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Alliance conquest season 18 finals | W T F vs B D R | A man and his Dragon.

Wars & Stories in Westeros Alliance Conquest
Article Publish : 04/29/2024 07:08
Edited by moshow58 at 04/29/2024 07:10

The battle between BDR and WTF in a larger-than-life Alliance conquest match would unquestionably be intense and brutally competitive. Both alliances are known for their skilled players, strategic prowess, and relentless fortitude to emerge victorious. NightKing, a seasoned warrior from WTF, had long harbored ambitions of claiming the crown for himself. Westeros is a land fraught with peril for those who dare to harbor ambitions of power and glory. In the treacherous game of thrones, where noble houses duel it out for supremacy and alliances can crumble in an instant, ambition can be both a driving force and a fatal flaw. NightKing already knew the path to victory, he could smell it, renowned for his tactical brilliance and unwavering resolve, NightKing had risen through the ranks of WTF, earning the respect and admiration of his comrades.

As the final match of the season got underway, anticipation hung thick in the air, everyone knew it was all or nothing. Many spectators came to see the showdown, the rich amongst them brought some steeds as gifts, their cheers echoing off the walls as they eagerly awaited the clash between the two titans from which only one may remain. 

Just as things seemed calm, a sudden and ominous roar pierced the air, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. Looking skyward, Nightking grimaced as his Dragon “Skippy” bellowed out something that should never be heard by mere men, Skippy soared through the clear skies, his massive wings blotting out the sun as he circled above the battlefield. The race had begun began, BDR and WTF both gained two buildings with BDR taking the Lannister Outpost and Temple of the Mother, leaving WTF with the Targaryen outpost and Tower of the Warrior. They both charged towards their respective enemy positions, NightKing looking in the opposite direction pointing at a young maiden that had caught his eye, flicked his wrist and held out one finger in the air, Skippy seeing this knew exactly what to do. He let out a screech as if he was terror itself, as a large beam of fire and brimstone headed towards the tower of the Mother. Screams and cries came from the tower and suddenly ended abruptly, sadly for BDR not a single man made it out to tell the tale and they had lost the tower itself.

NightKing now knew victory within his grasp as he pummeled the Lannister Outpost with solo attacks, his comrades dare not ask him to start a rally as they had other objectives in mind. “The ports” one member of WTF shouted as they were about to open up but NightKing had other plans, his furious anger was being channeled into one place, again and again he would charge towards the Lannister Outpost, Barrack of BDR was tanking the attacks valiantly.

As the ports opened, the race was on, WTF convincingly took both ports and even managed to swap in one of their mightiest generals. Hope seemed to diminish as the red banners of BDR came crashing down across the map, the clear skies now turning into a gloomy shadow signaling the beginning of the end. As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, the ports now showing the banners of WTF, their forces decisively rooted within the strategic ports. The loss of these vital positions dealt a devastating blow to BDR, their road to victory would be a tough one as their options dwindled. WTF with NightKing at their helm rejoiced as they thought it was all over or so it seemed. In the deep lairs of the BDR camps something was brewing, something so terrible and altogether brilliant, only a few amongst them knew why the generals were talking so secretively in the main chamber as fear of WTF spies grew rampant in the camp.

BDR now had something they could work with, one of the most dangerous things in all of Westeros “a plan”, they had brilliantly named operation “Iron Throne”. Now it was time to begin their comeback as Casterly Rock was about to open their gates. Both sides raced towards the imposing walls of Casterly Rock, the true test of strength and skill began. BDR and WTF launched their assaults with all the fury and might at their disposal, NightKing looked in horror as he has felt something he had never felt before. A small vibration went down his spine, “am I dying” he thought to himself, not knowing what it was like to feel fear.

Suddenly operation Iron throne was in full effect with BDR taking Lannister port and the Mother, now they had three strategic buildings with Casterly Rock already flying the red banners of BDR.

The battlefield reverberated with the sounds of combat, the clash of swords, the roar of Dragons, and the thunderous footsteps of one man who sought to end this charade. NightKing did not want to feel that feeling again, that feeling was only meant for mere mortals, NightKing was disgusted with himself for allowing it to get this far. He again pointed into the air and this time three fingers were in the air; he was done with the whole affair. Skippy had never seen this before, three fingers in the air, “what could it mean” he muttered out, he knew NightKing was serious. All he could see was a strange grin on NightKings face, he finally had a real test and Skippy enjoyed seeing his friend happy.

The match now hangs in the balance, if BDR were able to conquer both mines, they would surely win the day. It all came down to the mines which would lead to a crucial advantage over WTF, bolstering their position and setting the stage for WTFs first defeat of the season but there was one man and his Dragon who were determined to never let that happen. The race begins amidst the chaos of battle, individual acts of heroism and valor shone brightly, as warriors on both sides distinguished themselves and there it was, BDR took the Lannister mine.

As Skippy gaged the chaotic scene unfolding before him, his keen eyes caught a glimpse of a single bead of sweat trickling down NightKing's brow. It was a subtle yet telling sign, a testament to the immense pressure weighing down upon the seasoned warrior's shoulders. With renewed purpose, Skippy braced himself for the challenges ahead, he quickly flew towards the Targaryen mine on his own against the full might of BDR but he didn’t care, he wanted his friend NightKing to reclaim his crown. NightKing seeing this cried out for his friend “Skippy don’t do it”, WTF comrades hushed themselves, they had never seen NightKing show so much emotion. As NightKing's cry pierced throughout the battlefield, Skippy paused, his gaze locking with his friend across the battlefield. In that moment, a wave of emotions washed over him, the bond they shared amidst the chaos of war. Despite the ferocity of the conflict raging around them, their friendship remained the only thing that mattered and he stopped in his tracks flying back to his friend.

BDR managed to get so close but yet so far, as WTF took the Targaryen mine and crushed the Lannister mine and closed out the day as victors. In the end, despite the valiant efforts of BDR and the unwavering resolve of their warriors and the ashes of battle it was WTF who emerged victorious. Westeros will not forget the sheer willpower, strategic cunning, and the leadership of NightKing and his plucky Dragon Skippy. 
