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War of the Kingdoms and Jo JoBee : A tale of Strategy and Preparations for what could be…

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 08/03/2023 02:54

With the KvK event fast approaching, Jo JoBee started to prepare for the upcoming hostilities :)

In the last Kvk, she infamously managed to lose her lord 4 times….:))), but that was a “Lord Of Light’s Revival” event, in which all troops killed would be resurrected the next day, so she allowed herself to be careless.

This time, however, she will be facing a “Lord Of Light’s Gift”, a new type of KvK, and all dead troops will stay dead. Grrrrrrr…..

On the other hand, Jo Jo has gotten rather “large” in the past few months, so losing a little bit of power would be beneficial both for herself and for her server😛. Having players with high BR on the server is an open invitation for invaders…as they can port there cheap.

What she doesn’t want to do is…get zeroed in the process, so she makes sure to capture and execute some Lvl 60 lords, a few days before the event, so she can benefit from the Hall Of Faces buffs 😀

Now…the Kvk match-up is a mystery yet to unfold, and anything could happen….. 

Scenario 1: Jo JoBee's server, K317, could be matched with an opponent of equal power, promising a lot of action, battles and heart attack moments, which is Jo Jo’s favorite way of collecting KvK points 😀

Once upon a time, before Jo JoBee set her eyes on the (in)famous bowsies, and became a full bows player, she used to be a cav-spear, spear-cav player. 

Boy…did she have some fun Kvks with that set-up, back in the days where synergy was  non-existent, or it didn’t matter that much :)

Getting back to the present….Bowsies may not do so great in attack, at least not in Jo JoBee’s current setup, as she is lacking T5s and 4*Salma, which would improve her stats and add a boost to the female synergy she is using; but everybody knows that they offer a great defense, if you have enough T1s, T2s, T3s as a meatshield. So she can more or less safely take some attacks and some rallies, even from the big boys, without getting zeroed! 😀

The other downside to bowsies, besides the fact that they don’t have great attack skills, is that non whale players, even powerful ones, are reluctant to rally a bow player in a Kvk that does not come with a resurrection of dead armies, as they know they will probably only kill the meatshield, whilst taking T4 losses. 

Scenario 2:  K317 could get matched with a server that has one or more big guns or “whales” as they are known in the GoT world. This would be the worst case scenario for Jo Jo, and for most of her teammates as well. In such cases, it’s time to bring out the tractor and gathering gear, and get to farming 🙁

As Jo Jo is not much of a fan of gathering throughout the entire KvK event, she will probably just farm enough to get all the rewards, and that will be that.

Scenario 3: K317 might be paired with a lower-powered server with a smaller number of active players, which would not be great, but it would be better than Scenario 2 :P 

In this case the  strategy would be to secure the Grand Castles and maximize points by filling them up with  high-level troops.

Jo JoBee will have to take extra care not to reinforce a Grand Castle alone, to avoid the risk of losing her lord to a powerful and fast solo attack (Disclaimer: that’s how she lost her lord 4 times, in the previous KvK :))) ).

She will have to work together with her teammates, to protect their territory. By acting as a united front, they will deter solo attacks and secure victory, and then enjoy the spoils of the next day => Diamond gathering day :) 

That being said, all Jo Jo can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best 🙂

Some of her brave and also a little bit off the rails teammates (Hades, Mikey, Scooby Doo) will probably be present at the very beginning of the event, but Jo Jo will do no such thing, as it will be the middle of the night for her and she needs her beauty sleep!!! 


To minimize losses, in case of a rally, as no one in their right mind would solo a 1.5B player 😛, she will ensure that all her resources are stored in the inventory or in her bank :) , maybe leaving just enough out, to be able to heal fast, a couple of times.

For defense, she will make sure to have a couple of million T1s, T2s and T3s as a meatshield, ready to die for the cause : protect the precious T4s and get as many points and merits for Jo Jo as possible.

The night is dark, and full of terrors, but Jo JoBee is hopeful that she will wake up and play the KvK that she desires.

If you want to witness Jo Jo’s thrilling adventures in the upcoming Kvk, follow my channel as videos will follow :) 
