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The Kingdom of K397 fights the Night King

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 12/22/2023 14:28

The date is December 11th 2023. The air is cold and the wind is strong. The people of Kingdom 397 lived in harmony, bound by the values of loyalty and courage. However, their peace was threatened by the one called The Night King. He is a malevolent being from the Land beyond the wall. The Land of ice and snow where no plants grow and where no man, woman, or child should ever go. The Night King has come and he has his army of darkness at his side. An army of undead beings ready to do his bidding. 

News of the Night King's dark presence spread like wildfire across the kingdom, and fear gripped the hearts of the K397 people. The streets that were always busy filled with people were suddenly empty almost like a ghost town. In the face of this looming threat, the wise and just King StarrySunset called upon the leaders of the various regions within K397 to come up with a plan of action to deal with this massive threat. The air was thick with tension, but King Starry's words were a beacon of hope to the people.

" If we are to stand any chance at defeating the Night King.. we must unite as one! " 

" The Night King is not here for a picnic. He is here for everything we have built. Our families, our homes, our farms, our lands. He wants everything! "

The leaders of Kingdom 397 inspired by Starry's conviction, pledged their allegiance to the cause. People from the northern frostbitten woods, the lush forests of the west, the sun-kissed plains of the south, and the tranquil eastern rivers all joined forces for one purpose, to defeat this threat to their very existence! With all the regions together it formed a formidable alliance, their unity symbolized the strength of Kingdom 397. 

As the Night King and his army march close to the Wall, the Kingdom becomes more and more dead with people too scared to leave their homes in fear of the Night King. This was the case for over 50% of the population in the Kingdom, but recognizing the gravity of the situation, the people of K397 worked tirelessly day and night making weapons and armor for the battle to come. 

The decisive day arrived as the Night King and his forces broke through the Great Wall. As the Night King marched towards Winterfell so did the people on K397. 

The air was charged with anticipation, and the sky itself seemed to darken in response to the impending clash between light and darkness. Both sides are locking eyes with each other. The army of the Night King is great, so great that the sight of it alone was enough to make some drop their weapons and run for their lives. 

Starry now realizing that the threat is much greater than they first thought turns to the people of Kingdom 397 and gives them one last speech.

 " Soldiers, warriors, friends, hear me! Today, we face a daunting foe, outnumbered and outmatched our chances of survival are slim to none. Look around, we are bound not just by duty but by a shared purpose, a common resolve. To save the people we love and the land that we all grew up on! The road ahead is a dangerous one, but it's a road that we will face together. As we step into the fray, let every step you take remind you of what you are fighting for here today. Embrace the fire within, for it's the fire of resilience. This battle is not for glory, it's for freedom. OUR FREEDOM!! Onward, my friends, for today, we make history! "

On the battlefield, the forces of K397 faced the Night King's unholy army—a legion of un-dead creatures, shadowy specters, and malevolent sorcerers. 

The battle is fierce, with swords clashing, arrows flying, and spears soaring across the battlefield. In the heart of the battle, Starry wielded the Star Oath a sword of great power. Such power that is struck fear into the Night King himself. Starry launches an attack on the Night King. It's a near miss as the sword drops to the ground Night King launches his attack hurting Starry and sending him down to the ground. The people of K397 rush over and help Starry back to his feet.

This fight is not over Starry grabs his sword and with the help of his friends, they can bring an end to this once menacing foe that was The Night King. With the Night King defeated, the sky begins to clear and the Kingdom of 397 basked in the warmth of the returning sunlight. The people celebrated their hard-fought victory, and the leaders of K397 stood as a testament to the strength that could be found in unity and friendship!




