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Another Raid :D

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 11/05/2022 05:58

Hello my fellow peasants and trolls and welcome back to another story time with uncle Jabber. This story we will go into a bit of detail over a raid that Jabber and TheWhite undertook on the server of K51. The raid was fun and there was a bit of action. Let's get to some reports!

Fighting kicks off with theWhite finding a target to collect a prisoner and some delicious resources. The raid group will need to find some resources on the server to rebuild and heal up troops during this raid. TheWhite turn's his attention to a one million troop target and takes him down with two attacks. TheWhite makes sure to keep his troops safe while attacking. Jabber is located nearby and provides safety through numbers and a castle to stash troops and resources.

TheWhite finds a larger target who has better stats than the first. This player requires 4 attacks for TheWhite to clean out but after four attacks NeoMonte is zeroed out. TheWhite decides to sit back and heal up and rebuild a few troops so he bubbles up for a little bit. Jabber sits next to theWhite without his bubble expecting Neo will not attack Jabber but secretly hoping they do.

Jabber is solo attacked by Neo Ebolatzu and manages to capture his commander. Jabber lost 20k T4 spear and the rest of the troops lost were T3 and T1 troops. Neo Ebolatzu lost over 450k T4 spear troops in the attack. After the attack Jabber realized a few things. Mainly he realized that he still hasn't rebuilt his hospital capacity. Jabber checked out the stats and saw that Ebolatzu has some solid stats and he did pretty well considering what he attacked. Jabber was attacked when he no longer had HoF bonus and war fervor bonus. The total attack damage missing from Jabber's damage was sorely missed in this attack.

The following day is the Lord of War phase of the LoL event. Jabber starts out by securing some resources and a prisoners.

Most of the targets have no troops or at most a few thousand. The point of these attacks is to secure resources to rebuild t3 troops lost the previous day in the solo attack. Jabber doesn't have a bank on the server and so must go castle to castle stealing resources. Lucky for Jabber and theWhite there are many castles on the server with no bubbles who seem to produce a lot of resources everyday.

Jabber wipes out some more resources from several castles. He has enough resources now to rebuild his t3 troops lost the previous day. Jabber can now safely run his spear setup again. Jabber took the time to build a hospital as well.

The attacks get Jabber second place in the Lord of War phase of the LoL event. But Jabber has a long way to go if he wants to secure some of those sweet sweet sabrina medals.

Jabber will need to find a lot of unbubbled troops if he wishes to secure a top 100 finish this LoL. Jabber has done this before so let's hope he finds someone slipping! Thanks for joining me for another tale of raids! Chocolate rain, Awaaaay
