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YGI and this season of AC/UC so far

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/04/2023 07:43
Edited by ibrandul at 06/04/2023 10:29

YGI is on it’s way to the B-League finals in UC. You will get the UC reports soon but today I want to talk about our way so far in AC/UC.

We started out with a new alliance shell a bit over a year ago, after a merger had gone wrong. Another merger quite a bit later was all it needed to bring us back on track again.

The last few seasons had been more and more successful.

For this season we even got a few new members for AC and then some more who wanted to enjoy UC in B-League for a change.

While it had been a surprise to play in B-League we were not in a bad mood for too long. Our AC/UC event team was already planning as soon as it became clear.

You all know the standard strategy for every AC/UC match. Get all the locations first, keep them and you win.

It will not surprise you to hear that the event team plans every match. As many other alliances we check attendance before every match. With those numbers the battle plan is worked out. Usually, every location gets a few rally leaders assigned to race for it and so on.

We even got to have a plan on who has to put his castle where. Well … at least for the rally leads.

Then, when things go wrong (not if), we take our sweet time to analyze the situation and then react accordingly. Panic is not often the correct reaction but that happened too.

I played in other alliances before. We are not the best coordinated alliance I ever played in (that would be BDR … their coordination is kind of insane). We are not the worst one either, so that is a plus.

But for me it is the right mix. We are playing to have fun, not to compete with the big alliances.

Maybe I should get back on track … what happened so far?

Well, we won every match. Most of them were not even real fights, sadly. To be clear, our opponents in most matches did put up a fight, but they were no match in the end. I am not saying that they were bad players, please don’t get me wrong. Just if you have an attendance of around 65 and your opponent can only bring 40 members on the field … it is already a bad sign for them. If their rally leads have worse stats or are countered by our rally leads … it gets even worse. And one or two more powerful players can’t turn the tide in such a matchup.

With that being said, have there been situations this season where our opponents could have turned the match in their favor? At least for one opponent I have to say yes. As we will most likely play against them on Saturday … I should not go into details here though :P

We, as an alliance, are just overpowered for the league we are in. I am quite sure we will win next week and with that take the trophy home again.

With being one of the top alliances in a UC, people always come asking for favors or deals. While I am no fan of those, I think it is worth mentioning that even in B-League such things happen.

We had two such proposals this season. The first one was from an alliance that asked us if they could train during the match. They knew from the beginning that facing us would not end well for them. They wanted to play though and not, like some others, just not join or not put up a fight in any way.

YGI agreed to that proposal. We were contacted before and they put up a fight, even if they knew they would lose. What they did not want were unnecessary costs. And they have my respect for that. Was it honorable or a good thing to do? I don’t know. Mostly because I think that honor is an old fashioned concept (check the series and show me successful honorable people … Eddard for example … very honorable and very dead :P ). I am not saying that people should not honor deals. I am saying that your view on honor and my view on honor might be quite different. And yes, we honored that deal (mostly … some people get out of line and have to be reeled in again, sadly).

The second proposal we got was to … just throw a match. That one was strange. Basically we were told we would win anyway and if we throw the match, they would get a place in the ranking for sure. That did not sit well with us. Not at all. If we had been asked for a training match, that would have been ok but that was not the case. Seriously, don’t do something like that. While I am quite happy to take part in shenanigans that would be plain cheating. You could not bribe me enough to take part in that (make me an offer! Surprise me! :P ).

What are our plans for the future, regarding AC? First ... we want to achieve something no other alliance had a chance to before ... that can be done on Saturday. Then we hope to finally prove ourself next season in A-League. Not too much though, because I know how S-League is and to be fair … I don’t think we are ready for it just yet. I know, it will be at least one more season before we have to face that problem … but you never know what the old gods have planned for you 😉

And here are some scenes from previous S15 matches.
