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The most fun Glorious Battle I have participated in

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 02/05/2023 01:36
Edited by nanyas at 02/05/2023 01:41

It was not so long ago that a splinter group of N0Xians invaded k181 in search of adventure.  But after two weeks of rather miniscule amount of fighting and with Glorious Battle looming in the horizon most of the group decided to turn back towards home. Queen Scythe had called everyone back before Glorious Battle and KvK. But a couple of wayward N0Xians (me and EldaS) decided to stay on in k181 a little bit longer, for no discernable reason. Being a kind-hearted and merciful queen, Scythe didn't immediately call for our heads, which was a relief. We hadn't asked her permission before staying on which had me shaking in my boots for a while. Fortunately she wished us luck in our adventure as it was almost certain that we would not be in the same faction for Glorious Battle. In truth, one of the reasons for staying in k181 was the hope that this being a smaller kingdom than k96 we might have an easier GB matchup. Let us see how that went.

On the matchmaking day the first thing I noticed was that we have been fortunate enough to be in the Longreach faction with none other than BDR! Now that was good news. Bad news was that the rest of N0X was in scarlet faction who were our neighbouring faction and in all likelihood we'd have to fight our alliance mates. Belore II is one of my closest friends and mentor and I certainly wasn't looking forward to testing my spears against his. But I could worry about that later...PvP was still a few days away so I, like most everyone else concentrated on the task of trading day and night.

BDR proved to be the efficient organizers that they have always been. Wasting no time in setting up a discord server for the faction and then efficiently coordinating the event. We were all given concise tasks and directions so the war efforts can move forward smoothly. Taking NPC buildings went without a hitch and then it was time for some PvP action.

The first clash was against scarlet faction (where the rest of my alliance is) but fortunately for me and to the great chagrin of EldaS we didn't fight anyone from N0X for the time being. There were multiple skirmishes and sadly I didn't do too well as far as combat went.

It was a wonder how every time I fielded an army it would run into someone with a 4 star NightKing and Daenerys. There was no escaping them. Every fight was a repeat of the last with my poor army beaten black and blue. But my faction needed all the help we could get to gain more territorry and to shut down the advancing march of the lordsbane faction.

Halfway through the event it had become quite apparent who the stronger factions were. The only obstacle to our path to glory seemed to be the Lordsbane faction led by none other than DEP. The colourful history between DEP and BDR is quite well known and in the last

Glorious Battle it was DEP then known as ATD who thwarted BDR's ambition of planting their faction's flag at the Glorious city. But this time BDR and the Longreach Faction was determined to stop them and seek revenge for last time. The Scarlet and the Frost faction were the only real competitors while the rest have been reduced to almost nothing. So, as expected we had frequent clashes with Lordsbane faction leading up to the opening of Glorious City.

There were continuous declarations and counter declarations from both factions, trying to position themselves in a favourable way so that as many of the glorious gates as possible could be secured once they opened up. Fortunately thanks to the unmatched leadership and fighting prowess of the BDR folks and the rest of us contributing in our own small way, we were able to win every almost attack and defense.

once the gates opened, 2 each were secured by Lordsbane, Frost and Longreach factions and yet instead of waiting for the center to open and marshalling our forces, in a stroke of brilliance BDR decided to declare on key buildings held by Lordsbane faction to cut off their path to the center. With 6 hours left for the Glorious City to open we were fighting on 4 different fronts. Amazingly we won in all four battles, thus ensuring Lordsbane couldn't make an attempt at capturing glorious city without first gaining lost ground.

Once Glorious City opened up, it was super easy, barely an inconvenience for BDR led Longreach faction to capture the city and win the war. For the last two days of the event all we had to do was defend the city from frost and Lordsbane faction. Lordsbane never managed to get close to the center thanks to brilliant strategy from Longreach that robbed them off a path to the center.

Frost faction did declare on us but we successfully repelled their forces. All in all this was certainly one of the most fun GB events I have participated in even though my personal performance was less than satisfactory. Hopefully when the event comes around again, I will be lucky enough to be led by an outstanding alliance again who would take us to glory.
