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Despite giving all their best in the 4th round of Alliance Conquest, [N0X] lost against [RRH] but their efforts were repaid with a smaller loss in points, that made [N0X] still remain in reach of their goal, Ultimate Conquest. However, now being 2 wins - 2 loses, left no room for future loses as that would mean a one-way ticket home. In the days prior to the 5th round of the event, [N0X] started checking the Alliance Conquest leaderboard, see what alliances are around [N0X] in ranking points, debating over the possible enemies and send ravens to their friends trying to have a better understanding of the enemies' power and most importantly what time they choose to fight usually. The other [N0X] warriors, used the time to sharpen their Valyrian steel weapons that went blunt by hitting walls in the prior fight and also train more higher tier troops to join their army. Everything was done just in time as the sun was setting already on January 14th, the day prior to the battle. In the night that followed, the Old Gods did the matchmaking and early in the morning of 15th, every [N0X] warrior rushed to the announcement board to check whom their facing in the battle.
As seen on the leaderboard, the Old Gods decided that [N0X] will fight [SFu], an alliance that on paper at least was looking slightly stronger than [N0X] in both alliance score and alliance power and they also had a very good attendance track. They were also 3 wins - 1 loss on the prior 4 rounds so they had the moral advantage. But that didn't discourage [N0X] at all, as they fought stronger enemies in past and managed to emerge victorious. Knowing the opponent [N0X], the leadership sat to the table and started making the roster for the upcoming battle, and late in the evening, a few hours before the fight, they posted the roster on the tavern. Everyone went to check their assignments and so did Shado and LadyKnight. For this fight, LadyKnight was chosen to lead troops into battle while Shado will take the waterboy assignment (joke joke, he's still a racer, no idea why though, he never wins any races). With all set and done, everyone on [N0X] answered the 18:30 call and they started entering the battlefield.
With just a few seconds before the fight starts, it was 86 warriors for [N0X] vs 80 warriors for [SFu]. Not the biggest attendance for [N0X] but not the worst either and having a few fighters over the enemy is always a welcomed sign. The battle started quickly after with the opening of the 2 outposts along with Temple of the Mother and Tower of the Warrior. Shado was assigned to run for the Tower of the Warrior and he was surely hoping he'll actually win a building, but did he manage to? As you probably expected, no he did not, he lost to squire.
Temple of the Mother and Lannister Outpost also went to [N0X] while [SFu] managed to get Targaryen Outpost. Then [N0X] proceeded to swapping their racers with rally leaders and handshakes were exchanged between squire and Ice Bear, Grimmjow J and Mablung974 and MeetTheDevil with VERGO. Two of the swaps went well but on Temple of the Mother [N0X] had a weewoo weewoo technical difficulty that almost lost them the building, but it was saved in the last second. Seeing the situation, [SFu] didn't just lay down weapons and waited for the end of fight, they started a wave of rallies on Temple of the Mother.
The rallies were timed well and [SFu] managed to take Temple of the Mother from [N0X]. However, in the process of rallying Temple, they lost Targaryen Outpost to [N0X] solos, so the buildings were still 3-1 in [N0X] favor. It was now time for both Ports to open, and Shado was assigned to race for the Lannister Port, a race that he lost to HotepRa, on the other side of the map [SFu] managed to take the Targaryen Port and they also managed to retake the Targaryen Outpost, and things weren't looking that good anymore for [N0X]. Orders were coming from the higherups to retake Temple of Mother and the warriors did so. A wave of sped up rallies was assembled in order to retake the Temple.
The rallies were successful, and the Temple was once more on [N0X] side. Then it was time for Casterly Rock to open and once more Shado tried to get'it for [N0X] and once more he failed, Grimmjow J was faster. [N0X] then performed their usual swap, trying to get DYW into Casterly Rock but then [SFu] managed to intercept the swap and like that wasn't bad enough, they also managed to take Lannister Port. Big speed bump for [N0X], so big that Belore II took his Angy cat cardboard out and that was the sign for everyone in [N0X] to bring their A game on the battlefield.
Belore II took the Targaryen Outpost back by himself with solos, while [N0X] rallied and took back Lannister Port and Casterly Rock.
With all their buildings gone, their hive under constant pressure and no buffs to rally, [SFu] decided to stop trying to stay in the fight and save their healings and marching speeds for another fight. However, [N0X] had one more surprise for them and just before they hit 80000 points, they disbanded all the buildings in [SFu]'s favor. [SFu] took the chance to score some extra points for the extra rewards and they occupied all the buildings and a few minutes later the announcement of fight ending was made.
Overall great fight from both sides, [N0X] was just more determined and ultimately had the superior firepower on the fight. [N0X] still has a good chance to get into Ultimate Conquest for the first time, assuming they will win in the last round of this season. Will they be able to win? We'll have to wait and see. See you all on the battlefield!