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Hello all! This is my first story post. I will be talking about different events and things going on in the game but for my first article I wanted to talk about the UC match between two of the most formidable alliances in the game! That is BDR and N30! BDR has only lost one game during the regular season and that was too N30. So this match will surely be a match with all eyes on it! Let’s see who will come out on top and go to the finals. The match didn’t start well for N30 with BDR first capturing buildings. But N30 is fast to set up speed rallies and try to capture mother and warrior back. Already you can tell it is going to be a costly match for both sides.
N30 is in the lead point wise but points per minute BDR is in the lead. N30 needs to capture more buildings in order to keep the lead. Rallies are constantly going. There is no free time in this match. Just rally after rally and reinforcing as fast as possible to hold off the powerful rallies.
Rally after rally goes and N30s Tweety successfully capturing Lannister Outpost. This helps N30 but BDR still has most buildings so most points per minute.
BDR captures strongholds. Things are not looking good for N30. They have the lead but BDR is going to pass them soon if they don’t capture more buildings. So many speedups,diamonds,boots have been used. Neither team holding anything back.
N30s Barind successfully captured CR. N30 definitely needed this. Now they need to make sure they reinforce and keep it if want come back and win this match.
N30 didn’t reinforce targaryen stronghold so BDR soloed it. N30 is down a lot of points now and if they have any hope of winning they need to capture some buildings and make sure capture both mines and hold them or the match and season will be over for them.
N30 successfully captured both mines but they tried to do a swap and unfortunately for N30 it didn’t go well and BDR captured both mines. BDR has officially won the match now.
Both teams played extremely well and the match was costly for everyone. I am sure these teams will definitely be seeing each other again next AC/UC season and BDR goes onto the finals to fight against the powerful alliance called DEP formerly known as ATD.