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Guess what? I have a story I would like to share. If you are a peasant or a troll than you should check out this edition of story time with Jabber. Our friend Kif finds himself in a tight spot. Kif scouts a target that is right on the verge of being a rally target or solo target. Kif doesn't know what to do? Should he bring his accounts to the server to fill a rally? This will lower his losses but also give server more time to react and attack Kif. Also the defending player may wake up from his stupor and bubble up. Solo attack will of course result in the deaths of many brave bowmen. What will Kif do?!?
Kif does YOLO solo of course.
The first attack isn't too bad. Luckily for Kif, XFA Thorkil Eiks has no remaining hospital capacity by the time he is attacked. All 1 million troops go directly to the cemetery. They do not pass go nor do they collect $200. Kif knew he would be suffering a lot of damage this attack so he boosted the number of T3 troops in the attack up to over half a million. This tactic results in fewer T4 troops wounded and dead. The other side of that coin is that T3 troops also do less damage than T4 troops. Kif lost less T4 but he also did less damage to the enemy. It is just another consideration to take while setting up your attack formation.
The second attack looks a whole lot like the first one. Kif loses another 19 million power. Thorkil Eiks actually loses less power on the second attack than the first one. Eiks lost over a million troops again. It won't take long before Eiks is zeroed out.
Third attack and kif is losing only two hundred thousand T3 troops. Eiks is losing less total power and troops but is still losing over a million troops in the attacks. We are back to mere formality now because the outcome of this match has already been determined. Eiks is going to die. Eik's commander shall be captured. Kif will have to rebuild many T3 troops. Eiks probably quit the game.
Kif lost only one hundred thousand troops on this attack and caused less than a million losses for Eiks. The T4 losses for Eiks is now much higher than previous attacks. These hits are the money makers for Kif's merit search.
Eiks is now inside Kif's prison. But at least he is enjoying 3 hots and a cot. I think this week Kif is sharing with his prisoner's a Pauly Shore movie marathon. The first movie up is "In the Army Now", starring Pauly Shore. In this laugh out loud comedy a down and out stoner, Pauly Shore, decides to become a water hydration specialist in the US Army! But things go from bad to worse as Pauly Shore is sent to Iraq in order to quench the thirst of a wartime army. Will Pauly Shore be an Army of one or will this be it for the stoner? Get captured by Kif and find out!
The important thing to take away from this raid is to always stay bubbled. No one wants to watch a Pauly Shore movie.