A new season of Arena of Honor started and with it, a new warrior decided to step into the battlefield. His name is [N0X]OliverQ and in some other multiverse he's secretly known as The Green Arrow (don't mind the secret identity reveal) but here on the Westeros Universe he's just a small rank warrior trying to get on the higher ranks of the various battlefields. The start of a new Arena of Honor season caught his eye, and he decided to give 'it a try. Being a small rank warrior, he couldn't find any team that would want him in their ranks, so decided to prove his worth, he asked around how exactly the infamous solo que works in the event. With the gathered information's from other [N0X] members all he remained for him to do is decide the time he wants to fight on. He thought that superheroes fight best on dark, so he was to choose either 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. After a long thought process, he decided to go late in the evening hoping he'll catch his enemies sleeping and off guard. With troops prepared and his dragons equipped he started marching towards the mercenary camp and upon the arrival he signed the registering forms and waited for the matchmaking along with other warriors in the camp.

After the matchmaking concluded it was time for the warriors to enter the battlefield, and for this fight OliverQ was assigned to fight in the North-East forests, very close of the frozen North, for House Baratheon. Upon entering he took a look at his team members, obviously being his 1st fight, he didn't know anyone, but he noticed that all his teammates were warriors around his rank so that was a good sign, or at least that's what he thought. Fighting along him were [FeA]Wypa Ctapk, [NGU]Lohitang, [R2N]Phenatull, [tNt]genio, [AvO]A Magno, [K0H[W I T O, [LID]Snowy White, [I4I]paul 1970 and [G01]Teixeira 1.

After getting to know his team members, he took a look at enemy teams, not necessarily to see who's there but mostly to see if any houses invited premade teams. And to no surprise Cersei couldn't help herself and decided to give House Lannister an advantage over other houses by inviting [TN2] team.

Once that was settled it was time for the actual fight, and the rush for the first 7 strongholds started for every House, Baratheon's included. OliverQ managed to secure two strongholds for the team and after 2 minutes he decided to go with building Trading Posts hoping the teammates will notice and follow with the same buildings. But did they follow? Of course not, everyone built what he thought its best, like you know when you order a shawarma, and they ask you what you want on it, and you say everything? Thats how House Baratheon's strongholds were looking, they had everything, Trading Posts, Cavalry Camps, Bowman Camps, Infantry Camps.
With not much he could do about it, OliverQ decided to move on and in just a few minutes another set of strongholds opened along with the first Altar of the fight. OliverQ decided to try his strength on the altar and sent a solo attack. Upon arriving to his destination, he found [TN2]MickH there, the strongest warrior on the battlefield, as he'll find out later on. A fight emerged between the 2 for the ownership of the Altar.

MickH was victorious by quite a lot but that didn't discourage OliverQ, he rushed his troops back to his castles, applied some miraculous elixirs to heal them and sent them back into the battle for the same altar. MickH was still there but as he had to maintain a permanent occupation, he was unable to heal his wounded and resend a full army. Despite having a lower number of troops present on the battlefield, MickH managed to win again and OliverQ had to give up on the Altar. Besides that, House Baratheon had other more pressing problems, he was the House directly hit by House Lannister's NPC attacks, the House that had a team who actually had a way to communicate, and they all built cavalry camps unlike House Baratheon that had a shawarma style built on the 2nd round of strongholds too. And then, not even 20 minutes into the fight, the disaster was on the horizon for House Baratheon, as an NPC attack occupied their main building. Knowing from his alliance mates that losing the main building is the worst thing that can happen, OliverQ quickly assembled his best bowmen and attempted to retake the main building.
Lucky for him and his teammates, the [TN2] warriors didn't notice the house occupation and didn't send reinforcements so OliverQ managed to take 'it back and to make sure that this won't happen again for the rest of the match he decided to leave his lord and his best bowmen there to guard the building. But now the question was, what can a warrior do for the rest of the fight without Lord? As it will be seen later on, joining rallies was the answer. Talking about rallies, it was time for City of Glory to open, main target for House Baratheon and the rest of the houses. With all the catapults being held by House Lannister, keeping City of Glory won't be an easy task for House Baratheon, but 1 step at a time, first they had to take' it from House Lannister. [Av0]A Magno decided to take the challenge, he assembled the rally and rushed towards City of Glory where he met, you guessed right, [TN2]MickH.

MickH proved to be House Baratheon's nemesis once more and he won the fight quite easily. A Magno tried one more rally but using the same formation with same troops to get another result didn't work, as expected, and House Baratheon had to give up on City of Glory. However, they were still on track to get 2nd place and looked for ways to secure at least that. It was House Baratheon's NPC's that found a crack in House Stark main building defense and managed to occupy 'it. With House Stark not reacting in time, House Baratheon now had 2 buildings and then took some of House Stark's outposts and that was enough to ensure them the 2nd place by the end of the fight.

Excelent 1st Round for OliverQ and a well-deserved 2nd place. He also scored 1st place in eliminations and 2nd place in healing rankings proving his worth for the team and his House. He's now tasted the adrenaline rush of Arena of Honor fights and he's eagerly waiting for the next round. See you all on the battlefield!