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No-Death KvK: 385 vs 115 - Silliness Abound

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/15/2024 06:13
Edited by iysabel at 09/15/2024 06:14

This week’s adventure begins with a shared sense of anticipation. As the clock ticks down to the start of the Kingdom vs Kingdom event, tension hangs thick in the air. Excitement for this particular event had been building amongst N0X members over the previous few weeks for several reasons. This weekend would be the lead up to N0X’s 5 year anniversary, and Noxies were looking forward to celebrating together - even adopting an array of owl pictures among player profiles to represent N0X’s mascot. To add to the excitement, this month’s KvK was a rare no-death event, meaning players could fight fearlessly without the risk of permanently losing troops.

But for all the enthusiasm, one question lingered in everyone's minds: who would K385 be matched against? Would it be a manageable fight, or would we be facing an impossible foe that would force us to hide under bubbles, unable to challenge their strength?

The moment of truth arrived. The reset revealed our opponent for the next 24 hours: K115, home of GJs. A familiar chill ran through the team. Many of us had faced GJs before in the All-Out-War event, where we’d been cornered and outmatched by their overwhelming power. At the center of our concern was their powerhouse player, Biet.

It was hard to stay optimistic. The fear was palpable, but behind that fear was a sense of determination. For N0X, this wasn’t just another fight; it was an opportunity to challenge the limits, to push back against a kingdom we had once feared, and to find our own joy in the chaos.

In the first hours of the event, a surprising calm fell over the battlefield. K115 seemed almost inactive. Where was Biet? Where were the powerful players of GJs? Seizing the moment, K385 formed a mini-hive and quickly captured several key castles. There was eerily still as we established a foothold on the enemy kingdom. This and a few skirmishes with smaller enemy forces built confidence among N0X members, but their peace would not remain unchallenged.

Lurking in the back of everyone’s mind was a shared anxiety—when would Biet strike?

That answer came swiftly. Just when it seemed like we might actually hold our ground, Biet appeared out of nowhere, sniping the lordless troops stationed at Casterly Rock. The dread that had been simmering resurfaced instantly. Memories of our previous losses against him haunted us, but this time, things were different. N0X wasn’t the same group from All-Out-War. We had new additions, stronger players, and a burning desire to prove ourselves.

As Biet makes an appearance near N0X’s mini hive to hit some vulnerable players, his castle is swiftly blockaded allowing folklore, one of N0X’s newest and strongest members, to begin a rally.  

When the rally succeeded, the collective cheer from our side was almost palpable. For the first time, we forced Biet to retreat, a small but significant victory that reignited our spirits.

For the next few hours, things felt steady. We held our ground, and the score remained heavily in our favor. As the long night drew on, many of our players headed off to seek the sleep that they had been putting off for too many hours. The battlefield had quieted, and for a brief moment, it seemed like we might actually walk away with the upper hand. 

But deep down, many of us knew that the quiet wasn’t a promise of peace—it was the calm before the storm.

The morning light reveals a battlefield now unrecognizable from the night before. While we rested, K115 had mobilized. Every castle we had captured now bore the banners of GJs, which had quickly put the score on their side. The feeling of triumph from the night before was quickly replaced with a sinking realization: the tides had turned, and K115 was firmly in control.

Adding to the chaos, the no-death element of the event had encouraged reckless behavior on both sides. By the morning, some of N0X’s strongest players had launched a series of daring, yet ill-fated attacks that drained their troops. Belore, one of N0X’s finest warriors, found himself locked in a fierce back-and-forth with the bow players of GJs at King’s Landing on K385, made even more interesting by the fact that he was securing victories even when he had only his lower level troops left to utilize. 

Defeat seemed inevitable, yet no one gave up. Players launched daring, often desperate attacks, seeking one last burst of glory before the event ended. I, too, found myself caught up in the chaos, making reckless decisions, launching ill-fated spear attacks on an infantry castle, only to be swiftly countered by Quinryss, a player far stronger than me. But the beauty of this no-death KvK was in the freedom to embrace those moments, to take risks without fear of permanent loss.

In one last attempt to turn the tide, folklore returned to launch a solo attack on Biet, striking while his lord was stationed in King’s Landing. It was a satisfying moment of victory, a spark of hope, but by then, the disparity in the score was too wide. GJs continued to hold all the castles, and their lead was insurmountable.

As the event drew to a close, we accepted our fate. K115 had emerged victorious, and Biet stood as the top scorer between both kingdoms, overtaking Belore in the final hours. Though we had fought bravely, the castles remained in the hands of GJs. But for N0X, the outcome wasn’t just about the castles or the points. It was about the fight itself—the moments where we pushed past our limits, tried new strategies, and learned hard lessons. This KvK had shown us our strengths and our weaknesses. Despite the defeat, we took solace in the knowledge that we had fought boldly, pushing the limits of strategy and fun in the unpredictable world of no-death KvK.
