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Clash of the titans, N30 vs ATD in Siege of winterfell S8R4

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/09/2022 06:19

 Hello Bandit Army and welcome to today's adventure

In part 4 of this 6 part mini series we follow [N3O] as they face up against [ATD] in a clash of titans, On paper this promises to be an incredible matchup. The winner will have a good chance of clinching the overall crown for the Ultimate League of Siege of Winterfell Season 8

[N3O] have set the bar very high, they usually play the event at 19:00 GMT but in order to win the event we need to beat [ATD] to give us a lead in points so [N3O] choose to play at 13:00gmt so they can face [ATD].

 Not only must we beat them but we need to win with as many points as possible to try and increase our lead so that we can secure the top spot.

This is a tall order when you consider the opponents, Players like the Nightking & the Nightqueen, two of the strongest warriors in the seven kingdoms, 

Backed by a legion of strong players, warriors like, imperial rock, salsadance & wise joker to name a few. [ATD] are no stranger to reigning terror through the seven kingdoms and this will be difficult and very expensive match for both alliances but if anyone has the ability to stop [ATD] its [N3O]

The early team talk is very positive, we have 1 advantage; [ATD] don’t have all their members in a single voice channel so their communication will be slower. 

Leadership informs us that we need to use this to our advantage by focusing on pincer damage to attack the big accounts as groups so we can remove them from the fight as quickly as possible

The battle lines are drawn, we assemble our forces into the four groups 

Armory 1 - Their job is to help secure the armory, but this team of fighters also roam the map to attack large groups of enemies wherever the enemy might group up

Armory 2 - Their job is to secure the armory & hold it for the duration of the match

Hot Springs - Their job is to secure the hot springs and hold it for the duration of the match

Runners - This smaller group’s job is to secure buildings and make sure that N3O has map domination

At the start of the battle its 89 vs 85, we have the superior numbers even though we are playing out of our regular time slot , a good start

At the start of the event its clear to see that the bulk of the ATD forces are heading towards the Hot Springs, this will be an expensive match and we can only assume they want the hotsprings to help with the healing & to bleed us of our speed ups 

Armory 1 redirects to the Hot Springs  to help secure it, The war drums beat out the sound of the march as we move in unison to secure our allotted locations, we have no intention of losing this match, actually quite the opposite, the calls are being made for use to drive them back as fast as possible so we can secure the most points possible to help bolster our position in the tournament rankings 

We play a trick, trapping the ATD fighters at Hot Springs by grouping our players at base 4 and allowing ATD to capture the Hot Springs  while our players move from base 4 to base 2 to kill all the smaller accounts that were left behind at the enemy's base to, By the time the enemy fighters backtracked to base 2 we had significantly reduced the number of there supporting fighters

It's a long fight at base 2 and players keep refreshing to heal on the enemies side, it's a shorter march for them than it is for use, we send a sneaky group to capture the Hot Springs while we continue to fight at base 2. After about 10 minutes we are overrun and our forces need to flee in order to recall and regroup at Winterfell, its 2 minutes before the first package will drop 

The first of many healing bills 

While we regroup at winterfelll and out number the enemy they focus on capturing the Hot Springs, they need to heal. Even though they are outnumbered at winterfell [ATD] manage to pick up the box and run with it to a group of reinforcements that was waiting just on the right hand side of winterfell

The battle for the first box is epic, it takes what seems like ages to move it only a few metres at a time. Non stop action for about 6 minutes before we get a little break, Kenty picks up the box and runs unchallenged for a good few metres, after that intense battle that was the most the box moved all game so far but wise joker is able to catch up to kenty and take him out 

The few players that are there get pincered down quickly and we continue to move the box along the path, it seems the enemy has given up on the first package as they redirect their attention to capturing the buildings and after a gruelling 10 minute battle we finally deliver the first package.

We heal up and regroup to retake the buildings from the enemy. 20 minutes into the match and we have an early lead, Leadership pushes us to work harder to finish this match as soon as possible

When the second package drops we have no challenge at winterfell but there is an ambush waiting just on the left side Will this second package delivery be as difficult as the first one? 

Its seems it's just a small ambush, nothing to worry about as we pincer down the enemies and run the box to base 3 unchallenged, meanwhile the enemy has broken into small groups to roam the map and recapture the buildings from us

We have assigned small groups of players to hold buildings and the enemy turns their focus onto killing these small groups while our main forces run the box. Was this a good move on their part? Should they have defended the box? 

We counter there move by sending in an attack squad of our own to clean up their roaming troops

At 30minutes into the event we are dominating, now the goal is to finish the match without spending unnecessary healing speed ups

The third winterfell package spawns and its unchallenged by the enemy, leadership see the victory in sight and encourages us to keep pushing, to end this match as soon as possible so that we can score max points, we need every sing point available for us to win Season 8

The war drums can be heard for miles around as we march to victory, driving the enemy into their base, at the 35 mark  we have total domination

thanks for reading

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