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Portrait vs. Talent Tree: The Dragon Dilemma Revealed!

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 05/18/2024 00:42

Hey everyone, it's Mael here! Today, we're tackling a classic dilemma: should you prioritize leveling up your Dragon Portrait or nurturing your Dragon Talent Tree first? While some may debate if it's truly a dilemma, the truth is, both are vital for success in the game. So let's dive in and discover the best path to victory together!

Dragon Talent Tree 

Your Dragon Talent Tree is a treasure trove of game-changing abilities and nodes, each offering unique advantages that can elevate your gameplay to new heights. As you delve deeper into your talent investments and acquire essential nodes, you may find that further enhancements yield diminishing returns. This is where the allure of portrait levels shines through. We'll come back to that later on.

A. Special Nodes

At the center of your Dragon Talent Tree are Special Nodes, unique to your dragon's specialization. As an example, let's consider the earth dragon, which presents three unique specializations: Collapse, Aftershock, and Fissure. Opting for Aftershock, my Dragon’s talent tree prominently features Sandstorm Breath and Earth Roar Prime nodes! Each of the new Prime Specialization Abilities consists of 10 ranks!

These nodes offer big upgrades, but you'll need Dragon Elemental Crystals, earned from beating gnome bosses, to unlock them. And to level up, you'll also need Dragon Essences. To gather Dragon Essences in Infinite Kingdom:

  • Time Rift Breaker Shop: Acquire up to 3 Dragon Essences per session from the Time Rift Breaker shop.
  • IB Prime League: Earn a total of 45 Dragon Essences in one season of IB Prime League.
  • Throne of the Supreme: Gather 15 Dragon Essences from each season of Throne of the Supreme.
  • In-Game Purchases: Access Dragon Essences through Bundles, available for purchase with real money. This allows you to bypass the grind and instantly acquire the essences you need, available alongside other items in the in-game shop, offering 18 Dragon Essences per week at varying costs.

B. Important Nodes

Opposite the Prime nodes are Important nodes, offering four types of boosts:

  • Claws: More damage. Increases Damage Dealt.
  • Robust: Better defense. Increase Resilience Rate.
  • Armor: Less damage taken. Reduces Damage Taken.
  • Gaze: Improved accuracy. Increase Accuracy Rate.

These nodes significantly influence your dragon's performance, making them vital for your strategy. Each Major Node can be upgraded five times, increasing from 1% to 5%.

C. Minor Nodes

In the Dragon Talent Tree, you'll find six varieties of minor nodes. These nodes contribute to enhancements in your Immortals' physical and magical damage, defense, resilience, and accuracy bonuses. Each minor node offers three levels of improvement, unlocked using standard Dragon Crystals of the corresponding element type obtained from defeating gnome bosses.

  • Physical Defense: Enhances physical defense by 30/60/90.
  • Physical Attack: Boosts physical attack by 30/60/90.
  • Magical Defense: Strengthens magical defense by 30/60/90.
  • Magical Attack: Amplifies magical attack by 30/60/90.
  • Resilience: Bolsters resilience by 30/60/90.
  • Accuracy: Improves accuracy by 30/60/90.

As we wrap up our exploration of the Dragon Talent Tree, it's evident that the path is paved with strategic decisions and resource management. Understanding the nuances of special, important, and minor nodes is crucial for optimizing your dragon's potential.

Now that we've uncovered the intricacies of the Dragon Talent Tree, let's shift our focus to another vital component of dragon evolution: Dragon Portraits.

Dragon Portraits

Increasing your Dragon Portrait levels gives your dragon big stat bonuses. But here's the catch: as you level up, it gets super expensive. At some point, you're spending out thousands of Dragon crystals for just tiny boosts. It's a lot for just a little extra power. Even though it becomes pricier as you go, boosting your Dragon Portrait levels is vital for staying competitive against top players. It's all about managing your resources wisely, including gold, and farming loads of Dragon Crystals every single day to keep pushing those portrait levels higher. Sure, it costs a ton of Dragon Crystals for relatively small boosts, but it's a necessary step to keep up with the big leagues.

When you're deciding whether to level up your Dragon Portrait or focus on the Dragon Talent Tree, think about where you are in the game. Here's the deal:

Dragon Portrait Levels:


  • Boosts your dragon's stats a lot.
  • Keeps you competitive against tough players.
  • Helps you manage your resources and plan your strategy.
  • Feels good to see your progress.


  • Gets more and more expensive as you go up, needing lots of Dragon Crystals.
  • The boosts you get become smaller compared to what you're spending.
  • You have to farm Dragon Crystals every day to keep up.

Dragon Talent Tree:


  • Unlocks cool abilities that can really help in battles.
  • Guides you through a clear path of upgrades.
  • Gives you immediate advantages in fights.


  • Needs careful planning to get the best upgrades first.
  • Might not give you big benefits after a while.
  • Can seem less exciting compared to leveling up your dragon's stats.

The best plan is to start with Dragon Portrait levels for a solid boost, then switch to the Talent Tree once you've got the basics covered. Later on, when you've got the essential abilities, go back to leveling up your Dragon Portrait. This way, you can balance your progress and make your dragon as strong as possible.

To conclude

In Infinity Kingdom, mastering both the Dragon Talent Tree and Dragon Portraits is key to becoming a top player. By balancing your focus between these two aspects, you can maximize your dragon's strength and dominate the game. Remember, it's not about choosing one over the other, but finding the right balance to unleash your dragon's full potential and reign supreme in the kingdom!

One thing is for sure, you gotta snag those Dragon Crystals every day! So, get out there, bash those Gnome Bosses, and rake in those shiny crystals. It's all fun and games until your dragon becomes an unstoppable force!

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel.

Stay epic,

download Infinity Kingdom now and script your legend.

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