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[Open Arena] Season 7 - A New Beginning

Article Publish : 06/13/2024 19:46


Hello everyone! As a new season of Open Arena begins, a new set of immortal and skill restrictions has taken effect. Let’s explore the restrictions, breaking down the viability of each element, as well as the best teams currently at the top of the rankings.

Immortal Restrictions

As usual, two immortals from every element have been banned for use for this season. While some of these bans have little effect on the teams, others are crucial immortals that the team cannot function without, and their absence will render the element almost unusable this season.


For the wind immortals, Saladin and Baldwin have been banned. Saladin grew greatly in popularity last season, being capable of doing large amounts of damage to the enemy, and his absence makes wind less viable. On the other hand, Baldwin is rarely used in open arena, with there being many better options. Although wind is one of the least popular teams, it should still be a decent team this season, with Hannibal Barca available as the main damage dealer.


Seondeok and Ashoka are the ones who have been banned for this season. While the Ashoka ban does not affect fire teams much, Seondeok is usually the main damage dealer for fire teams, and her absence will weaken fire. However, a strong fire team can still be built with Empress Wu, who is more than capable of doing enough damage, and most people will likely still select fire.


Lightning is in a great spot this season, with none of their key immortals banned. El Cid and Louis are both rarely used in lightning teams, so their absence is not something that many players will miss. The standard lightning team with Peter, Tokugawa, Genghis Khan and Hammurabi will finally make a comeback after sitting on the sidelines for the past few seasons.


Water is the least popular element, as it has unfavourable matchups against most of the popular teams in open arena. The banning of Margaret and Merlin exacerbates this, as the latter is the main damage dealer on water teams. As a result, we will most likely see even fewer water teams this season.


Charles and Pakal are both great immortals who have been used to great effect on earth teams in the past, and for those who choose earth, their presence will definitely be missed. However, earth has many strong defensive immortals, and it will not be an issue to replace them with other immortals such as Yi Sun Shin.


Removing both backline immortals for shadow will force players to have to build around Tutankhamun as their sole damage dealer. They will also have to supplement the backline with another immortal, since Tomyris is left as the only backline immortal in shadow. 


Manco Capac has been banned again, as has been the case for a few seasons. With him absent, holy teams take a huge hit, as he is one of the best damage dealers in the game. The banning of Julius Caesar on top of Manco causes holy to have only Khubilai Khan available as a frontline immortal, so holy teams will also have to take an immortal from another element to fill up the front row.


Although all 5 chaos immortals are always available, more and more players have been gravitating towards Fu Fei. With her ability to remove all control effects on allies and the healing she provides on top of that, she is undoubtedly the strongest immortal in open arena. 

Skill Restrictions

Out of these 4 skills currently unavailable in open arena, No Escape definitely has the largest impact. It is a great counter to fire teams, silencing the entire enemy team for 6 seconds when the battle starts. On the other hand, Storm Strike and Memory Defence are not skills that are used often, and their ban will go unnoticed for most players. Stormeye is often used on secondary or tertiary teams, however it is easily replaceable with other skills, and its absence will have little impact on players.

Top Teams

The bans on the immortals this season has caused almost all the elements to be equally viable, resulting in a wide range of teams that vary wildly from player to player. In this section, we will take a look at which elements are the strongest this season, and what skills are the best on them. 

Option 1: Shadow, Fire, Lightning

There is little risk when choosing this set of teams, as all 3 of the selected elements are able to form their standard teams with no issues. By selecting Fu Fei as the chaos immortal, she can fill the gap in the backline of shadow teams, where she fits perfectly. The fire and lightning teams are tried and tested teams, and there is no doubt that they will perform well again this season.

Option 2: Holy, Fire, Lightning

This is also another conservative set up that will definitely do well this season. Both fire and lightning teams have no irreplaceable immortals banned, and are easily able to form powerful teams. Holy teams are a bit more tricky, as they only have one frontline immortal this season. The gap can be filled by Tokugawa, who fills the role perfectly. Having no shadow team also opens up the shadow dragon to be deployed on the lightning team, giving it a big boost in power.

Option 3: Holy, Fire, Earth

A similar set up to Option 2, the only difference being the swap from lightning to earth. For holy teams, it is almost identical, with there being little difference in power when swapping from Tokugawa to Yi Sun Shin. However, earth teams are generally slightly weaker than lightning teams, which is where this set up may suffer the most.

Option 4: Shadow, Wind, Earth

By far the most radical of the 4 options, this set up omits the fire team in favour of an earth team and a wind team. The wind team is one of the strongest secondary teams available, and is even capable of winning shadow and holy teams. However, this comes at the cost of a weak tertiary team, which is mostly made up of the immortals who did not make it onto the wind team. 

My Opinion

Personally, I think that holy teams are just barely able to edge out shadow teams, and would recommend selecting holy over shadow. For the normal elements, I think that a fire team is a must have, with either an earth or lightning team as the third team. Between earth and lightning teams, I think that lightning teams are the safer option, as they have performed well for multiple seasons, and would choose them over earth. 

Regarding chaos immortals, Fu Fei will always be my go to choice in open arena. With her ability to remove all control effects and heal allied units, her power in open arena is unmatched. Even among the chaos immortals, none of them are able to come close to what she is able to do.


Now that we are two days into Season 7 of open arena, a clearer picture of the best teams for this season is starting to form. This season is shaping up to be another exciting season, with a wide variety of teams all capable of fighting for the top spots on the leaderboard. 

Stay tuned for my mid season update in 2 weeks time, when the skill restrictions are updated!

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