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Children's Day Celebration in Infinity Kingdom!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 06/15/2024 02:28

Hi everyone, Mael here again to discuss the latest event in Infinity Kingdom where we celebrate Children.

In the land of Norheim, amidst battles and invasions, our people—both young and old—stand resilient. As you, the lord protecting this realm, oversee the rebuilding of cities, it becomes evident that children, with their innocence and fresh perspectives, often uncover solutions that elude others. The Children's Day Event honors their purity and wisdom, reminding us that in Norheim and our own world, their outlook can inspire hope and guide us toward brighter days. Join this event to honor their spirit and embrace the insights they offer on our journey.

As usual in Infinity Kingdom seasonal events, during the festival, you'll find reward-filled bags by taking on map challenges, gathering resources from your territories, and defeating gnomes and their bosses. It's important to work hard every day in Infinity Kingdom, but during this event, these bags provide additional currency to spend on the festival. This helps children whose lives are marked by the threat of invaders and the distant roar of dragons near their homes, bringing a sparkle to their eyes. These bags contain Ride Tokens for the event shop, along with resources and speedups to help you on your way.

Tips: For gnomes and bosses, utilize AP wisely and check if your server is hosting a Gnomes Hunt event simultaneously to maximize rewards from both events. Ask governors or kings to appoint you to a treasury position to maximize resource collection in your territory. Activate resource buffs and equip your best castle skin, like my favorite, Mont Saint Michel, to enhance resource production to its fullest.

In the Joyful Park, daily tasks reward you with Ride Tokens, Imagination Blocks representing youthful creativity, and promising gems. Completing these tasks not only advances your progress bar but also enhances the festival's vibrant atmosphere. Each day, you can engage in various tasks such as training troops, expelling gnomes, and summoning immortals. Maxing out the progress bar by the end of the event will grant you:

  • Stardust x40 (used to upgrade Immortal Portraits)
  • Imagination Block x420 (used to progress in Wonderful Home Tab to decorate and bring joy to your home, to get rewards)
  • Crystal Marbles x30 (used to tier-1 rewards in the Exchange of Joy Tab)

In the Wonderful Home tab, where dreams become reality, use Imagination Blocks to unlock rewards on the right-hand side. Explore and discover unique treasures and priceless experiences offered by the festival.

To make the most of your resources:

Navigate to the Wonderful Home tab where you can use Imagination Blocks to advance through the reward columns on the right side. Additional rewards can be unlocked with 3,500 gems (middle column), and even more are available with a $19.99 purchase (right column).

Now let's talk rewards through the Exchange of Joy Tab.

Alright, so you can trade Ride Tokens and Crystal Marbles for rewards. Crystal Marbles are harder to get, while Ride Tokens are easier to earn through Daily Tasks in the Heart of Innocence tab.

Ride Coins: The most valuable rewards you can get with Ride Tokens are definitely 100 Stardust, 60 Random Immortal Fragments, and 1 Epic Artifact Schematic. By staying active during the event and completing daily tasks, you'll easily reach these rewards.

Crystal Marbles: The most valuable rewards you can get with Crystal Marbles are definitely the 60 Shadow and Holy Immortal Chest, Unique Artifact Selection Chest (where you can select Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth or Fire chests and obtain one exclusive artifact) and Crimson Moonlight x10 (used to upgrade chaos Immortals Portraits).

Rewards obtained from Ride Tokens are easily accessible through activity. However, rewards above obtained from Crystal Marbles require planning and investment. Let's have a closer look at how to obtain these premium rewards

Free Obtention: You can obtain 30 Crystal Marbles in the Joyful Park Tab finishing all daily tasks over 5 days. You will also obtain 420 Imagination Block to be used in the Wonderful Home Tab.

Maximizing Your Crystal Marbles and Unlocking Premium Rewards

So, let's say you have already earned 30 Crystal Marbles by completing the progress bar. You can get an additional 10 Crystal Marbles by spending 3500 gems, another 30 by spending $19.99, or a total of 40 by spending both. This would give you a potential total of 70 Crystal Marbles. If you only spend 3500 gems, you'll have 40 Crystal Marbles (30 + 10) by the end of the event, which is enough to unlock a unique Artifact.

Interested in unlocking a brand new Shadow or Holy Immortal? You'll need 90 Crystal Marbles. As explained above, by completing the daily tasks, and spending 3500 gems and $19.99, you already have 70 Crystal Marbles. To get the additional 20, the event offers bundles (see below). As usual, the more expensive the pack, the fewer Crystal Marbles you get per dollar spent.

So, to unlock a Shadow or Holy Immortal and gift yourself a cool present during the Children's Festival (yes, adults can think about themselves too), you would need to spend $19.99 plus an additional $19.99 bundle, totaling $40. I have no opinion on this spend as it depends on your budget allocated to IK. Please do not forget that even if you unlock one of those Immortals, you will not be able to max them without spending additional money through other Events such as Sparks of Galaxy or Theia Roulette. Therefore, the Unique Artifact Selection Chest is a better alternative for low spenders.

The Children's Day Event in Infinity Kingdom is a time to celebrate the innocence and creativity of children. Completing tasks and collecting rewards during this festival not only benefits your gameplay but also honors the spirit of Norheim's youngest inhabitants.

Join the event, complete your tasks, and make the most of the rewards. Celebrate the children, embrace their imagination, and let their spirit inspire you in Infinity Kingdom.

Thank you for reading this far!

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel.

Stay epic,

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