"I'll send a raven," Vangark replied. "I'll communicate with Tyrell to seek help, and we won't attack Glory City."

The message by the Greyjoys was welcomed, and they started attacking the Targaryens, which made it easier for Vangark and his own to get Dragon Pit and then Mercenary Camp.

At least this alliance was having an effect, as Targaryen was now about defending. This breather allowed them to rearrange their plans and gradually begin to regain lost ground and thus climb up in the rank. As expected, Greyjoy captured Glory City and resisted all the attacks sent to them until they had the protection state.

But this, in turn, meant that they were focused on renewing their troops from time to time and stopped attacking Targaryen, and with this, the attacks resumed towards the Tyrells, everything they had advanced, little by little, they began to lose it, no matter how much effort they made, their position in the rank began to drop. Despite trying to defend coordinately, the fact that both factions had a lot of infantry gradually wore down the leader of the Tyrells.

The plan changed immediately, as they found themselves in the last place, Baratheon had joined in hitting them sporadically, if the situation against two Houses was complex, fighting against three was almost impossible, they had to manage to get out of the bottom zone, at least not lose points, to be in fourth place was the best they could aspire to.

There was nothing to blame their new companions for, perhaps the mistake with the strongholds, but it was not relevant to the situation they were experiencing. They fought attacking and defending, but nevertheless, it was not enough to achieve their goal, they finished fifth in the overall ranking. It meant a loss of points for everyone, undoubtedly beyond the organization they could have developed through the battle, fighting against two and then against three Houses was devastating for what they intended. The alliance with Tyrell managed to alleviate the adverse situation for moments, but they could not depend entirely on them to get out of that. This time the gods made them taste defeat.

"Well, at least it wasn't 20 points," The Witch said.
