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Ultimate Conquest - DracaRYS vs RRH - Round 4

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/15/2024 03:13

One more step before meeting HOH.

Another round of Ultimate Conquest is about to be explained to you, this time it was the match between WTF and RRH. To this match we were approaching fully motivated and in good moods following victory against GCM round ago.

RRH is one of the top alliances in the game, and has got some very strong warriors in their roster. Battles against them are always interesting, and difficult for most of the alliances in the game. I had a chance to play in the roster of RRH in one UC, I believe 2 seasons ago, so I kind of know some of their playstyle, which made me able to compare our chances, which from my perspective, were quite high.

The route of RRH in UC to this stage was quite  easy I must say, and very obvious for predictions.

Following finishing the initial AC season on the 8th position, they have been matched in first game of UC against BTa. BTa is known for having quite few good players, especially after merging with 1HR, yet experience RRH has, cannot be gained over a week, and it resulted in the easy win.

Following that they have matched against BaN which was obvious result on the enemy side. This was the moment of excitement when RRH was looking in to the potential battle against either LEG. We could all think this might be a close match up knowing LEG has got some strong accounts, yet following Abdirahman leaving to BaN, they have lost their strongest player, so once again, RRH had a quite easy win by which they progressed to the next stage in which they have meet with us.

I believe we can class this a first real test of RRH strength, where they were about to be challenged by someone stronger, but not as devastating as BaN. How did it go? Let’s see!


RRH – WTF - What should we know before we proceed?

First thing I should mention is that WTF had to win. This was for sure, we were fully prepared and demanding of a victory. It was a matter of honour to go to the next stage, and meet once again with HOH, to try out chances on the full scale. QUEENY rage would be unbearable if we would mess this up, and nobody wanted to upset her, so everyone were ready to fight for their life’s like it would mean everything.

Players like Neo Strider, which we will be able to observe a bit during this match, will try to showcase their courage and ownership over the enemy.  His ability to never back down and constantly challenge the opponent will be crucial in exhausting enemy forces.

But what about RRH you might ask? Who is playing in there, that I call them one of the strongest alliances? Well for example sirjoker known on I believe all kingdoms of GoTWiC, for his merit hunts, on one of his additional accounts.

Or, for example Lekatstrup which I know from k203 which he kept meriting with some of my friends from ex WEE, current FuK.

This game was not only a challenge, that we had to successfully complete, but also a ‘long time no seen’ greetings between old friends.Is there more history behind it?

Is there more history behind it?

Well yes it is… As I started on k203, this kingdom was full of alternative accounts of big players. They have formed an alliance, and tried to take over the server by killing every new player and stealing all their resources. Me and my crew, did not allow to be bullied, and we kept growing to eventually face the enemy which was already stronger, and ahead of us in the journey. At that point I knew we needed some support, and the only way we could officially take over the kingdom and kick the invaders, was to combine forces, with another competing alliance, UWS, so that myself, and TryTon could stand by each other on one side, and headbutt the enemy, because ‘an enemy of my enemy, is my friend’.  Turns out, years after, we have found each other once again on the battlefield, this time on the opposite sides, as TryTon is in RRH! This was even more exciting for me from this point!

‘We are going to fight, for our right, to party’

Just like famous words from the song say, we will fight without hesitation to win the battle as soon as possible, with minimal loses so se can focus fully on the next game against HOH. Failure was not even considered. Time was flying by, and 7pm meaning as usual, the game was about to start.

The first castles started to show up on the battlefield in their desired areas. There is a 30 minutes cap for each warrior to enter the battlefield following which the gates to the special kingdom are closed and nobody can enter any longer.

3, 2, 1 and GO! The timer has reached 0 and all the racers have rushed towards their desired castles. Two outposts, Mother and Warrior were the first one we focused on. Who was faster this time?

 We managed to secure all castles except Mother on which Enemy was quicker than us. As you probably have guessed by now, we didn’t wait long, till our rallies started hitting Mother castle, in order to take it back under our flag.

The hits were deadly, and I mean doing real destruction to the enemy following which ChainsawMan has become the new occupier. We were occupying all the possible castles at the moment and the game was going the way we wanted.

Next castles to open were Ports which except CR, were giving the most stability in terms of points. While we focused on winning the race for those, enemy has launched rallies towards our Outpost in which was folklore.

Strong warriors like Covya tried their chances and eventually, after many strong hits, they managed to take over the castle.

They have also tried to hit other Outpost, closer to their base, yet were not successful.

First capture points


We kept doing our best in racing for the first capture points, and our famous Maiae was really good at this. Next castle to open was CR, so the most important castle on whole battlefield, and we had to use our super speed Maiae which runs like Sonic and almost always captures the castle for us.

It didn’t change this time, once again, Maiae was unstoppable! Well done!.


Outposts and personal castles

At this time we controlled the map yet enemy has captured both outposts from us, so we had some place of entertainment meaning we could rally those places. This has obviously happened within a matter of time.

And it did not take long for us to capture it back

The attacks on personal castles have started and I have immediately taken my spear, put my Armor on, and ride my horse towards the enemy castle. There were many others who had same intention, just look below.

Looks like rain from the Matrix, yet once again, this is not enough to make us scared, if anything, it could only motivate us more, to kill the enemy, before they attempt to do it to us.

My first target was well known to me Zathur, with which I played together In the past, so knew him very well. Considering he was T4, like me, and my troops compete with T5 very often as equals, he had no chance.

Just after another enemy tried to hit me, and collect my points but once again, was unsuccessful. Additionally, I have noticed I have deanery’s on my wall, which made no sense, a real WTF ERROR 404 was here.

In the meantime the mines have unlocked and we have captured it, the whole map was controlled by WTF.

So we continued to hit the personal castles. Same as our enemy was hitting ours.

I was pretty satisfied from my results, especially one below.

How did I survive this, I have no idea, can only guess that their wall was not too strong being a reason.

As the game was pretty much over, it was a good moment to give a bit of a tick to my old friend.

And just before the end, it took few more hits, before I finally had to admit that enemy was stronger, and give my points away. But well done for the exhausting fight in hitting each other castles, was really fun!

The last hit of the game was on the RRH side, and it was a solo suicidal hit towards Warrior.


After quite easy and relaxing game, we have one once again, and could finally look towards the real deal of a competition against HOH in the next round. Before we continue and put this game in our memory slot, lets see the eliminations and heals statistics of this match.

As you can see enemy has dominated us in healing yet it was not enough to do any type of damage to us. From my point of view, I can only say GoodGame RRH, some fights are really hard to be victorious at, but it is important to not let ourself down, and keep looing on the future with the positive eye.
