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BaN and HOH fight in the 3rd round of Ultimate Conquest

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/14/2024 15:03

The third round of the Ultimate Conquest was here, and BaN was more than ready for it. They had powered through their previous matches within the Ultimate Conquest tournament and also Alliance Conquest with a blend of skill and strategy, but today was another test altogether against opponents which they have faced in the regular season. Their opponents, HOH, were known for their tactical prowess and fearless approach, they would attempt for a win in every match they fought in, no matter the odds that they faced. This was what led them to be a podium alliance last Ultimate Conquest, a feat which they hoped to keep for this season.

It wasn’t going to be an easy ride, but BaN was ready to take on whatever HOH could throw at them. Ur Candy, BaN’s trusted leader, had rallied his team, determined to keep their winning streak alive. The streak was not the only motivation, as his desire to win every fight was what took over him, he wanted BaN to have a perfect road to the finals, and would not want HOH to stand in their way.

As the match began, both alliances charged forward, racers and slow marchers moving like clockwork to secure their buildings, they were the first pivotal pieces of everyone's plan to step into the fight. The first race was neck and neck, a testament to the speed of both teams. BaN snatched the Outposts, executing their signature swap of the racer for a rally leader with amazing precision. Across the battlefield, HOH managed to take the Mother and Warrior, their movements were not as coordinated however, just when it looked like HOH had a solid start, a misstep in their swap handed the Mother over to BaN, giving them the advantage. Ur Candy’s team wasted no time reinforcing the building, and what had started as a tight race quickly swung in BaN’s favor.

HOH, though, was not backing down, it would be out of nature for them to do so. The next set of buildings to unlock were the Ports, and HOH came out swinging. They captured both Ports in quick succession, executing flawless swaps to secure them and ensure BaN would not have an easy time recapturing any of them, they had their reinforcements at the ready. 

Ur Candy watched from the sidelines, impressed but unfazed. BaN had dealt with this before, and they knew exactly what to do. The rally leaders of BaN gathered, coordinating their attacks like a well-oiled machine. The first wave of rallies slammed into the Ports, but HOH held on, refusing to let go easily. It took multiple waves of calculated strikes, each one chipping away at HOH’s defenses, but BaN eventually broke through. The Ports were theirs, and with each victory, BaN’s momentum grew.

The real test, however, was still to come. Casterly Rock, the crown jewel of the battlefield, was up next and both alliances wished to capture it. Ur Candy had briefed his team before the match, emphasizing the importance of taking and holding the Casterly Rock. It was the building that could make or break their game in a tight situation, it may not be the case now, but it would certainly be for the finals. When the bubble dropped, racers from both sides charged in, but it was BaN who claimed it first. The capture was clean, swift, and perfect—no swap needed. Ur Candy’s rally leader locked down Casterly Rock, and BaN’s grip tightened further on the match. HOH tried to mount a counter, but their rallies fell short, unable to dislodge BaN’s hold on the critical point.

As the clock wound down, BaN’s control of the battlefield was undisputed. They had captured nearly every strategic point, and HOH, though valiant in their efforts, couldn’t turn the tide. It was another victory for BaN, but this one had felt more intense, more earned. Ur Candy glanced at his teammates, proud of how they’d handled the challenges. The win secured their spot in the semifinals, where they would face WxC—a team that many considered to be their biggest threat yet.

The anticipation for the next round was palpable. WxC had a reputation for being one of the toughest, and their match would undoubtedly be a clash of titans. Ur Candy could feel the energy buzzing within his team; they were eager, maybe even a little anxious, but ready. The battle with HOH had been a good warm-up, but they all knew that the semifinals would be a different beast entirely.

“Next stop, WxC,” Ur Candy said, a mix of determination and excitement in his voice. It was the kind of match that would define their journey, pushing them to their limits. The hardest fight yet was right around the corner, and BaN was gearing up to face it head-on.

There was no looking back now.
