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KvK II K432 vs K135

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/15/2024 03:11


The Kingdom vs. Kingdom (KvK) event had arrived once more, but this time it had a twist. For me, It was more than just a war; it was personal. K135 I had been waiting for this very moment to take my revenge. My kingdom K432 had strong players, and our strongest warrior KARASA. K135 had Strong Player too DarkKnight69. But today, they would learn that we were not the same as before. Today, they would witness the power of K432.

With the battle preparation for the KvK at its peak. In every corner of the map, kingdoms geared themselves up for the inevitable fight, as for K432 it had become a little less about strategy and more about Courage. As I looked out speaking to myself, anticipating the oncoming battle, I knew this would be action-packed.

The Opening of the Conflict

From the very second the war started of KvK, he dated no delay—It was KARASA. He was quite a force, irrepressible to say the least. There was this K135 player who was being taken down serially, with courtesy and appreciation, It was almost a picture in motion: how he overpowered them and brought them down. One, followed by two then three. By the time 2 players had fallen to KARASA, heads on the grounds other than his the rest of K135’s troops were lying on the ground.

KARASA went on to zero the third player. K135, with so much confidence before the Darwinian struggle, was beginning to waver. I could detect apprehension in K135 ranks, the same energy that spurred them on the attack was now a cause of dread.

Even as the battle continued, it became glaringly clear it was not K135 that was overestimating themselves. None of their strategies worked, none of their players acted like warrior, all their actions were made in haste. At the same time, KARASA’s onslaught did not cease, which painted a picture of the raw strength K432 was endowed with. But it was in this stage that a radical change occurred, our kingdom had one of the most unpredictable and Courageous players UR Mayhem who was out to annihilate DarkKnight69.

UR Mayhem known as FKS or Kaneki ken The fighter also shows his bravery in every battle he fights.

The Faceoff with DarkKnight69

DarkKnight69 was one of K135’s best players, he owned one of the almost maxed-out accounts which saw him becoming a headache for opponents on the battlefield. He had taken a position in King’s Landing (KL) the most attired and hottest point of battle as he thought he could stay there and his Kingdom would be able to win. But DarkKnight had made a blunder and this time he had overstayed in the GC of King’s Landing all alone no supporters no army, only him and his confident self.

UR Mayhem, the schemer as always, decided that it was time to attack. Most of these battle lines were indeed, because of his aggressive style and rushing movements, reserved for moments like these. He swung right into action even launching himself into a solo assault on DarkKnight69, something that was unexpected. The engagement was so fierce and fierce that no dialogue was entertained. Before Mayhem had obliterated all of DarkKnight’s defenses, the man was not able to react.

And then in an impressive, Mayhem took hostage the lord of Dark Knight.

(It was hard to capped DK but he did it Well done)

After watching and understanding their strongest and last hope being the most powerful player of K135 had been tricked and surrounded, K135 fell into complete chaos. Dark Knight’s lord was now chained inside Jail premises ‘Mayhem’ making them the losers and making him the winner. Yes, it was a strategic loss as the Lord’s capture was more than just the Lord’s capture It was personal. In the previous wars, NFI had bullied Mayhem(Kaneki).

The spirit of K135 dropped down drastically. The belief that they were invincible was gone, replaced by panic and despair. I could see the fear within their players trying to improvise a strategy but I knew it was too late. This wasn’t the first time Mayhem had dealt a blow from which they couldn’t bounce back.

Mayhem’s Revenge

For Mayhem, this was not only about winning a war. DarkKnight had been a pain in the neck for enough time, and now it was time for him to pay the piper. In the delight of DarkKnight lord being stuck in his jail, Mayhem knew it would be his moment of glory. It was of course a victory, a long awaited injustice of a bygone era that needed to be vindicated at K432. With the news of DarkKnight being beaten the energy of our kingdom went up many notches.

This is the revenge we had long expected and it was radiant.

Gone are the days when only Mayhem was the one who was out for blood. I too was looking forward to that moment. The hatred I have been nursing ever since our first encounter with K135 has motivated me in all winter activities targeting this very KvK., “Unleash Chaos on the Battlefield” became a fitting battle cry.

The Last Push

K135 in a dejected state of mind, we took the initiative further. Both K432’s were like clockwork and each of the team players had a target and was taking them out one at a time. Although our aim was simple – defeat them with our numerical superiority, demoralize them capture King’s Landing, and Hold it till the KvK end.

K135 made an attempt to regroup, but such efforts were futile. No DarkKnight69 meant that they didn’t have enough power and strategy to counter our coordinated offensive. Slowly but surely, the forces of K135 were ousted from the royal seat, Klking’s landing which was left in shambles.

The combat was concluded and K432 had been crowned the winner. It was true that we had captured King’s Landing but more importantly we had suffered a retribution. The wounds caused by the earlier defeats had now been healed and in its place came the sense of achievement after a hard -earned victory with a 2.5B points difference.


The confrontation conducted in the KVK between the K432 and K135, is sure to be one of the most ardent and personal episodes for some time to come. It was not “just about the kingdom” – this was revenge, and a quest to demonstrate that K432 was not some pushover. With the appreciation of unmatched power of KARASA, ruthless strategy of Mayhem and oneness of our kingdom, we resurgence not only the victory but also the pride.

As I scanned the battlefield daintily as the sun was setting behind all the havoc that we have caused, I understood that this was just the beginning of something larger. K135 is no more but still, there will be more enemies. And when they come back, they will confront K432, a revenge united kingdom hardens for fight.

  • Kaneki KEN 
